Unit 6 木偶奇遇记
①Pinocchio is hungry and looks for an egg to cook himself an omelet; but, to his surprise, the omelet flies out of the window. ②If the Cricket's death scared Pinocchio at all, it was only for a very few moments. ③For, as night came on, a queer, empty feeling at the pit of his stomach reminded the Marionette that he had eaten nothing as yet.
④A boy's appetite grows very fast, and in a few moments the queer, empty feeling had become hunger, and the hunger grew bigger and bigger, until soon he was as ravenous as a bear.
⑤Poor Pinocchio ran to the fireplace where the pot was boiling and stretched out his hand to take the cover off, but to his amazement the pot was only painted! ⑥Think how he felt!⑦His long nose became at least two inches longer.
⑧He ran about the room, dug in all the boxes and drawers, and even looked under the bed in search of a piece of bread, hard though it might be, or a cookie, or perhaps a bit of fish.
⑨A bone left by a dog would have tasted good to him!
⑩But he found nothing.
⑪And meanwhile his hunger grew and grew.⑫The only relief poor Pinocchio had was to yawn; and he certainly did yawn, such a big yawn that his mouth stretched out to the tips of his ears.⑬Soon he became dizzy and faint.
Key words and phrases
omelet [ˈɒmlɪt] n.煎蛋卷
ravenous [ˈrævənəs] a.极饿的

译 匹诺曹饿了,准备找个鸡蛋给自己做个煎蛋卷;但令他吃惊的是,蛋卷飞出了窗外。
结构分析 该句子在文章开头给读者介绍匹诺曹饿了,但蛋卷又飞出了窗外,留下了悬念,为后文故事的发展埋下伏笔。

译 如果蟋蟀的死吓到了匹诺曹,那也只是一小会儿。

译 这时候天渐渐黑了,匹诺曹突然想起来自己还没有吃东西,觉得肚子空空的、不舒服。

译 孩子总是这样,一想吃就越来越想吃,几分钟工夫,感觉空空的就变成了肚子饥饿,肚子越来越饿,饿得他像只饥饿的熊。

译 可怜的匹诺曹马上向壁炉扑过去,那儿有个锅子正在冒热气,他伸手打算揭开锅盖,但让他感到意外的是那锅子只是画在墙上的!
⑥Think how he felt!
译 诸位想象一下吧,他该是多么失望啊!
语法分析 该句子是how引导的感叹句,how意为“多么”,修饰形容词或副词。

译 他那个本来已经很长的鼻子,马上又至少长了两英寸。

译 于是他满屋子乱跑,搜遍了所有的箱子和抽屉,甚至想在床底下找哪怕是一丁点儿干面包,或者一小块曲奇饼,或是一小块鱼肉。

译 一块狗啃过的骨头对他来说也是美味!

译 可他什么也没找到。

译 这时他肚子越来越饿,越来越饿。

译 可怜的匹诺曹,他除了打哈欠毫无办法;他确实这么做了,他的哈欠打得那么长,以至于嘴巴都一直咧到耳朵边。

译 很快,他开始头晕目眩,变得虚弱起来。