单词4 项测验题 Questions
( ) 01. (A) 侵略的
(B) 令人愉快的
(C) 令人赞赏的
(D) 偶然的
( ) 02. (A) 气氛
(B) 附件
(C) 约定
(D) 器具
( ) 03. (A) 计算
(B) 申请
(C) 沟通
(D) 创造
( ) 04. (A) 使复杂
(B) 建设性的
(C) 贡献
(D) 好奇心
( ) 05. (A) 指挥官
(B) 熟人
(C) 调整
(D) 计算器
( ) 06. (A) 能力
(B) 代理商
(C) 电池
(D) 慈悲
( ) 07. (A) 专心
(B) 会议
(C) 合作
(D) 分类
( ) 08. (A) 澄清
(B) 议价
(C) 获取
(D) 自夸
( ) 09. (A) 吸收
(B) 弹跳
(C) 陪伴
(D) 评论
( ) 10. (A) 玛吉对任何事都很好奇。
(B) 玛吉对每件事情都很挑剔。
(C) 玛吉对每个人都谦恭有礼。
(D) 玛吉对每件事情都很忧心。
( ) 11. (A) 那个新来的家伙看起来很笨拙。
(B) 那个新来的家伙看来颇具侵略性。
(C) 那个新来的家伙看起来很有野心。
(D) 那个新来的家伙看来很尴尬了。
( ) 12. (A) 我和迈克有约。
(B) 我和迈克有场愉快的谈话。
(C) 我希望迈克来陪我。
(D) 迈克是我认识的人。
( ) 13. (A) 妈妈将我从睡梦中唤醒。
(B) 妈妈因为我不适当的行为而批评我。
(C) 妈妈对我的决定不予置评。
(D) 妈妈对我很生气。
( ) 14. (A) 蒂莫西沉溺于酒精之中。
(B) 蒂莫西控告他最好的朋友偷他的钱。
(C) 蒂莫西试着让自己熟悉新环境。
(D) 蒂莫西专心撰写他的新书。
( ) 15. (A) 应征者宣称他是个有证书的会计师。
(B) 应征者保证他有极佳的学习新事物的能力。
(C) 应征者坦承年轻时曾犯过罪。
(D) 应征者认为他完全适合这个工作。
01. What are you absorbed in at present? What for? (studies / assume / acquire / knowledge / world)
02. How would you adjust yourself to a new environment? (make acquaintance / people /acquaint myself with / assignment)
03. Under what kind of circumstances will you blush? (criticize / in front of / another person)
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and ocean. The rising global temperature will arise problems such as rise of sea levels, shrinkage(缩小)of the Amazon rainforest, increases in the intensity(频繁) of extreme weather events, and species extinctions. Because of the large heat capacity of the oceans and the long lifetime of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)in the atmosphere, there are a few adjustments we have to make to reduce greenhouse gas emissions(放射)to reverse global warming. It's our responsibility to cherish the only earth we all share so we can assure our descendant(后代)of a safe planet.
By simply changing some of our behaviors, we may help to reduce greenhouse gases. The first thing we can do is to pay attention to how we use water. As a consumer, stop buying bottled water, or at least reuse the containers, so we don't waste all the packaging. Every time we turn off the water while we are brushing our teeth, we accomplish a big deal. Secondly, walk or bike to school. You can reduce greenhouse gases while you are burning calories and keep in shape. If you can't walk or bike, use mass transit.
Another thing that almost everyone can do is to recycle. Just by putting an aluminum can in a different bin for recycle, we can help to reduce pollution. According to the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States, if an office building of 7,000 workers recycled all of its office paper waste for a year, it would be the equivalent(相等物) of taking almost 4000 cars off the road.
Many of us know that baking soda is essential to a good loaf of banana bread, but it's also a great substitute(代替品) for cleaning products filled with chemical ingredients that harm the environment. Baking soda can absorb odors(臭气) in cabinets, refrigerators and trash cans. Also it is a wonderful source to clean wood furniture without harming our planet.
Global warming has become part of our future. With your assistance, we can slow down the process by reducing greenhouse gases emissions.
01. What is global warming?
02. What should we do to help protect the environment while we are brushing our teeth?
03. What can baking soda be used for besides baking?
04. As a student, what can you do to save the planet?