name·ly [ˈneɪmlɪ] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
副 即,就是
参考句型 (not)+...+enough+(...)+to do sth
▶I think there is only one person good enough to do this job, namely you.
na·tion·al·i·ty [ˌnæʃəˈnælətɪ] ....................... CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 国籍;国民
参考句型 not both / all / every...
▶Not all the people think that people of different nationalities can live together harmoniously(和睦地).
near·sighted [ˌnɪəˈsaɪtɪd] ............................CET4 CET6 考研
形 近视的
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶It is hard for a nearsighted person to see clearly(清楚地)the distant objects.
need·y [ˈni:dɪ] .......................TOEFL GRE
形 贫穷的,贫困的
同 poor 贫穷的
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶There are plenty of needy families in our village.
ne·glect [nɪˈɡlekt] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 不注意;不顾
动 疏忽;不顾
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶名 A little neglect may breed great mischief, but it's hard for us to follow this advice.
▶动 It is bad for us to pay attention to one side and neglect the other.
ne·go·ti·ate [nɪˈɡəʊʃɪeɪt] .....................CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
动 商议;谈判
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶It is no wonder that he successfully(成功地)negotiates a new contract with her company because he talks responsibly.
nev·er·the·less/none·the·less [ˌnevəðəˈles]/[ˌnʌnðəˈles] ..................... CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
副 尽管如此;然而
参考句型 whether...or...
▶Whether win or lose, they will nevertheless fight the war.
night·mare [ˈnaɪtmeə(r)] .....................CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
名 噩梦,梦魇
参考句型 what / how...!
▶What a nightmare! I narrowly(勉强地)escaped an accident just now.
non·sense [ˈnɒnsəns] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 废话,无意义的话
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶In fact, I don't think what he said last night was total nonsense.
noun [naʊn] .....................CET4 CET6 考研
名 名词
参考句型 there is no+名词+(in)+doing...
▶There is no point in using so many nouns of the same meaning in an article.
now·a·days [ˈnaʊədeɪz] .................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
副 当今,现在
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Nowadays more and more people like to travel abroad; don't you think so?现在越来越多的人喜欢出国旅游了,你不觉得吗?
nu·cle·ar [ˈnju:klɪə(r)] ...........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
形 原子核的
参考句型 (not)+...+enough+(...)+to do sth
▶The nuclear bomb is powerful enough to damage all these villages.
nu·mer·ous [ˈnju:mərəs] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 为数众多的
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶There are numerous stars shining in the sky. How beautiful they are!
nurs·er·y [ˈnɜ:sərɪ] ..................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 托儿所
参考句型 I am afraid (that)...
▶I am afraid that I have to resign my child to the care of the nursery.
ny·lon [ˈnaɪlɒn] ............................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 尼龙
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Don't you think nylon really(确实地)changed people's life at that time?