American Rag Cie Nagoya ARC 名古屋服装店
Design agency: MOMENT
Designers: Hisaaki Hirawata, Tomohiro Watabe
Location: Nagoya, Japan
Area: 316m2
Photography: Nacasa & Partners
摄影:Nacasa & Partners
American Rag Cie is the multi-brand store where you can enjoy the women's wear on the first floor, and the men's on the second. It is attempted not to include the existing glazed building for this store design process, as the modern look always quickens passers by. It is important to slow their pace . The customers enter the store as if they go back to the past. The both floors are spacious as there is no partition, but only pillars. It softly divides the space; the arches on the ceiling signify the individual area. The intimate atmosphere is brought by the old time.
Elevation 立面图
1F Plan 一楼平面图
2F Plan 二楼平面图