开头让步了很久,都不重要,听到reading is way too optimistic… Hydrogen is not the solution,确定预期正确,没有必要记录。
First,准备听与“取之不尽”相关的内容。hydrogen is not as easily available,原来H的利用也并不是随意的。Although…present in common substances,让步,承认确实H数量很多,很普遍。…not directly usable in that form,接下来肯定要讲用起来多麻烦。must first be obtained in a pure liquid state,开始展开为什么麻烦,首先必须是纯净的液态;highly artificial,必须人工获得;technologically very difficult to produce and store,继续说麻烦;must be kept very cold,展开store的麻烦;elaborate cooling technology,继续说store的麻烦。So…not…practical and easily available是废话。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:就算H到处都有,但H并不是取之即用,要用H必须是纯净的液态,这需要非常麻烦的人工过程,制造和存储都不方便,比如存储必须在很冷的状态,需要很精密的制冷工具。
Second,准备听污染。not solve the pollution,说明还是有污染,听为什么。Producing pure hydrogen creates… pollution,原来是H的制造产生污染。purification…requires…energy…by burning coal or oil,基本已经说清楚了,制造H需要一种提纯工艺,需要燃烧化石燃料,自然产生污染。creates lots of pollution,是废话。although the cars would not pollute,表让步,新的车不会产生污染,但后面肯定说制造燃料的过程产生污染。factories that generated the hydrogen…pollute,是废话。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:就算车不产生污染,但是新引擎还是会连带产生污染,因为制造H燃料需要一种提纯工艺,需要大量能量,而能量来自于燃烧化石燃料,这会产生污染。
Third,准备听价钱。won't cost savings,直接反驳这个理由,就是贵。manufacture the…engine,制造引擎很贵,那接下来肯定要讲贵在哪儿。require components made of platinum,基本已经说清楚了,需要铂金,这很贵。a very rare and expensive metal,是废话。Without the platinum…hydrogen doesn't…produces the electricity,解释为什么必须要用铂金,因为没有的话没法产生电力。All the efforts to replace…been unsuccessful,还是说必须要用铂金。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:新引擎还是会贵,因为一个原件必须用铂金造,而铂金很贵。没有这个原件,汽车没法产生电力,而目前铂金没法被替代。
The article presents three arguments why the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engines are superior and will probably soon replace the traditional internal-combustion engines,all of which are undermined in the lecture.
For starters,although the lecturer concedes that the petroleum required by internal-combustion engines is finite,she asserts that hydrogenis far not as accessible as the article suggests,because even though it is present everywhere,the only form of hydrogen that can be used is in a pure liquid form,which is highly artificial.It is difficult to produce and has to be stored under extremely cold temperature,which again entails an elaborate cooling technology.
Second, the lecture does not believe that the fuel-cell engines would reduce the pollution problem caused by the internal-combustion engines. True, the cars with the new fuel will not directly pollute, but to generate the hydrogen, factories have to burn coal or oil to produce enough energy, which will create a significant amount of pollution.
Last, the lecturer insists that the fuel-cell engines are very pricy, because a component of the engine has to be produced by platinum, an extremely expensive metal, or else the hydrogen cannot generate electric power. Sadly, no effective and cheaper replacement for platinum has been found.