图3.1 西部民族地区经济发展质量各项目…21
Figure 3.1 The various subprojects of quality of economic development in the Western Minority Areas
图4.1 1995—2014年西部民族地区各省区综合效率值…37
Figure 4.1 The comprehensive efficiency value of the provinces in the Western Minority Areas during 1995-2014
图4.2 1995—2014年西部民族地区各省区技术进步…38
Figure 4.2 The technological progress value of the provinces in the Western Minority Areas during 1995-2014
图4.3 1995—2014年西部民族地区各省区TFP…38
Figure 4.3 the TFP of the provinces in the Western Minority Areas during 1995-2014
图4.4 2008—2014年西部民族地区各省区R&D经费投入占GDP比重…43
Figure 4.4 R&D funds accounted for GDP of the Western Minority Areas during 2008-2014
图4.5 2008—2014年西部民族地区各省区教育经费投入占GDP比重…44
Figure 4.5 Education funding investment accounted for GDP of the Western Minority Areas during 2008-2014
图4.6 2008—2014年西部民族地区各省区教育科技人员活动数占总人口比重…44
Figure 4.6 Education and science and technology personnel activities accounted for the proportion of the total population of the Western Minority Areas during 2008-2014
图4.7 2008—2014年西部民族地区各省区专利申请率…45
Figure 4.7 The patent application rate of the Western Minority Areas during 2008-2014
图5.1 西部民族地区三次比较劳动生产率…50
Figure 5.1 Three comparison of labor productivity in the Western Minority Areas
图5.2 2008—2014年西部民族地区各省区经济协调发展效率值…60
Figure 5.2 The spider diagram of the efficiency of economic coordination development in the Western Minority Areas during 2008-2014
图6.1 2004—2014年西部民族地区各省区单位产值电力消费量…64
Figure 6.1 The provinces electricity consumption per unit output value in the Western Minority Areas during 2004-2014
图6.2 2004—2014年西部民族地区各省区单位产值废水排放…65
Figure 6.2 The provinces waste water discharge in the Western Minority Areas during 2004-2014
图6.3 2004—2014年西部民族地区各省区单位产值二氧化硫排放…67
Figure 6.3 The provinces SO2 discharge in the Western Minority Areas during 2004-2014
图6.4 西部民族地区经济持续发展雷达图…72
Figure 6.4 The economic sustainable development radar map of the Western Minority Area
图6.5 西部民族地区经济持续发展能源消耗松弛(1)…74
Figure 6.5 Energy consumption slack of economic sustainable development in the Western Minority Areas(1)
图6.6 西部民族地区经济持续发展能源消耗松弛(2)…75
Figure 6.6 Energy discharge slack of economic sustainable development in the Western Minority Areas(2)
图7.1 西部民族地区各省区外商投资企业进出口总额…78
Figure 7.1 The total amount of imports and exports of foreign invested enterprises in the Western Minority Areas
图7.2 西部民族地区各省区外商投资企业数…79
Figure 7.2 The number of foreign invested enterprises in the Western Minority Areas
图7.3 西部民族地区各省区投资企业投资总额和注册资本…80
Figure 7.3 The total investment and the registered capital of the provinces in the Western Minority Areas
图7.4 西部民族地区各省区份1995—2014年经营单位所在地进出口总额和境内目的地和货源地进出口总额…84
Figure 7.4 The total amount of imports and exports and total imports and exports of all the provinces in the Western Minority Areas of China during the period 1995-2014,the total amount of imports and exports,and the total amount of imports and exports during the period 1995-2014
图8.1 西部民族地区成人识字率…90
Figure 8.1 Adult literacy rate in the Western Minority Areas
图8.2 西部民族地区综合入学率…91
Figure 8.2 Integrated enrollment rate in the Western Minority Areas
图8.3 西部民族地区各省区HDI…91
Figure 8.3 HDI of the Western Minority Areas
表3.1 创新发展及其指标…22
Table 3.1 The index of economic innovation and development
表3.2 协调发展及其指标…23
Table 3.2 The index of economic coordinated development
表3.3 绿色发展及其指标…24
Table 3.3 The index of sustainable economic development
表3.4 开放发展及其指标…25
Table 3.4 The index of economic opening and development
表3.5 共享发展及其指标…26
Table 3.5 The index of economic sharing development
表4.1 1995—2014年西部民族地区各年份TFP…33
Table 4.1 TFP in each year of the Western Minority Areas during 1995-2014
表4.2 1995—2014年西部民族地区各年份TFP统计特征…35
Table 4.2 Statistical characteristics of TFP in different years in the Western Minority Areas during 1995-2014
表4.3 1995—2014年西部民族地区各省区TFP…36
Table 4.3 TFP of the provinces in the Western Minority Areas during 1995-2014
表4.4 创新投入产出指标…45
Table 4.4 Innovation input and output index
表4.5 2008—2014年西部民族地区各省区创新投入产出效率…46
Table 4.5 Innovation input and output efficiency of each province in the Western Minority Areas during 2008-2014
表4.6 2008—2014年西部民族地区创新投入产出松弛目标值比…47
Table 4.6 The ratio of the target value of the input output relaxation in the Western Minority Areas during 2008-2014
表4.7 创新投入产出效率未达有效前沿省区的发展借鉴…48
Table 4.7 The development of innovation input and output efficiency is not up to the effective frontier provinces
表5.1 西部民族地区二元对比系数…52
Table 5.1 Binary contrast coefficient in the Western Minority Areas
表5.2 西部民族地区二元反差系数…53
Table 5.2 Two element contrast coefficient in the Western Minority Areas
表5.3 西部民族地区经济发展结构实证结果…56
Table 5.3 Empirical results of economic development in the Western Minority Areas
表5.4 西部民族地区经济协调发展效果值…58
Table 5.4 The effect of economic development in the Western Minority Areas
表5.5 西部民族地区经济协调发展效率统计指标…60
Table 5.5 Statistical indicators of the efficiency of economic coordination development in the Western Minority Areas
表5.6 西部民族地区各省区经济协调发展效率统计指标…61
Table 5.6 Statistical indicators of economic coordinated development efficiency of the provinces in the Western Minority Areas
表6.1 西部民族地区经济持续发展指标选择…70
Table 6.1 Indicators of economic sustainable development in the Western Minority Areas
表6.2 西部民族地区经济持续发展有效省区的引用频率…72
Table 6.2 The reference frequency of the sustainable development of the economy in the Western Minority Areas
表6.3 2014年西部民族地区经济持续发展未达到有效前沿省份松弛…73
Table 6.3 Economic development in the Western Minority Areas has not reached the effective frontier of relaxation in 2014
表7.1 “一带一路”倡议下西部民族地区各省区开放发展定位…77
Table 7.1 The open development orientation of the Western Minority Areas under“The Belt and Road”initiative
表7.2 西部民族地区外商投资引进效率…81
Table 7.2 The efficiency of foreign investment in the Western Minority Areas
表7.3 西部民族地区外商投资引入松弛性…82
Table 7.3 The slack of foreign investment in the Western Minority Areas
表7.4 西部民族地区外商投资参考标准…83
Table 7.4 Reference standards for foreign investment in the Western Minority Areas
表7.5 西部民族地区各省区接待外国旅游人次对旅游外汇收入的影响…85
Table 7.5 The influence of foreign tourists on Tourism Foreign Exchange Income in the Western Minority Areas
表8.1 西部民族地区预期寿命…87
Table 8.1 Life expectancy in the Western Minority Areas
表8.2 西部民族地区预期寿命排序…88
Table 8.2 The expected life order in the Western Minority Areas
表8.3 西部民族地区2010年HDI投入…93
Table 8.3 HDI input of the Western Minority Areas in 2010
表8.4 西部民族地区各省区2010年HDI成本效率…95
Table 8.4 HDI Cost efficiency of the provinces in the Western Minority Areas in 2010
表8.5 西部民族地区HDI成本效率未达到有效前沿省区的内部参照…96
Table 8.5 HDI cost efficiency of the Western Minority Areas has not reached the internal reference of the effective frontier provinces
表8.6 西部民族地区HDI成本效率松弛…96
Table 8.6 The cost efficiency relaxation of HDI in the Western Minority Areas
表8.7 西部民族地区HDI成本效率分解…97
Table 8.7 Decomposition of HDI cost efficiency in the Western Minority Areas
表8.8 西部民族地区贫困相关指数预测结果…99
Table 8.8 Forecast results of poverty related indexes in the Western Minority Areas
表8.9 民族地区经济发展的公平与效率实证结果…102
Table 8.9 Empirical results of the fairness and efficiency of economic development in the Western Minority Areas
表9.1 西部民族地区经济发展质量综合指数…104
Table 9.1 The comprehensive index of the quality of economic development in the Western Minority Areas