3 工作经验
Working Experience

What’s your present job? 你目前的工作是什么?
How long have you been in that company? 你在那家公司工作多久了?
What exactly does your job entail? 你具体做什么工作?
What do you do at the company? 你在公司做什么?
Could you tell me something about your present work? 能给我讲讲你目前的工作吗?

A: What’s your job title? 你的职位是什么?
B: I’m the assistant manager. 我是经理助理。
A: Do you have any work experience in this field? 你在这个行业有工作经验吗?
B: Yes. I’m experienced in dealing with American clients. 是的。我有很多与美国客户打交道的经验。

Have you ever done this kind of job before? 你以前做过这样的工作吗?
Do you have any related experience? 你有任何相关经验吗?
What kind of experience? 是什么样的经验?
How much do you know about this field? 你对这个领域了解多少?
I gained a great deal of experience in the past three years. 在过去三年间我获得了丰富的经验。
I have 3 years’ experience in production management. 我有三年的生产管理经验。
I am familiar with the textile market in China. 我对中国的纺织品市场非常了解。
Although I have no experience in this field, I’m willing to learn. 虽然在这方面我没有经验,但是我愿意学习。

A: Do you have any experience with computers? 你有使用电脑的经验吗?
B: Yes, I have experience with all the basic programs. 是的,我对所有基础程序都有经验。
A: How long have you been working in this field? 你在这个领域工作多久了?
B: I have worked in this field for four years. 我已经在这个领域工作了四年。