3 新人培训

I am ready for the on-the-job training. 我准备好接受在职培训了。
Could you introduce some online sales training to me? 你可以给我介绍一些在线的销售培训吗?
Is there anything else I should know before starting to work here? 上班之前,还有什么事情我需要知道的吗?
Now let me tell you the office rules first. 首先让我向你说明办公制度。
Let’s go for a tour of the office. 让我们走一圈认识一下办公室。
This is your desk; let me know if you need anything. 这是你的座位,需要什么就跟我说。
Information for all employees is often delivered through e-mail. 给员工的通知通常都是通过电子邮件宣布。

A: Would you please show me how can I use this system? 你可以给我示范下我该如何使用这个系统吗?
B: Sure. Let’s begin. 当然可以。我们开始吧。
A: Would you please explain the details one more time? 你能再解释一遍细节吗?
B: OK, you need to enter a password before you make any photocopies. The password is your staff number. 可以,复印前你需要输入密码。密码是你的员工号。

What is the specific work to me? 我具体做哪方面的工作?
What should I do if I come into some problems? 如果我遇到问题,我该怎么办呢?
Do you know how should I operate this equipment? 你知道我该如何操作这台设备吗?
Do I have a password? 我有密码吗?


A: How to send an e-mail at a fixed time? 怎么发送一封定时的电子邮件呢?
B: Come here. Let me show you. 过来。我示范给你。
A: How long will the training be? 培训要花多长时间?
B: About two weeks. 大约两周。