4.15 火炬 Flare Stacks
4.15.1 火炬系统 Flare System

typical air-assisted flare system典型空气助燃火炬系统

1 dry gas from process 工艺干气
2 mixed flow from process 工艺混合物料
3 liquid-vapor separator 气液分离器
4 atomizing air or steam 雾化空气或蒸汽
5 liquid 液体
6 fuel gas 燃料气
7 atmospheric air 常压空气
8 liquid field flare 燃液地面火炬
9 methane purge 甲烷吹扫气
10 seal drum 密封罐
11 purge or heating steam 吹扫气或热蒸汽
12 pump 泵
13 purge gas inlet 吹扫气入口
14 pilot tubes 长明灯导管
15 molecular seal 分子密封器
16 igniter tubes 引火管
17 steam 蒸汽
18 pilots 长明灯
19 flare 火炬头
20 battery or plant power 电池或工厂电源
21 air 空气
22 ignition system 点火系统
23 methane 甲烷
24 steam manifold 蒸汽集气管
25 flare tip 火炬喷嘴
26 steam tip 无烟火炬蒸汽喷嘴
27 ignitor tip 点燃器顶部的引火器喷嘴
28 flare stack 火炬筒体
29 pilot gas tube 长明灯供气管
30 flame front tube for pilot ignition 引火器点火用的火焰管
31 gas and flame from ignition system 从点火系统来的气体和火焰
32 pilot fuel-air mixer assembly 长明灯进气口-空气混合器(组件)
33 pilot gas supply 长明灯进气口
34 steam line 供气管线
35 steam connection 蒸汽接口
36 inlet bell 入口喇叭口
37 vane-axial low pressure air blower 低压轴流鼓风机
38 low-pressure air riser 低压空气上升管
39 stainless steel flare tip 不锈钢火炬头
40 gas riser 气体上升管
41 flanged inlet for gases to be flared 火炬气入口法兰
4.15.2 火炬头 Flare Tip

1 pilots 长明灯
2 igniter tips 点火器
3 fuel gas 燃料气
4 dynamic seal 动态密封器
5 igniter tubes 引火管
6 pilot fuel-air mixer assembly 长明灯燃料-空气混合器(组件)
7 flange 法兰
8 flare 火炬头(本体)
9 centric steam tip assembly 中心蒸汽喷嘴组件
10 wind proofing cover 防风罩
11 lining 耐火衬里
12 steam manifold 蒸汽集气管
13 “plum-blossom”tip 梅花形喷嘴
14 flame holder 火焰稳定器
(15~20 types of flare tip 火炬头型式)
15 smokeless“star tip” 无烟星式火炬头
16 steam smokeless“barrel tip” 蒸汽无烟筒式火炬头
17 low noise flare tip 低噪声式火炬头
18 “plum-blossom”flare tip 梅花形喷嘴火炬头
19 wind proofing flare tip 防风式火炬头
20 low noise smokeless flare tip 无烟消音式火炬头
4.15.3 地面火炬 Multi-point Ground Flare

1 flare gas header 可燃气总管
2 distribute maidle 分配管
3 runner 分支管
4 riser 竖管
5 tip 燃烧器
6 flare gas orifices 可燃气体喷射孔
7 stage valve 分级控制阀
8 emergency bypass 紧急旁路
9 purge gas valve 吹扫气阀
10 fire arrester 阻火器
11,12 pilots 长明灯
13 steam ejector 消烟蒸汽喷嘴
14 manual igniter 爆燃式点火器
15 ignater tube 引火管
16 continues purge nitrogen or fuel gas 连续吹扫氮气燃料气
17 end purge nitrogen 后吹扫氮气
18 fuel gas 燃料气
19 instrument air 仪表空气
20 assist steam 消烟蒸汽
21 assist air 助燃空气
22 combustion area 燃烧区
23 gravel or shelter plate 碎石或防辐射板
24 radiate shield fence 围栏
25 wall 挡风墙
26 open multi-point ground flare 开放式地面火炬
27 close multi-point ground flare 封闭式地面火炬
28 stack 炉膛