Nurse:(His bed nurse,Miss Zhou,comes to his beside with smile)How do you do?I am your bed nurse. My last name is Zhou and Doctor Zhang is your doctor.Please call me any time if you need help.
Patient: OK,thank you.(Suddenly coughing,spitting out fve-mouthful scarlet-colored blood,the patient and his family members become very nervous.)
病人: 好的,谢谢你的介绍,麻烦你了。(说着病人又一阵咳嗽,并咯出5口鲜红色的血液,患者及家属均表现出十分紧张的神色。)
Nurse:(after taking care of the patient)Do you feel better now? You should lie in bed quietly,and try to relax and don’t be too nervous. Emotional stress may increase the tension of the vagus nerve,resulting in a spasm of the laryngeal muscle which narrows the respiratory tracts. The blood clot in the airway will be difficult to be removed by coughing. This might result in suffocation and produce more serious consequences.
Patient:(with a suspicious appearance)Oh.
Nurse: You are now in the acute stage of the disease because the amount of blood you spit out is not so little. You should lie in bed and don’t talk and move too much.I’ll tell you something you should pay attention to. If you have any questions,you can ask me,OK?
护士: 因为你现在还处在疾病的急性期,并且咯血量较大,所以你需要绝对卧床休息,尽量减少说话,少活动。还有些注意事项你先听我讲,如有疑问可轻轻地问我。好吗?
(Patient nodded slightly.)
Nurse: First,patient with hemoptysis must cough gently and shouldn’t cough as you did a few moments ago. Because coughing with too much force will lead to increased pressure of the thoracic cavity and aggravate bleeding. There are other factors that can increase the pressure of the thoracic cavity,such as holding your breath,defecating with force,etc. So you should try to avoid those behaviors. Attention should be paid especially to defecating. Because lying in bed weakens the movement of one’s intestines and most people are not accustomed to defecating in bed,therefore people in bed are prone to have constipation. However,constipation can be avoided by eating food rich in fiber,drinking lots of water,avoiding spicy foods,and performing stomach massages every day.
护士: 首先咯血病人的咳嗽一定要轻轻地,不能像你刚才那样。因为用力咳嗽会导致胸腔内压力增高而加重出血。其他可导致压力增高的因素还有用力屏气、用力大便等。所以你要尽量避免,尤其是排便问题更应引起重视,因为一方面卧床休息会导致肠蠕动减弱,另一方面,可能你还不能习惯于床上排便,所以很容易产生便秘。在通常情况下,可通过进食富含纤维素的食物,多饮水,避免进辛辣等刺激性食物,注意每天腹部按摩来保持大便通畅。
Patient’s wife: My husband likes eating very hot food,will this affect his disease?
病人妻子: 我们老赵平时喜欢吃偏烫食物,这对他的疾病有影响吗?
Nurse: This is a topic that I want to discuss with you. At the present time,lukewarm,cool,light liquid or semi-liquid food is suitable for your husband. Hot food is not good for the prevention of bleeding.
护士: 这就是接下来我要跟你们说的话题。目前赵先生最好进食温、凉、清淡的流质或半流质食物。因为食物的温度偏高不利于止血。
Patient’s wife: Thank you for telling us so many things.
病人妻子: 谢谢你跟我们讲这么多。