5.Bronchial Asthma支气管哮喘
Nurse: Hello,Miss Li,do you feel better now?
护士: 你好,小李,现在感觉好点了吗?
Patient: Much better,thanks. But,I don’t understand what caused the acute episodic asthma this afternoon because I was fne this morning.
病人: 谢谢你,好多了。但我就搞不懂上午还好好的,怎么下午哮喘就发作了。
Nurse: There are many factors that can trigger asthma attack. Allergy is one of the primary factors.
护士: 哮喘的发作有多种诱因,其中过敏是哮喘发作的主要诱因之一。
Patient: Was mine caused by allergy?
病人: 那我的哮喘发作是属于过敏引起的吗?
Nurse: Yes. According to your history,you are possibly allergic to some kinds of paint.
护士: 是的。从你的发病情况来看,你很可能对油漆过敏。
Patient: Why do I have a problem while many other people don’t when they are exposed to paints?
病人: 那为什么别人接触油漆没关系,我就不行呢?
Nurse: That is because you have a different physical make-up. In other words,you have an allergic tendency toward paint. After contacting with paint,the allergen in the paint can trigger the body cells to produce special substances which can cause the constriction of the bronchial muscle and results in symptoms such as dyspnea and chest distress. So,you must remember not to touch paint in the future.
护士: 那是因为你的体质具有特异性,也就是说具有对油漆的过敏性。在接触过油漆后,油漆内的过敏原使你体内会产生一些特殊的细胞物质,这些物质导致支气管平滑肌收缩,从而引起呼吸困难、胸闷等症状。所以你今后一定要记住不能再接触油漆类物质了。
Patient: Does this mean that if I do not touch paint,I will no longer get asthma?
病人: 那是否意味着我今后只要不接触油漆就可能避免哮喘发作呢?
Nurse: Generally speaking,besides paint,there are many other substances such as pollen,dust mites,fungi spores and animal fur,etc that can trigger asthma. Some people may have hypersensitive reaction after eating fsh or shrimps or eggs.
护士: 一般来讲,除了油漆以外,还有一些容易引起过敏的物质,如花粉,尘螨,真菌孢子和动物的毛、屑等。有些人在摄入鱼、虾、蛋后也会引起过敏。
Patient: So I should not eat fsh,shrimp and eggs in the future,right?
病人: 那我以后是否不能再食用鱼、虾、蛋类食物呢?
Nurse: No. Not all people are hypersensitive to these foods. You must have eaten fish or shrimps or eggs before and did not have any allergic reactions. Therefore,you should watch if you are allergic to pollens,dust mites,fungi spores,and animal fur. Try to avoid the substance to which you have shown allergic reactions.
护士: 也不是的,并非所有的人对这类食物都过敏。正如你以前肯定食用过鱼、虾、蛋类食物,但并没有引起发病。在你今后的生活和工作中,应注意观察自己是否对花粉、尘螨、真菌孢子、动物的毛或屑等过敏。尽量避免接触已知的致敏物质。
Patient: I see. Thank you for your advice.
病人: 知道了,谢谢你给我讲这些知识。