U2 Ethics and Morality伦理与道德
Text Let's Take Urgent Lessons in Pavement Etiquette
I'd grown up in the countryside, where walking was aimless and hearty and generally involved sheep and rain and dispiriting picnics aborted because of rain showers. In big cities, I realised, a different kind of perambulation was required. I learned to be brisk and purposeful. These days, I honestly believe urban walking is one of my core skills. If I were taking an A-Level in walking, I would get an A and not just because of grade inflation.
I keep up a steady, fairly rapid pace. I am able to spot potential hazards before they occur—the men who keep asking me about where I have my hair cut, the women who hand out free samples of moisturiser in packets—and I change my course accordingly. I've perfected a sort of Walking Bitch Face so that no one disturbs me as I stride with intent towards my destination.
I'm an efficient walking multitasker:when I'm approaching a tube station, I fish out my Oyster card from my bag while still moving so that my progress at the gates is smooth and unimpeded and causes minimal fuss for the people behind me. You see, the mark of a true urbanite:selfish and communal at the same time.
But of late, I've noticed a worrying trend. Until relatively recently, the pavements have mostly been populated by people like me hellbent on getting wherever they need to in as straight a line as possible. Of course, there was always the annual influx of tourists to cope with:those baffled looking types who stopped without warning to consult a map or enter an Angus Steakhouse.
This summer, however, there has been a distinct increase in the home-grown Selfish Walker. The prime offenders are those glued to their smartphones. These pedestrians are perpetually engrossed in their blinking white screens, with severely limited spatial awareness of the real world. They don't care about time or speed or where the rest of us need to get to because they believe that what they are doing, at that given moment in time, should take precedence. There is no sense of the pavement being a communal space, governed by an unspoken code of conduct that puts the needs of the many above the Tweets of a few.
It's not just smartphone users. It's the couples holding hands and blocking the thoroughfare, headily caught up in the glow of their own romance. It's the teenagers with a selfie stick. Hold hands, take photographs and read by all means. But not if you're getting in the way of everyone else.
We live in an age of entitlement, forged through our constant connectedness.Uploading photos on Facebook and curating our experiences so that we look like we are having the most fun possible at every conceivable moment has led to a sense that we are the central star vehicle in a dazzling story of our own projected life. The attention we pay to ourselves nudges out the willingness to care about other people. We treat the pavement as a private space in which to exercise our public selves. We lose sight of the fact that someone else might just need to catch a bus.
It's not an unsolvable problem. There has long been talk of a kind of swimming lane system for some of the busiest streets in London. The tunnels at Oxford Circus tube station have recently been divided into two lanes painted on to the floor as part of an advertising campaign for Lucozade. One lane is labelled“slow”, the other“flow”. It's a neat concept, but it hasn't quite worked:everyone is too busy on their phones to notice what's beneath their feet.
Reading Comprehension
1.The word“perambulation”(Para. 1)probably means ________.
[A]travel through a place on foot
[B]take precaution against hazards
[C]walk intently to a destination
[D]sharpen skills for A-Level tests
2.The author claims herself to be“communal”(Para. 3)because ________.
[A]she changes her course when people come her way
[B]she concentrates on her destination while walking
[C]she shares her travel card whenever others need it
[D]she tries not to pose hazards to other pedestrians
3.The author accuses smartphones users of ________.
[A]taking no notice of incoming tourists
[B]refusing to help tourists to find their ways
[C]violating the public code of conduct
[D]putting their own lives at serious risk
4.The author blames increased selfishness on ________.
[A]people's eagerness to be movie stars
[B]an epidemic of self-intoxication
[C]ruthless expansion of personal life
[D]increased sensitivity to private rights
5.The author concludes the discussion by ________.
[A]calling on people not to look at smartphones
[B]calling for an urgent solution to the problem
[C]proposing a new scheme for London streets
[D]urging people to use the subway more often
1.If I were taking...grade inflation.(第一段)
第一段的这个句子是一个虚拟式,因为作者已经成人,已经工作,不可能再参加中学生的A-level考试。另外,行走方面的考试根本不存在。这里介词in表示“在……方面”, not just意为“不仅仅”, grade inflation意为“分数膨胀”,即老师给学生打分松,致使分数总体偏高。这个句子表达的意思很幽默,作者实际上是说,她的行走能力名副其实得很强——她得高分并不是因为老师打分松。
2.I am able to spot potential hazards...accordingly.(第二段)
第二段的这个句子是一个并列句,其主干结构是I am able to spot...and I change...在前一个分句中,the men...cut和the women...packets都是potential hazards的同位语。这两个同位语表述得很幽默,问她在哪里理的发,实际上是男人想跟她搭讪;而女的则是那些在街头发小广告的人。这些人都影响了别人正常行走,所以被作者称作hazards。作者在下一句说,对于这些人,她都摆出一副Walking Bitch Face,即摆出一副对他们不屑一顾、跟他们没什么好谈的姿态。当一群人在人行道上行走时,其中的一个人故意落在后面,因为她觉得跟其他人没什么好谈的,这样的人被称作Walking Bitch。另外,spot此处意为“看出,认出”, course指“路程,行动方向”。
3.I'm an efficient walking...behind me.(第三段)
第三段中这个句子冒号后部分解释multitasker这个词,该词这里指能“同时做多件事情的人”。词组tube station指英国的地铁站,Oyster card指乘坐公共交通工具的支付卡;progress这里指“行进”, fuss指“扰乱,忙乱”。
4.Until relatively recently...as possible.(第四段)
在第四段的这个句子中,hellbent是过去分词,是hell与bent的合成词,其中hell表示程度高,(be)bent on意为“决心(做某事),专注于”;词组in as straight a line as possible修饰getting,即直线到达。
5.These pedestrians are perpetually engrossed...the real world.(第五段)
在第五段的这个句子中,be engrossed in意为“专注于”, blinking white screens指不断出现新消息的手机屏幕,本句中的(be)perpetually engrossed in their blinking white screens实际上与上一句中的(be)glued to their smartphones意思差不多。过去分词limited修饰awareness而不是spatial,这里指他们对外部世界的意识受到限制,即不太注意周边发生的事情。
6.There is no sense...the Tweets of a few.(第五段)
在第五段的这个句子中,所谓There is no sense of the pavement being a communal space指那些走路看手机的人没有认识到街道是一个公共空间,而不是像他们的Tweet一样属于私人空间。动词govern意为“制约,管制”,词组put...above指“把……置于……之上”, a few指走路看手机的人,Tweets指这些人用Tweet收发手机信息。
7.But not if you're getting in the way of everyone else.(第六段)
第六段的这个句子是一个省略句,not后省略了hold hands, take photographs and read。另外,词组get in the way of指“阻碍,影响”。
1.[A] 意为:徒步走过某个地方。
第一段第二句中这个词的意思很容易理解,因为第二句前的句子和第二句后的句子都是谈walking,不同的是,第一句谈的是乡间的行走(walking in the countryside)方式,而第二句后谈的是城市的行走(urban walking)方式。作者把二者做了对比,引出本文的主要话题——城市中的行走方式。
2.[D] 意为:她尽量不给其他行人带来威胁。
从第二段到第六段来看,本文所谓给别人带来hazards指阻碍别人行进的道路,或在街上行走时与其他人发生碰撞。本文提到那些边走路边看手机的人,那些走路时手牵手的人,以及用手机自拍杆自拍的人。这些人就是作者在第五段提到的那些Selfish Walker。与selfish意思相反的词是communal,在本文第三段和第五段都有使用,它的意思是“公共的,可以分享的,大公无私的”。在第三段中,作者说自己是communal,其主要意思是说她在街上行走时不给人带来麻烦(causes minimal fuss for the people behind me)。
[C]意为:当别人需要时她能分享自己的交通卡。文章提到的Oyster card是在伦敦使用的电子交通卡,是公共交通的支付卡。
3.[C] 意为:违反了公共的行为准则。
第五段提到那些Selfish Walker,这些人中最主要的是“粘”在手机上的人,他们边走路边盯着手机屏幕,根本不看周围的人。他们不顾环境,好像手机上的事情是唯一重要的事情。在作者看来,他们主要的问题是把公共场所当成了自己的私人空间,因此不遵守公共场所下应该遵守的行为规范。这给其他行人带来了麻烦和威胁。
4.[B] 意为:一种自我陶醉流行病。
作者在第七段谈到人们越来越selfish的原因。其中提到,网络的发展(constant connectedness)促使人们更热衷在社交网站上显摆自己,像管理博物馆一样管理那些反映自己经历的照片(curate的名词curator指博物馆馆长),把自己当成了造明星的人(star vehicle)。由于人们过于关注自己——过于自我陶醉,他们忘记了去关注别人——比如忘记了别人正在赶乘公交车,阻碍了别人的道路。在作者看来,这种行为是自私的行为。
[A]意为:人们急于想成为电影明星。本文第七段中,star vehicle并非指“工具”或“车辆”,而是指使某个电影演员突然走红的影视作品。
5.[B] 意为:呼吁尽快解决问题。
◎ Ⅰ.Cloze
Public relations practitioners wanting to behave in an ethical manner frequently believe they are caught between the proverbial“rock and a hard place.”The 1 are many.How, for example, can the practitioner ethically 2 both management and the public interest? How should the practitioner respond when a journalist 3 him/her of not releasing complete information at the same time management believes that the very request goes well 4 that which the public/journalist has a 5 to know? How should the practitioner respond to employees during those times 6 management/employee interests appear to be 7 conflict?
Serving and responding to publics with conflicting interests, 8 , seems inherent to much of 9 it is that contemporary public relations people do.Ethicist Michael Bayles 10 that“conflicts between obligations to clients and to others are central to professional ethics.”He asserts that 11 a number of reasons discussions of problems 12 out of these conflicts often appear to 13 society's interests to those of individual clients.Many discussions are written by professionals who have been trained to put client interests first and 14 arguments tend to reflect that 15 .
Interestingly, the practitioner might find some assistance from an“old friend”of those 16 to make ethical choices—the Greek philosopher Aristotle.Aristotle would 17 against extreme positions which appear to suggest that the practitioner's role in 18 to serving client/management interests must be placedin an either/or 19 .For Aristotle, the ethical practitioner must serve 20 by striving to arrive at the mean between the extremes of excess and defect of action.
8.[A]in fact
[C]for instance
◎ Ⅱ.Reading Passages
Part A 阅读理解
★Passage One
Many critics of the current welfare system argue that existing welfare regulations lead to family instability.They believe that those regulations, which exclude most poor husband-and-wife families from Aid to Families with Dependent Children(AFDC)assistance grants, contribute to the problem of family dissolution.1)Thus, they conclude that expanding the set of families that can eligibly get such grants would result in a marked strengthening of the low-income familystructure.
If all poor families could receive welfare, would the incidence of instability change markedly? The answer to this question depends on the relative importance of three types of potential welfare recipients.The first is the“cheater”—the husband who is reported to have abandoned his family, but in fact disappears only when the social worker is in the neighborhood.2)The second consists of a lovinghusband and devoted father who, sensing his own inadequacy as a family supporter, leaves so that his wife and children may enjoythe rel-ative benefit provided by public assistance.There is very little evidence that these two types are significant.
The third type is the unhappily married couple, who remain together out of a sense of economic responsibility for their children, because of the high costs of separation, or because of the consumption benefits of marriage.This group is large.3)The formation, maintenance, and dissolution of the family is in large part a function of the relative balance between the benefits and costs of marriage as seen bythe individual members of the marriage.Since the family performs certain functions society regards as vital, a complex network of social and legal process has evolved to reinforce marriage.Much of the variation in marital stability across income classes can be explained by the variation in costs of dissolution imposed by society, such as division of property, and child support.
4)Marital stability is related to the costs of achieving an acceptable agreement on family consumption and production and to the prevailing social price of instability in the marriage partners' social-economic group.Expected income exerts pressures on family instability by reducing the cost of dissolution.To the ex-tent that welfare is a form of government-subsidized AFDC payments, it reduces the costs of separation and guarantees a minimal standard of living for wife and children.So welfare opportunities are a significant determinant of family instability in poor neighborhoods, but this is not the result of AFDC regulations that exclude most intact families from coverage.Rather, welfare-related instability occurs because public assistance lowers both the benefits of marriage and the costs of its breach by providing a system of government-subsidized payments.
1.Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
[A]Welfare restrictions do not contribute to low-income family instability.
[B]The most significant kind of welfare recipients is not the“cheating”father.
[C]The divorce rate is bound to fall when welfare benefits are cut.
[D]Government welfare payments lead directly to growing divorce rate.
2.The tone of the passage can best be described as ________.
[A]confident and optimistic
[B]scientific and detached
[C]discouraged and alarmed
[D]polite and sensitive
3.All of the following are mentioned by the author as factors tending to sustain a marriage EXCEPT ________.
[A]the social class of the married couple
[B]the cost involved in divorce
[C]the loss of property upon divorce
[D]the greater consumption possibilities of married people
4.With which of the following statements about marriage would the author most likely agree?
[A]Marriage is largely shaped by powerful but impersonal economic and social forces.
[B]Marriage has a greater value to higher income groups.
[C]Society has no interest in encouraging people to remain married to one another.
[D]Marriage will gradually give way to other forms of social organization.
5.The passage would most likely be found in a ________.
[A]basic economics text
[B]book on the history of welfare
[C]religious literature on the importance of marriage
[D]scholarly journal devoted to public policy questions
1.They believe that..., which..., contribute to...dissolution.(第一段)
2.If all poor families..., would...markedly?(第二段)
【注解】incidence意为“发生(率)”; instability这里显然指家庭的不稳定,即上一段提到的family dissolution。
3.The third type..., who..., because of..., or...marriage.(第三段)
【注解】out of意为“出于,由于”,表示原因。
4.Much of the variation...by society, such as..., and child support.(第三段)
【注解】across income classes实际上是指“不同的收入阶层”。
5.To the extent..., it...children.(第四段)
6.So welfare opportunities..., but...coverage.(第四段)
【注解】in poor neighborhoods可直译为“在贫穷的社区”; intact families指没有离异的家庭,即“完好家庭”; coverage指补助范围。
7.Rather, welfare-related...payments.(第四段)
★Passage Two
Moral naturalists believe that, to learn about morality, you don't rely upon revelation or metaphysics;you observe people as they live.For them the story of our morality begins back in the evolutionary past. It begins with the way insects, rats and monkeys learned to cooperate.By the time humans came around, evolution had forged a pretty firm foundation for a moral sense.Jonathan Haidt of the University of Virginia argues that this moral sense is like our sense of taste.We have natural receptors that help us pick up sweetness and saltiness.In the same way, we have natural receptors that help us recognize fairness and cruelty.
This doesn't make people naturally good.But it does mean that social norms fall upon prepared ground. We come equipped to learn fairness and other virtues.These moral faculties structure the way we perceive and respond to the world.5)If you ask for donations with the photo and name of one sick child, you are like-ly to get twice as much money than if you had asked for donations with a photo and the names of eight chil-dren.Our minds respond more powerfully to the plight of an individual than the plight of a group.
These moral faculties rely upon emotional, intuitive processes, for good and ill.If you are in a bad mood you will make harsher moral judgments than if you're in a good mood or have just seen a comedy.As Elizabeth Phelps of New York University points out, feelings of disgust will evoke a desire to expel things, even those things unrelated to your original mood.General fear makes people risk-averse.Anger makes them risk-seeking.
People who behave morally don't generally do it because they have greater knowledge; they do it because they have a greater sensitivity to other people's points of view.6)Hauser reported on research showingthat bullies are surprisingly sophisticated at reading other people's intentions, but they're not good at anticipating and feeling other people's pain.
The moral naturalists differ over what role reason plays in moral judgments.Some, like Haidt, believe that we make moral judgments intuitively and then construct justifications after the fact.Others, like Joshua Greene of Harvard, liken moral thinking to a camera.Most of the time we rely on the automatic point-andshoot process, but occasionally we use deliberation to override the quick and easy method.
For people wary of abstract theorizing, it's nice to see people investigating morality in ways that are concrete and empirical.But their approach does have certain implicit tendencies.They emphasize group cohesion over individual dissent.They emphasize the cooperative virtues, like empathy, over the competitive virtues, like the thirst for recognition and superiority.At this conference, they barely mentioned the yearning for transcendence and the sacred, which plays such a major role in every human society.
1.The moral naturalists believe that morality has its origin in ________.
[A]our ability to think philosophically
[B]the difference between cultures
[C]both fairness and cruelty
[D]our natural inclinations
2.When the author says“social norms fall upon prepared ground”, he means ________.
[A]social norms form the basis of our moral sense
[B]social norms could be easily destroyed by intuition
[C]people are largely unconscious of social norms
[D]our natural response to the world underlies social norms
3.It is implied that bullies are people who ________.
[A]have a poor sense of morality
[B]are often blinded by their emotions
[C]have greater knowledge
[D]are always in bad mood
4.Moral naturalists like Joshua Greene believe ________.
[A]reason does not play any role in moral judgments
[B]we often rush to moral conclusions about the world
[C]reason can have a role in moral judgments
[D]reason is a requisite to moral judgment making
5.The author's attitude to abstract theory forming is ________.
1.By the time humans came...a moral sense.(第一段)
2.Most of the time we rely...easy method.(第五段)
【注解】本句中,point-and-shoot process原本是照相术语,意思是用镜头对准某个拍摄对象后就拍照,这里比喻不用理性判断,这种方式也就是本句所说的the quick and easy method,而deliberation则表示用理性审慎地做出判断。
3.They emphasize the cooperative...and superiority.(第六段)
4.At this conference, they barely...every human society.(第六段)
Part B 选择搭配
In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 1-5, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET.
Every time a car heads out onto the road, drivers are forced to make moral and ethical decisions that impact not only their safety, but also the safety of others. Does the driver go faster than the speed limit to stay with the flow of traffic? Will the driver take her eyes off the road for a split second to adjust the radio?Might the driver choose to speed up as he approaches a yellow light at an intersection, in order to avoid stopping short when the light turns red?
1)________ .
The driverless cars of the future are likely to be able to outperform most humans during routine driving tasks, since they will have greater perceptive abilities, better reaction times, and will not suffer from distractions(from eating or texting, drowsiness, or physical emergencies such as a driver having a heart attack or a stroke).
“So 90% of crashes are caused, at least in part, by human error, ”says Bryant Walker Smith, assistant professor in the School of Law and chair of the Emerging Technology Law Committee of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. 2)________ .“The hope—though at this point it is a hope—is that automation can significantly reduce these kinds of crashes without introducing significant new sources of errors. ”
3)________. Lin says the vision technology used in driverless cars still has a long way to go before it will be morally acceptable for use.
“We take our sight and ability to distinguish between objects for granted, but it's still very difficult for a computer to recognize an object as that object, ”Lin says, noting that today's systems used on autonomous cars simply“see”numerical values related to the brightness of each pixel of the image being scanned, and then infer what the object might be. 4)________ .
“Many of the challenging scenarios that an autonomous car may confront could depend on these distinctions, but many others are problematic exactly because there's uncertainty about what an object is or how many people are involved in a possible crash scenario, ”Lin says. 5)________ . Assuming eventually these technical challenges will be overcome, it will be possible to encode and execute instructions to direct the car how to respond to a sudden or unexpected event. However, the most difficult part is deciding what that response should be, given that in the event of an impending or unavoidable accident, drivers are usually faced with a choice of at least two less-than-ideal outcomes.
[A]“As dangerous as driving is, the trillions of vehicle miles that we travel every year means that crashes are nonetheless a rare event for most drivers, ”Smith notes, listing speeding, driving drunk, driving aggressively, being drowsy, and being distracted as key contributors to accidents.
[B]He adds that with specific training, it eventually will be technically feasible to create a system that can recognize baby strollers, shopping carts, plastic bags, and actual boulders, though today's vision systems are only able to make very basic distinctions, such as distinguishing pedestrians from bicyclists.
[C]“When a robot car needs its human driver to quickly retake the wheel, we're going to see new problems in the time it takes that driver to regain enough situational awareness to operate the car safely. ”
[D]All of these decisions have both a practical and moral component to them, which is why the issue of allowing driverless cars—which use a combination of sensors and pre-programmed logic to assess and react to various situations—to share the road with other vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists, has created considerable consternation among technologists and ethicists.
[E]“As sensors and computing technology improves, we can't point to a lack of capability as a way to avoid the responsibility of making an informed ethical decision. ”
[F]The answer is not yet clear, though the moral decisions are unlikely to reside with users, given their natural propensity to protect themselves against even minor injuries, often at the expense of others, Lin says.
[G]However, should an unavoidable crash situation arise, a driverless car's method of seeing and identifying potential objects or hazards is different and less precise than the human eye-brain connection, which likely will introduce moral dilemmas with respect to how an autonomous vehicle should react, according to Patrick Lin, director of the Ethics+ Emerging Sciences Group at California Polytechnic State University.
1.All of these decisions have...ethicists.(第二段)
【注解】which引导的非限定性定语从句修饰主句表达的意思——每一项决定都涉及实际的和道德的考量,在这个定语从句中,主干结构是the issue...has created considerable consternation,其中consternation原意为“惊愕,惊恐”,这里根据上下文做了意译。两个破折号之间的which引导的定语从句只修饰driverless cars,其中pre-programmed logic指控制无人驾驶汽车的软件程序。
2.“We take our sight and ability...might be.(第六段)
【注解】在直接引语部分,take...for granted意为“认为……是理所当然的”, recognize an object as that object实际上是说辨认出实物。在间接引语部分,autonomous cars即driverless cars,指无人驾驶汽车;related to the brightness of each pixel of the image being scanned作定语,修饰numerical values,其中being scanned也是定语,修饰image。
3.“Many of the challenging scenarios...Lin says.(第七段)
【注解】本句是由but连接的并列句。在第一个分句中,challenging scenarios指无人驾驶汽车面临或陷入的状况(比如交通拥堵或事故), these distinctions指上一段提到的区分物体的能力——人具备这种能力,而目前的无人驾驶汽车不具备这种能力,但是让后者拥有这种能力非常重要。在后半句中,many others指many other challenging scenarios,说这些情况problematic,是说它们对无人驾驶汽车构成问题,而这些问题也是由于无人驾驶汽车不能区分物体的类别造成的。
4.Assuming eventually these technical...unexpected event.(第七段)
【注解】assuming引导一个条件状语从句,意为“如果,假设”; how to...event是动词direct的补语。
5.However, the most difficult part...outcomes.(第七段)
【注解】given后接名词或从句时意为“鉴于,考虑到……的情况”,词组in the event of意为“万一,如果……的话”, two less-than-ideal outcomes指两个结果都不好。
◎ Ⅲ.Translation
Translate the underlined sentences in the Reading Passages of Part A into Chinese.
◎ Ⅳ.Writing
Part A 应用文
Suppose you find some students waste food in the canteens, dorms and other places in your university. Write a warning notice about this issue for all students. The notice should include the following points:
1)the phenomenon,
2)comments on this phenomenon, and
3)your suggestions.
You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
Part B 英语写作
Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures. In your essay, you should
1)describe the pictures briefly,
2)interpret the meaning, and
3)give your comments.

Useful Expressions
1.credibility 信用,可信度
2.loss of credibility 失信
3.stop signs 禁行标志
4.fundamental moral code 基本道德准则
5.communicate and interact with each other 交际与互动
6.pay one's debt 还债
7.corporate culture 企业文化
8.a quality much desired for an organization 公司迫切需要的品质
9.win out in the fierce competition 在残酷竞争中胜出
10.it is strongly recommended that we(do sth.)强烈建议我们大家(做某事)
◎ Ⅰ.Cloze
1.[A] dilemmas
从段首句“caught between”和“rock and a hard place”,以及下文所举的例子,特别是全文的主题可以推断出,做公共关系工作的人处于两难的境地,故应选dilemmas(进退两难的窘境,困境)。其余选项均不符合文意:complexities, “复杂,并发症”; ambiguities, “模棱两可”; alternatives, “选择对象,替换物”。
2.[B] represent
公关工作者的任务是沟通企业与外部,从理论上讲应代表企业和社会两方面的利益,故应选represent。negotiate意为“谈判”。其余选项不符合文意:anticipate, “预期,预感”; simulate“模仿,模拟”。
3.[C] accuse
本题考词汇的用法。虽然四个选项都有指责的意思,但只有accuse可以用于“...somebody of(doing)something”这个结构。其余选项用法如下:to criticize somebody for something, charge somebody with something, reproach somebody for/with something。
4.[D] beyond
go beyond是常用表达法,意为“超过,超越”, go well beyond即“大大地超过了”,符合文意:“……管理层认为这一要求本身大大超过了公众或记者有权知道的范畴。”其余选项均不适用。
5.[D] right
6.[C] when
本题四个选项只有when可以引导从句作“those times”的定语;其余连词在此只能引导状语从句,如选用,则those times无所指。
7.[B] in
in conflict是固定搭配,意为“有矛盾,意见冲突”;其余选项均不适用。
8.[A] in fact
本题考对上下文逻辑关系的理解。段首句中的过渡词常起着连接两段的作用,本句讲公关人士要与利益冲突的公众打交道似乎是公关工作本身固有的特点,与上段内容并不矛盾,故排除however(然而);也不是举例说明上文观点,故排除for instance(例如);亦非从另一个角度说明主题,故排除moreover(此外,再者)。in fact常表示强调,进一步说明上文观点。
9.[A] what
10.[B] contends
contends在此意为“坚决主张”,是正确选择。其余选项均不符合文意:initiates, “开始,发动”; testifies,“证实,说明”; manifests, “表明,证明,显示”。
11.[A] for
for常与reason搭配使用,如:for some reason, for this reason, for an unknown reason等。其余选项均不适用。
12.[B] arising
“problems arising out of these conflicts”即“由于这些冲突而引起的问题”,符合文意,故选arising。其余选项均不适用:amounting, “合计,总共达”; originating, “起源于”; elevating, “升高”。
13.[C] sacrifice
sacrifice something to意为“为……牺牲某事”,符合文意和语法要求。attribute...to意为“把……归于”,不符合文意。其余选项语法和意思均不正确:deteriorate, “(使)恶化”; undermine, “暗中破坏,削弱……的基础”。
14.[D] whose
本句中professionals由and连接的两个定语从句修饰,whose arguments在此即the arguments of the professionals,是正确答案。those/these arguments均无所指,which arguments在此亦不知所云。
15.[C] perspective
perspective意为“观点,看法”,根据指示词that推断出,这里当指上文提到的已经学会把客户的利益放在首位的专业人士的看法,而他们的论点(argument)则通常反映出客户至上(put client interest first)的观点。其余选项上文均未提及:overview, “概述,概论”; inspiration, “灵感,激励”; speculation, “推测,投机”。
16.[D] struggling
struggle to make ethical choices即“努力做出合乎道德的选择”,合乎文意。fighting有“作战,打架”等意思,通常有对手;striking有“打击,打动”等含义;managing通常指“(经过努力)做到了某事”,三个选项都不符合题意。
17.[B] caution
本段讲古希腊哲学家亚里士多德的观点可能对从事公关工作的人士有所帮助。to caution against是常用搭配,意为“对……予以警告”,从上下文看,“亚里士多德会告诫人们警惕极端做法(caution against extreme positions)”符合文意。object(反对)后面介词要用to; oppose(反对)是及物动词,通常用法是to oppose something或to oppose somebody against; protest意为“抗议”,不符合文意。
18.[A] regard
in regard to是固定词组,意为“关于”,是正确选择。in order to意为“为了”,引导目的状语,后面要接动词不定式;position(地位,姿势,立场)和view(观点,景色)都不能用于in...to doing的结构。
19.[D] context
context意为“上下文”, be placed in an either/or context即“置于非此即彼的背景中”,是正确选择。其余选项均不符合文意:contrast, “对照,对比;差异”; contest, “比赛,竞赛”; content, “内容”。
20.[C] both
◎ Ⅱ.Reading Passages
Part A 阅读理解
Passage One
2.[B] 意为:科学与客观的。
[D]中give way to意为:让位于。
5.[D] 意为:用于探讨政府政策问题的学术杂志。
Passage Two
1.[D] 意为:我们的自然倾向。
2.[D] 意为:我们对世界做出的自然反应构成了社会规范的基础。
第二段提到social norms fall upon prepared ground,根据下文,这句话的意思是:我们天生就能学会判断什么是公平和其他美德,这些天生的能力决定我们看待世界的方式,也决定我们对世界作出反应的方式。作者这里的逻辑是:天生的道德判断能力决定我们看待世界的方式和与世界互动的方式,形成我们的生活习惯或社会规范,告诉我们做哪些事情是好的或对的,做哪些事情是不对的。
3.[A] 意为:道德意识差。
4.[C] 意为:理性在道德判断中起一定作用。
5.[B] 意为:赞同的。
Part B 选择搭配
此题为第二段一整段,要看前后段,须承上启下。文章开头讲到驾驶员开车在路上要做各种涉及自己及他人人身安全的道德和伦理判断。随后作者提出几个问题加以示例,说明驾驶员在这些情况下都要做出相应的决定。再看下段,开头一句中开始讲driverless cars,由此可判断所空缺一段中应从人类驾驶员过渡到driverless cars。浏览选项可见,[D]开头的All of these decisions承接上一段提到的几种情况下驾驶员面临的道德决定,指出这些决定都涉及实际与道德两个层面。本段接着引出无人驾驶汽车,并指出其设计者和技术人员也应该考虑这些问题——包括无人驾驶汽车如何同其他类型的汽车、行人和骑车人有序地共享道路。引出driverless cars这一主题后,文章过渡至下段内容。
此题在段落中间,应考虑段落的一致性及与上下文衔接的连贯。上句引用Bryant Walker Smith的话,指出90%的交通事故至少在一定程度上是由人为错误造成的。空格后面的一句话仍是他的引语,指出自动驾驶将有可能大幅度降低这类事故并且不会引发新的错误源。由此可见,这段主要是讲引发交通事故的原因,并且引用Smith的话。浏览选项可见,[A]中也引用了Smith,他指出,虽然驾驶看起来很危险(As...as这里引导一个让步从句),但是考虑到我们每年旅行亿万英里,大部分驾驶员其实很少出事故。他还列举了导致事故的主要原因,比如超速、酒后驾驶、开车太猛、困倦、分心等。[A]在段落一致性和衔接连贯性上都符合要求。
此题在段首,既应与下文内容一致,也应与上一段相衔接。下文第一句讲到一位叫Lin的人士所说的话,即无人驾驶汽车使用的视觉技术在道德上被接受之前还有很长的路要走。由此可推断出,所空缺的部分应该涉及无人驾驶汽车在技术上仍存在的缺陷或不足,并且会引出Lin这个人。这些在[G]中恰好有所体现,而且[G]开头的However也与上段形成转折衔接,引出本段的内容,即根据Patrick Lin的观点,万一(should置于句首引导条件状语从句,表示万一的情况)发生不可避免的撞车事故,无人驾驶汽车观察和识别潜在物体或危险的方法与人类的眼脑连接是不同的,也不那么精确,因此自动驾驶汽车应该如何反应可能会引发道德困境。
此题在段尾,应该保持与上文内容的一致性和连贯性,并且与下一段相衔接。上文是在引用Lin的观点,指出如今自动驾驶汽车上使用的系统只是简单地“看到”与被扫描图像中每个像素的亮度有关的数值,然后推断出目标可能是什么。下一段开头仍是在引用Lin的话,而且关键的线索词“these distinctions”提示正确选项中所讲的内容。[B]中的He adds即说明这仍是在引用Lin的观点,而最后的distinguishing pedestrians from bicyclists即是下文“these distinctions”的所指。
此题在段落中间,应考虑段落的一致性及与上下文的衔接连贯程度。上文是在引用Lin的观点,指出自动驾驶汽车面临的各种问题和挑战是因为它们不能确定在某种情境中的对象是什么或涉及多少人,而从下文第一句中的指代词语“these technical challenges”可判断出,空缺的部分所讲的内容与“技术难题”相关。浏览剩下的三个选项可见,只有[E]中提到“传感器和计算技术”,还有“缺乏能力”这样的同义词,并且是引语的形式,即Lin的观点,因此可判断出其从内容上与上下文是连贯一致的。
◎ Ⅲ.Translation
1.这是一个简单主从复合句。句架是...they conclude that expanding...would result in...strengthening of...。主句是they conclude,第一个that引导名词从句,作conclude的宾语;第二个that引导定语从句,修饰the set of families;句中marked是形容词,修饰strengthening,作“显著的”讲。请注意在英译汉时,英汉词类的转换是常用的技巧,如句中conclude是动词,译成汉语时译成名词,result in是动词,但翻译时却译成名词。本句可译成:因此他们得出结论,如果扩大有资格获得这种补助金的家庭的范围,其结果将是低收入家庭结构得到明显巩固。
2.这是一个简单主从复合句。句架是The second consists of a...husband and...father who...leaves so that his wife and children may enjoy...provided by...。句中who引导定语从句,修饰husband and father,在定语从句中,so that引导结果状语从句。本句可译成:第二类由一个有爱心的丈夫和具有献身精神的父亲组成,这位丈夫和父亲意识到他一个人作为家庭的抚养者是不够的,于是他离开了,这样一来他的妻子和孩子才可能享受到公共援助带来的相对好处。
3.这是一个简单句。句架是The formation...and...is...a function of the relative because...as seen by...。句中as seen by是整句的状语,as seen by也可理解为as(it is)seen by...。it指句中三位一体的主语,因而谓语动词用is。请注意句中function一词的翻译需按上下文灵活处理,function一般作“功能”讲。本句可译成:家庭的组成、维持和解散在婚姻的各个成员看来,在很大程度上是在婚姻带来的好处和付出的代价之间保持相对平衡。
4.这是一个简单句。句架是Martial stability is related to the costs of...and to the prevailing social price of...。句中be related to作“和……有关”讲。本句应译成:婚姻稳定关系到在家庭消费和生产问题上达成可以接受的协议所要付出的代价,也关系到婚姻伙伴的社会经济群体的不稳定所普遍付出的社会代价。
5.这是一个主从复合句,其中包括条件从句,也包括比较级从句,是两种条件下所产生的状况之间的比较,因为被比较的状况是一种假设,故谓语使用虚拟式(if you had asked)。另外,在a photo and the names of eight children中,of eight children既修饰a photo,也修饰the names。本句可译成:如果你带着一个病孩子的照片和名字寻求捐赠,你所得到的钱将比你带一张八个孩子的照片及其名字多一倍。
◎ Ⅳ.Writing
Sample for reference:
Part A 应用文
Recently, we have noticed a serious problem on our campus:the waste of food. In the canteens, for instance, some students may leave food on the table when they go way. Leftovers can also be found in the dustbins down the teaching or dormitory buildings.
Waste of food is not just a waste of money and resources. It also indicates the loss of our traditional virtue“thriftiness”. Therefore we earnestly appeal to all students on campus to act now and treasure our food. We are advised to buy food just enough for one meal. If there is still something left, we can save it for the next meal by heating it in the microwave oven.
We believe, with our joint efforts, the waste of food will disappear from our campus.
Part B 英语写作
In the left picture, a man labeled“credibility kept”is walking through a crossroad that leads to roads in all directions, while in the right one, a man labeled“credibility lost”stands in the crossroad with stop signs that block his access to all roads. The two pictures obviously have revealed the significance of credibility in modern society.
In the first place, keeping credibility is the fundamental moral code of modern society, which is the basis on which people communicate and interact with each other. Loss of credibility will definitely lead to undesirable outcomes. Just as the roads are blocked in the picture, some people who refuse to pay their debt may be forbidden to travel by air or high-speed train. In the second place, credibility is a quality much desired for an organization. A company with this quality as part of its corporate culture, for instance, will be more likely to win out in the fierce competition. Otherwise, consumers will not buy products or services from a company without credibility. Actually, it is much needed in almost every aspect of our social life, without which there may not be trust among people, let alone cooperation.
Based on the above analysis, we may conclude that credibility is essential for individuals, organizations and the society as a whole. It is strongly recommended that we cultivate and promote this quality in all respects of our life.