第一部分 中级篇——夯实基础
U1 Language and Communication 语言与交际
Text What Does Bilingualism Means to Us?
Last week, Johnson took a look at some of the advantages of bilingualism.These include better performance at tasks involving“executive function”(which involve the brain's ability to plan and prioritise), better defence against dementia in old age and—the obvious—the ability to speak a second language.One purported advantage was not mentioned, though.Many multilinguals report different personalities, or even different world views, when they speak their different languages.
It's an exciting notion, the idea that one's very self could be broadened by the mastery of two or more languages.In obvious ways the self really is broadened.Yet it is different to claim—as many people do—to have a different personality when using a different language.A former Economist colleague, for example, reported being ruder in Hebrew than in English.So what is going on here?
Benjamin Lee Whorf, an American linguist who died in 1941, held that each language encodes a worldview that significantly influences its speakers.This idea has its sceptics, but there are still good reasons to believe language shapes thought.
This influence is not necessarily linked to the vocabulary or grammar of a second language.Significantly, most people are not symmetrically bilingual.Many have learned one language at home from parents, and another later in life, usually at school.So bilinguals usually have different strengths and weaknesses in their different languages—and they are not always best in their first language.For example, when tested in a foreign language, people are less likely to fall into a cognitive trap than when tested in their native language. In part this is because working in a second language slows down the thinking.No wonder people feel different when speaking them.And no wonder they feel looser, more spontaneous, perhaps more assertive or funnier or blunter, in the language they were reared in from childhood.
What of“crib”bilinguals, raised in two languages? Even they do not usually have per-fectly symmetrical competence in their two languages.But even for a speaker whose two languages are very nearly the same in ability, there is another big reason that person will feel different in the two languages.This is because there is an important distinction between bilingualism and biculturalism.
Many bilinguals are not bicultural.But some are.And of those bicultural bilinguals, we should be little surprised that they feel different in their two languages.Experiments in psychology have shown the power of“priming”—small unnoticed factors that can affect behaviour in big ways.Asking people to tell a happy story, for example, will put them in a better mood.The choice between two languages is a huge prime.Speaking Spanish rather than English, for a bilingual and bicultural Puerto Rican in New York, might conjure feelings of family and home.Switching to English might prime the same person to think of school and work.
People seem to enjoy telling tales about their languages' inherent properties, and how they influence their speakers.A group of French intellectual worthies once proposed, rather self-flatteringly, that French be the sole legal language of the EU, because of its supposedly unmatchable rigour and precision.Some Germans believe that frequently putting the verb at the end of a sentence makes the language especially logical.
In this case, Ms Chalari, a scholar, at least proposed a specific and plausible line of causation from grammar to personality:in Greek, the verb comes first, and it carries a lot of information, hence easy interrupting.The problem is that many unrelated languages all around the world put the verb at the beginning of sentences.It would be a striking finding if all of these unrelated languages had speakers more prone to interrupting each other.
Reading Comprehension
1.The text mainly explores the question“________”.
[A]Do different languages confer different personalities?
[B]How do bilinguals manage between two languages?
[C]Is bilingualism good for fostering executive functions?
[D]What advantages do bilinguals have over monolinguals?
2.Which of the following is true according to the fourth paragraph?
[A]Vocabulary and grammar do not shape people's thought.
[B]Speaking native language well always affords an advantage.
[C]One mainly reserves one's native language for making fun.
[D]One is more on his guard when speaking a foreign language.
3.The author mentions bilinguals and biculturals to make the point that ________.
[A]there is a greater necessity now to make such a distinction
[B]there is actually no difference whatsoever between the two
[C]even bicultural bilinguals feel differently in the two languages
[D]small cultural factors have big influences on native speakers
4.It is implied that structural properties of language ________.
[A]conjure up different things in speakers' minds
[B]do not shape its speakers' individual attributes
[C]make one language more logical than another
[D]determine its status in international communication
5.To Ms Chalari's idea about language and personality, the author's attitude is ________.
1.So bilinguals usually have...first language.(第四段)
第四段的这个句子中所说的强弱,指的是语言能力的强弱,本句是对most people are not symmetrically bilingual的具体说明。
2.And no wonder they fee.l..from childhood.(第四段)
第四段的这个句子中,loose指放松或警惕性不够高,太随意;assertive意为“有信心的”,甚至“过分自信的”; in the language they were reared in from childhood指他们的母语,或第一语言。
3.What of“crib”bilinguals, raised in two languages?(第五段)
第五段的这个句子中,what of意为“……情况怎样”,跟what about意思差不多;crib指儿童床或摇篮,crib bilingual指从出生时候起就在双语环境下长大的双语者。
1.[A] 意为:不同语言赋予不同的个性吗?
第一段提到,作者(注意:约翰逊是本文作者自己的名字)上周看到有人提到操双语的好处,其中唯独没有提到一个优势,即说双语的人在说不同语言时具有不同个性,甚至具有不同的世界观。一门语言是否影响说这种语言的人的思想和个性,这是本文所探讨的主要问题。从第二段和最后一段来看,作者对这个问题的回答基本上是否定的。比如作者在第二段中说,他承认学习一门新的语言能broaden one's self,但认为说哪种语言就相应地有哪种个性,这完全不是一码事。
2.[D] 意为:一个人在说外语时更警觉。
第四段的主题是第二句,即操双语的人在两种语言的能力上存在不平衡。但是作者也指出,使用不同语言有各自的好处,其中提到使用外语时更小心,不至于落入认知陷阱,而使用母语时更随意,更自然。这里,说到母语的使用时作者用了loose, spontaneous, funny和blunt(直截了当的),由此推断,说外语时人们不放松,不自然流畅,不直截了当,因此更小心,时刻监控自己说话的内容。
3.[C] 意为:即使双文化双语者说两种语言时感觉也不一样。
作者在第五段提到双语和双文化的区别。从第六段来看,他主要想说的观点是:操双语不等于拥有双重文化,作者在第六段第三句又指出,即使拥有双文化的双语者(bicultural bilinguals),他们使用两种语言时各自的感受也不一样。下文提到居住在纽约的波多黎各人作为例子,说西班牙语时让他们更有家的感觉,而说英语时则使他们想到工作和学习。
4.[B] 意为:不会塑造说话者的个性特征。
5.[A] 意为:不赞同的。
◎ Ⅰ.Cloze
Every day more kids are born with parents of different nationalities and more people are living outside the country of their native language.A hybrid generation is emerging, not only 1 cyberspace but also by people living next door and touching each other's lives.
Bilingual kids, children speaking two languages, usually speak a bit later than kids who speak one language.Often their vocabulary in each language is a bit less than if one language were spoken.It can be 2 for parents to communicate with their children in separate languages. 3 , the benefits will be great after years of 4 and hard work.
The 5 of bilingualism run deeper than language.More than two languages, these kids 6 two ways of thinking, two cultures, and what's more, a personalized convergence(i.e.blending)of the two.The 7 for kids to really understand and share the feelings of people different from them increases when they internalize more than one language, 8 and culture.
Wars and ethnic 9 are almost always about money and greed.Power seekers—politicians, corporations and often religious leaders—are 10 to encourage public support for dehumanizing those who stand 11 the way of their aim.
However, the 12 of multilingual influence in the world is 13 for hope.Last October Dartmouth University researchers found that the human brain's language centers are actually 14 when dealing with two or more languages.Their findings reveal that we are 15 to understand each other's languages. Monolinguals might not be taking full 16 of the brainpower that nature has made available. 17 , bilingual kids are too busy advancing cognitive evolution to put 18 with dehumanizing propaganda and war. They, and we, are built to 19 among multiple cultures.It looks that 20 and children are winning.
◎ Ⅱ.Reading Passages
Part A 阅读理解
★Passage One
Assertiveness involves acting in one's own best interests by expressing one's thoughts and feelings directly and honestly.Essentially, assertiveness involves standing up for your rights when someone else is about to infringe on them.To be assertive is to speak out openly.
The nature of assertive communication can best be clarified by contrasting it with submissive communication and aggressive communication.Submissive communication is consistently giving in to others on points of possible contention.Submissive people tend to let others take advantage of them.Typically, their biggest problem is that they cannot say“no”to unreasonable requests.A common example is the college student who can't tell her roommate not to borrow her clothes.They also have difficulty in voicing disagreement with others and making requests themselves.In traditional trait terminology, they are timid.Although the roots of submissiveness have not been investigated fully, they appear to lie in excessive concern about gaining the social approval of others.However, the strategy of not making waves is more likely to garner others' contempt than their approval.1)Moreover, individuals who use this style often feel bad about themselves and resentful of those who they allow to take advantage of them.These feelings often lead the submissive individ-ual to try to punish the other person by withdrawing or crying.These manipulative attempts to get one's own way are sometimes referred to as“passive aggression”or“indirect aggression.”
It is sometimes difficult to differentiate between assertive communication and aggressive communication. In principle, the distinction is fairly simple.Aggressive communication involves an intention to hurt or harm other people.Assertive behaviour includes no such intention to do harm, but it does involve defending your rights.The problem in real life is that assertive and aggressive behaviour may overlap.When someone is about to infringe on their rights, people often fight back at the other party while defending their rights.The challenge, then, is to learn to be firm and assertive without going a step too far and becoming aggressive.
Advocates of assertive communication argue that it is much more adaptive than either submissive or aggressive communication.They maintain that submissive behaviour leads to poor self-esteem, self-denial, emotional suppression, and strained interpersonal relationships.They assert that aggressive communication tends to promote guilt, alienation, and disharmony.In contrast, assertive behaviour is said to foster high selfesteem and satisfactory interpersonal relationships.
Of course, behaving assertively does not ensure that you will always get what you want.2)The essen-tial point with assertiveness is that you are able to state what you want clearly and directly.Being able to do so makes you feel good about yourself and will usually make others feel good about you, too.And, although being assertive doesn't guarantee your chances of getting what you want, it certainly enhances them.
1.The best title for this passage is ________.
[A]The Nature of Assertiveness
[B]The Contrast between Submissive and Assertive Communication
[C]Interpersonal Communication Strategies
[D]Submissive and Aggressive Communication
2.A contrast is made in the passage with a view to ________.
[A]illustrating the detrimental effect of aggressive communication
[B]emphasizing the importance of consistent behaviour
[C]illuminating the nature of assertive communication
[D]spelling out a step-by-step strategy in interpersonal communication
3.Contrary to their expectations, submissive people often ________.
[A]fail to say“no”to unreasonable requests
[B]can not let others take advantage of them
[C]become aggressive when they are subjected to contempt
[D]end up resenting those who infringe on them
4.The chief difference between assertive and aggressive communication lies in ________.
[A]the kind of reaction when a person is subjected to infringement
[B]the intention in defending one's rights even if it is not threatened
[C]the satisfaction a person extracts from the defence of his own rights
[D]the attitude a person takes towards solving the problem in real life
5.The most important thing about being assertive, compared to submissive and aggressive communication is that ________.
[A]a person gets what he wants
[B]it gives a person self-esteem
[C]it enables a person to fight back
[D]it opens more opportunities for a person
2.Submissive communication...contention.(第二段)
3.However, the strategy...approval.(第二段)
【注解】make waves指“捣乱,惹是生非”。
4.These manipulative...“indirect aggression”.(第二段)
【注解】get one's own way意为“随心所欲”。
5.The challenge, then...aggressive.(第三段)
6.Advocates of...communication.(第四段)
★Passage Two
A study just published by the Public Library of Science, conducted by Ethan Kross of the University of Michigan and Philippe Verduyn of Leuven University in Belgium, has shown that the more someone uses Facebook, the less satisfied he is with life.3)Past investigations have found that using Facebook is associated with jealousy,social tension, isolation and depression, but these studies have all been“cross-sectional”—in other words, snapshots in time. As such, they risk confusing correlation with causation:perhaps those who spend more time on social media are more prone to negative emotions in the first place. The study conducted by Dr Kross and Dr Verduyn is the first to follow Facebook users for an extended period, to track how their emotions change.
The researchers recruited 82 Facebookers for their study.4)These volunteers,in their late teens or early 20s, agreed to have their Facebook activity observed for two weeks and to report,five times a day,on their state of mind and their direct social contacts(phone calls and meetings in person with other people). These reports were prompted by text messages, sent between 10am and midnight, asking them to complete a short questionnaire.
When the researchers analysed the results, they found that the more a volunteer used Facebook in the period between two questionnaires, the worse he reported feeling the next time he filled in a questionnaire. Volunteers were also asked to rate their satisfaction with life at the start and the end of the study. Those who used Facebook a lot were more likely to report a decline in satisfaction than those who visited the site infrequently. In contrast, there was a positive association between the amount of direct social contact a volunteer had and how positive he felt. A volunteer's sex had no influence on these findings; nor did the size of his(or her)social network, his stated motivation for using Facebook, his level of loneliness or depression or his self-esteem. Dr Kross and Dr Verduyn therefore conclude that, rather than enhancing well-being, Facebook undermines it.
Their study does not tease out why socialising on Facebook has a different effect from socialising in person. But an earlier investigation conducted by another group of social scientists may have found the root cause. These researchers surveyed 584 users of Facebook aged mostly in their 20s. They found that the most common emotion aroused by using Facebook is envy. Endlessly comparing themselves with peers who have doctored their photographs, amplified their achievements and plagiarised their bon mots can leave Facebook's users more than a little green-eyed.
1.What is true of the new research?
[A]It has been justified by past investigations.
[B]It has rejected the results of past investigations.
[C]It has confused correlation with causation.
[D]It has recorded emotional change over time.
2.In the experiment, the purpose of the text message was to ________.
[A]minimize the effect of negative feelings
[B]reduce the amount of direct social contact
[C]remind the volunteers to report their feelings
[D]ask the volunteers very short questions
3.More positive emotions are fostered by ________.
[A]increasing real-world socializing activities
[B]bringing positive feelings to Facebook use
[C]reporting personal feelings on Facebook frequently
[D]motivating oneself to use Facebook more often
4.It is found that online socializing undermines happiness ________.
[A]even if one's social network is fairly large
[B]especially when one feels lonely all the time
[C]although one has built a high sense of self-esteem
[D]even when one does not use Facebook frequently
5.The dissatisfaction of Facebook users results mainly from ________.
[A]their inability to control negative emotions
[B]their jealousy of others' accomplishments
[C]their lack of skill in taking good photographs
[D]their ignorance of online socializing strategies
1.As such, they risk confusing...in the first place.(第一段)
【注解】本句中,as such意思是“像(或作为)这样的研究”; risk后跟动名词形式;correlation指两个事物之间的关联,但二者未必有因果关系;causation则指两个事物之间的因果联系。词组be prone to意为“倾向于,易于”, in the first place意为“起初,首先”。
2.These reports were prompted...questionnaire.(第二段)
【注解】text message指短信,These reports were prompted by text messages是说用短信提醒实验参与者提交报告,midnight指零点;sent和asking这两个分词短语都作定语,修饰text messages,即被发送的是短信,短信的内容是要求他们提交报告并填写一份调查表。
3.A volunteer's sex had no influence...self-esteem.(第三段)
【注解】本句后半句是nor引导的省略句,意为“……对这些发现也没有影响”。其中主语有三个,一是the size of his(or her)social network,这里,social network指在线社交网络;二是his stated motivation for using Facebook,意为“他自己所说的使用Facebook的动机”;三是his level of loneliness or depression or his self-esteem,这里,level指这三种心理的程度。
4.Their study does not tease...in person.(第四段)
【注解】词组tease out意为resolve the intricacy, complexity, or obscurity of something,即“搞清楚,揭示”, socialising指同其他人交往或交际,socialising in person指线下面对面的交流方式,即第二、三段所说的direct social contact。
5.Endlessly comparing themselves...green-eyed.(第四段)
【注解】本句的主干结构是Endlessly comparing...can leave Facebook's users...green-eyed,其中,comparing...mots是动名词作主语。本句中,doctor是动词,意为“修饰,造假”,这里指美化自己的照片;bon mots是法语,意思是“妙语,箴言”, plagiarise their bon mots是说他们抄袭盗用别人的语言,并把它们当作自己的语言;green-eyed意为“嫉妒的”。
Part B 段落排序
The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order.For Questions 1~5 you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list [A]~[G]to fill in each numbered box. The first and last paragraphs have been placed for you in boxes.
[A]Most children develop speech and language effortlessly, but some are slow to acquire these skills and go on to struggle with literacy and academic skills throughout their schooling and this project set out to uncover what factors contributed to these problems.Professor Sue Roulstone said, “These findings are an encouragement to all parents to provide a positive communication environment for their child from the very start of their lives.”
[B]In this study, the child's communication environment is defined by the number of books available to the child; the frequency of trips to the library; the mother teaching a range of activities to the child; the number of toys available; and attendance at preschool.“Social disadvantage is often measured by parental income or education but this doesn't tell us how parents choose to spend their time or money, ”said Professor Law.“Simple activities such as visiting a library more often, playing games together or joining a Surestart group can help improve a child's communication skills immensely.”
[C]It soon became evident that what the mother did with her child in terms of activities and interaction, the resources available to her, and how supported she felt in the first two years had an important effect on her child's performance at five years old.Data from the study shows that children with a positive communication environment had a better expressive vocabulary by their second birthday.These children went on to achieve higher scores in language, reading and maths tests when they entered school.In the early years, the communication environment was a better predictor of children's success with language than their general social background.
[D]The Role of Language in Children's Early Educational Outcomes report(published 30 June 2011)looks at how a child's very early environment—before their second birthday—influences their language and school performance.
[E]“This is a very positive message as it gets us away from the belief that a child's educational future is predetermined by standard measures of socio-economic disadvantage such as income, housing or the mother's education.”The review is based on data from a long-term population study of children born between April 1991 and December 1992 to mothers living in and around the city.The research focused on the early questionnaires completed by mothers during the child's pre-school years, and data collected from the schools on entry.
[F]“The project did identify particular aspects of the communication environment, like having children's books around and not having the television on too much.But the main message is that, as parents, we can have an impact on how our children learn to talk by providing a range of communication experiences.And the better our children at talking by the age of two years, the better they will do when they start school.”
[G]“One message coming through loud and clear is that how a child learns in their very early years is critical for smooth transition into the educational system, ”said Professor James Law, Newcastle University, who was one of the researchers in the study.“Although we recognise that traditional indicators of social risk such as material wealth remain influential later on, what you do with your child and how you communicate with them when they're under two is far more important than having a flash car or a detached house in the country.”

1.The Role of Language in Children's Early Educational Outcomes report(published 30 June 2011)looks at how a child's very early environment—before their second birthday—influences their language and school performance.(第一段)
【注解】理解本句有两个要点:其一,较长的主语The Role of Language in Children's Early Educational Outcomes report(published 30 June 2011);其二,用来进一步说明a child's very early environment的插入语before their second birthday。
2.Although we recognize that traditional indicators of social risk such as material wealth remain influential later on, what you do with your child and how you communicate with them when they're under two is far more important than having a flash car or a detached house in the country.(第二段)
【注解】这是一个从句套从句的复合结构,由主句和Although引导的修饰全句的状语从句构成。主句为系表结构,是一个比较句,其中的主语部分是两个并列的从句what you do with your child和how you communicate with them及它们的时间状语when they're under two,系表部分为is far more important than...。在Although引导的状语从句中,we recognize...为主句,that引导的从句traditional indicators of social risk such as material wealth remain influential later on是主句中谓语动词recognize的宾语;而在这个宾语从句中,主语是traditional indicators of social risk,系动词是remain。
3.The review is based on data from a long-term population study of children born between April 1991 and December 1992 to mothers living in and around the city.(第三段)
【注解】born between April 1991 and December 1992 to mothers living in and around the city为后置定语,修饰children,是对研究对象children的描述,包含对children的两个限定,一个是对出生日期的限定,即:born between April 1991 and December 1992;另一个是对母亲的限定,即mothers living in and around the city。
4.It soon became evident that what the mother did with her child in terms of activities and interaction, the resources available to her, and how supported she felt in the first two years had an important effect on her child's performance at five years old.(第四段)
【注解】在that从句中,what the mother did...和how supported she felt...这两个并列的从句为主语部分,had an important effect on...是谓语部分。
5.Most children develop speech and language effortlessly, but some are slow to acquire these skills and go on to struggle with literacy and academic skills throughout their schooling and this project set out to uncover what factors contributed to these problems.(第六段)
6.The project did identify particular aspects of the communication environment, like having children's books around and not having the television on too much.(第七段)
◎ Ⅲ.Translation
Translate the underlined sentences in the Reading Passages of Part A into Chinese.
◎ Ⅳ.Writing
Part A 应用文
You have been working in a local publishing house for three years.Now you want to pursue a Master's degree and have to prepare for the entrance examination.Write a letter of resignation to your boss.Your writing should include:
1)reasons for the resignation,
2)expression of thankful feelings,
3)expected resignation date.
You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Li Ming”instead.
Do not write the address.
Part B 英语写作
The following is a picture about the popularity of Internet buzz word.Write an essay of about 160~200 words based on the picture.In the composition you should
1)describe the picture,
2)explain the phenomenon, and
3)express your own attitude to it.

Useful Expressions
1.be flooded with 使……充满
2.cyber language/netspeak 网络用语
3.Netizen 网民
4.step into people's life 进入人们的生活
5.make mixed use of 混合使用
6.find one's way into(不知不觉地)进入
7.serious media reports 严肃的媒体报道
8.a novel phenomenon 新的现象
9.arouse great concern of the public 引起公众的极大关注
10.corrupt the purity of formal and standard Chinese 破坏了正规的标准汉语的纯洁性
11.the rude or vulgar words 粗俗的用词
12.set up regulations 建立管理机制
13.restrict the use of cyber language 严禁使用网络用语
14.take an opposite stand 采取相反的立场
15.the information age 信息时代
16.be tolerant of 对……包容
17.normalize the development of the language 使语言发展规范化
◎ Ⅰ.Cloze
1.[C] via
本题考介词。本文主要讲双语儿童人数的增加可能产生的影响。段首句提供背景:每天都有更多的孩子出生在父母来自不同民族或国家的家庭,越来越多的人居住在本民族语言以外的国家。本句描述正在形成的混血一代(a hybrid generation)的特点:他们不仅通过网络空间进行交流,而且比邻而居,生活密切相关。via表示“借助,通过某种手段或某人”,如:We got to know each other via a mutual friend.我们是通过一个共同的朋友相识的。其余介词在此均不适用:during一般指时间;throughout作介词时意为“贯穿,遍及”; along意为“沿着,顺着”。
2.[B] alienating
alienate是alien(异国的,异族的,外侨,外星人)的派生词,意为“使疏远,使不和”, alienating在此指父母在使用不同语言与子女讲话时体会到的陌生感,符合文意:对家长们来说,父母用不同的语言同孩子交流可能使彼此感觉疏远。其余选项均不适用:stimulating意为“激励人心的,使人兴奋的”; perplexing意为“使人疑惑的”; speculating意为“推测的,投机的”,一般以人作主语。
3.[D] However
4.[A] persistence
determination意为“决心”,决心虽然重要,但“多年的(years of)”决心则意味着没有行动;endurance虽然也有坚持的意思,但主要指“忍耐,忍受”; continuation指“继续”。本题只有persistence(坚持不懈,持之以恒)可以与hard work并列且被years of限定,符合文意:经过多年不懈的努力……
5.[A] implications
本句谓语动词run有“伸展,有效,继续”等意思,在本句中作系动词,与go同义;run deep意为“深远,深刻”。根据下文展开内容,可以判断出段首句当讲双语的意义不仅限于语言本身,implications有“暗示,含义”等意思,符合文意。其余选项不能概括本段内容:indications, “迹象,象征,表示”; modifications,“修订,修改”; contradictions, “矛盾”。
6.[B] embody
本段讲双语的益处。双语儿童掌握的不仅是两种语言,他们还受到两种思维方式和两种文化潜移默化的影响,因此,他们身上体现出两种文化在个人身上的交融。embody指“(使思想、感情等)具体体现,具体表达”。如:The idea or principle of representation is far from being fully or effectively embodied in existing political arrangements.代表制思想或原则还远远没有在现行的政治体系中完全有效地体现出来。As a leader of the South West Africa People's Organization, he embodied Namibia's resistance to the South African occupation.作为西南非洲人民组织的领导人,他身上体现了纳米比亚对南非占领的抵抗精神。其余选项不用于表示“体现、具有”:symbolize意为“象征”; resemble意为“与……相似”; crystallize本意为“结晶”,虽然也有“(使思想、计划等)具体化”的含义,但主要指“(思想等)变得明确、清晰”。
7.[D] capacity
根据上下文,此处应当讲随着他们真正吸收(internalize“内在化”)不同语言文化,双语儿童对不同文化背景的人的理解能力得到增强。capacity常特指“体会、理解或学习的能力”,是正确答案。其余选项与文意无关:technique, “技术”; willingness, “愿意”; efficiency, “效率”。
8.[D] heritage
儿童从来自不同国家或民族并使用不同语言的双亲身上,学到的是不同的语言和文化传统。heritage有“传统,继承”等意,是正确答案。其余选项不与language and culture并列作internalize的宾语:region,“地区”; origin, “起源,出身”; nationality, “国籍,民族”。
9.[C] conflicts
本题四个选项都有“矛盾”的含义,但disputes主要指“争论(difference of opinion)”; discrepancies指“差异(difference of conflicting facts or claims)”; contrasts意为“反差,差别,对比”,只有conflicts可以与wars并列,ethnic conflicts即“种族纷争,民族矛盾”,符合文意。
10.[A] keen
keen意为“热切的,(感情等)强烈的”, be keen to do sth.即“非常希望做某事”,符合文意:追逐权力者非常希望得到公众支持……其余选项均不适用:anxious主要指“担心,忧虑,焦急”; urgent(紧急的)和acute(激烈的,严重的,敏锐的)都不能用于be...to do sth.的句型。
11.[B] in
to stand in one's way(或to be in one's way)是固定用法,意为“妨碍某人”,是正确选项。on one's way意为“在路上”,不符合文意;over和against不与way如此搭配使用。
12.[C] rise
根据上文“越来越多”的双语家庭等表述,可以判定作者认为双语的影响在逐渐扩大,故选rise(增加,上升)。其余选项不合逻辑:decline, “减少,下降”; disappearance, “消失”; boom, “突然增加,繁荣”。
13.[B] reason
本题主要考理解。本段主要讲科研表明人类的大脑有加工多种语言的能力,表明人类所具有的相互理解的潜力可以通过双语得以增强,因而作者认为世界上的战争和民族矛盾有望减少。首句提出观点,展开句给出论据。reason有“理由,原因”等含义,be reason for hope即“使人有理由抱有希望”,符合文意。其余选项都不能引出下文提到的原因:excuse虽然也有“理由”的意思,但主要指“借口”; sugges-tion, “建议,暗示”; recommendation, “推荐”。
14.[B] enhanced
本题四个动词中只有enhanced(提高,加强)可以用于表示大脑等器官的能力得到增强,其余选项均不能修饰“人脑的语言中心”:extended意为“扩展,延伸”,主要指时间或空间的延伸;exerted意为“发挥,运用,施加影响”; envisaged意为“展望,想象”。
15.[A] designed
本题主要考习惯用语。design本意是“设计”, be designed to do sth.或be designed for sth.是习语,意为“为某种目的或用途而制造或设计”,常用于表示抽象概念或事物本质特点。本段引述科研结果论证双语的益处,本句中“我们”指“人类”,作者认为大自然赋予人类相互理解的能力。注意下文作者重述这一观点时的措辞:Then, and we, are built to...我们人类本身有……的能力。其余三个动词主要用于工农业生产,一般不能以人类作宾语:invented, “发明,创造”; fabricated, “制造,编造”; produced, “生产,制造”。
16.[C] advantage
本题主要考搭配。take full advantage of是固定用法,意为“充分利用……的优势”,其余选项均不能用于take...of结构:have full knowledge of, “具有……全部知识,充分了解”; make full use of, “充分利用”; take credit for, “因……受到赞扬,由于……获得荣誉”。
17.[A] Theoretically
本句“双语儿童忙于发展认知能力,无法忍受诋毁他人的宣传和战争”的推断无法通过观察或实验加以验证,故选Theoretically(从理论上讲)。其余选项不符合文意:Ideologically, “意识形态方面地”;Ironically, “具有讽刺意味地,讽刺性地”; Consequently, “因此,所以”。
18.[C] up
本题考词组。put up with意为“忍受,容忍”,其余介词均不适合。
19.[C] thrive
本句中“他们”指代上句“双语儿童(bilingual kids)”;从本文视角看,“我们”应该指包括所有其他人的全人类,从上文描述的科研成果可以推断出,人类不仅有能力适应多种文化,而且在多语的环境中大脑功能得以增强,因而人类可以兴旺发展。thrive意为“茁壮成长,蓬勃发展”,是最佳选择。其余选项均不符合文意:multiply, “繁殖,增加”; survive, “生存,存活下来”; stabilize, “使安定,使坚固”。
20.[A] biology
◎ Ⅱ.Reading Passages
Part A 阅读理解
Passage One
1.[A] 意为:果断自信的本质。
2.[C] 意为:阐明果断自信的交流方式的本质。
3.[D] 意为:对侵害他们的人最终会感到怨恨。
4.[A] 意为:人受到侵害时的反应方式。
Passage Two
1.[D] 意为:它记述了一段时间内情绪的变化。
2.[C] 意为:提示志愿者汇报自己的感受。
第二段描述了实验过程。实验共持续了两周,在这段时间内,志愿者每天五次向研究者汇报自己的心态(state of mind指情绪状态),以及与其他人的直接接触。在每天早上10点至午夜的这段时间内,研究者发短信给志愿者,要求他们填写一个调查表,这个调查表的内容就是志愿者汇报的内容。在第二段最后一句中,prompt意为“提示,提醒”。可见,短信的目的是提示志愿者向研究者发送reports。
3.[A] 意为:增加现实世界的社交活动。
4.[A] 意为:即使一个人的社交网络相当大。
5.[B] 意为:他们对其他人成就的妒忌。
Part B 段落排序
[G]段首句的引号,提示该句当直接引自与上述研究相关的资料。该段引文之后道出信息来源为该项目研究人员之一James Law教授,这是本段定位的线索。随后继续的James Law教授的话,指出该研究的一个结论,即研究发现了比家境是否富裕更重要的影响儿童发展的因素。换言之,就儿童成长而言,家庭是否富足是无法选择的先天环境,而如何把孩子带大、如何与他们交流却是父母可以为孩子营造的后天环境。这个结论与人们通常持有的观点略有不同,以下当对此做进一步的说明或评价。[E]段正是这个内容。
本段首句This is a very positive message...是对[G]段所公布结论的评价,This...message指前段提出的后天营造环境问题,very positive则是对此的评价。鉴于这个结论与通常的观点有所不同,作者需要介绍结论的依据,使其具有说服力。因此,本段开始回顾研究的方法与过程,首先介绍了该结论来自一项长期研究的数据,并具体说明了研究对象及数据采集的方式。以下应具体呈现导致研究者们得出上述结论的数据。[C]段正是这一内容。此处需要提示的是,除了尾段[F]段外,本段和[G]段首句都是带引号的直接引语,判断本段应置于[G]段之后的关键是指示代词This及其指代的意思。This用于指代刚刚提到的内容,因此,This...positive message应当已在前段有所说明,鉴于首段并没有具体介绍研究结论或观点,仅仅提及研究目的,而[G]段则明确阐述了研究发现,即幼儿两岁前母亲如何带孩子对孩子今后的影响远远胜过富足家境的影响。This...就是对这个观点的评价。以评价观点开头的[E]段自然应该接在陈述观点的[G]段之后。
前段尾句谈到数据收集的方法,本段应延续数据这一话题,对数据进行具体分析。首句It soon became evident that...和第二句Data from the study shows that...都是对研究数据的描述与分析,证明本段当被置于[E]段之后。本段尾句是对研究发现的总结,即communication environment能比一般性的家庭社会背景更好地预测儿童语言学习的成果。
本段的定位有两个关键角度。首先,前段尾句介绍了有关交际环境对儿童语言学习有重大影响的研究发现,本段当具体解释这一发现;其次,前段两次引用communication environment这个概念,并在尾句中称其为a better predictor,本段首句则对communication environment做出进一步的量化描述,如书籍数量、去图书馆的频度、母亲带孩子进行的活动种类、玩具数量以及是否参加学前班等。可见本段与[C]段有密切的前后衔接关系。随后,文章引用Law教授的话说明,在父母的收入水平和受教育程度并不优越的家庭中,父母仍然可以卓有成效地帮助孩子改善交际的技能。
◎ Ⅲ.Translation
1.这是一个简单主从复合句。句架是Moreover, individuals who...often feel bad...and resentful of those who...。句中前后两个who都是关系代词,引导定语从句,分别修饰individuals和those。本句可译成:而且,使用这种方式(待人)的那些个人往往会感到难过,同时又对那些占自己便宜的人感到愤愤不平。
2.这是一个简单主从复合句。句架是The...point...is that you are able to state what...。that引导名词从句作表语;在表语从句中what又引导名词从句,作动词state的宾语。本句可译成:有关果断自信的重要一点是,你能清楚和直接地说出你要什么。
3.这是一个由but连接的并列句。第一个分句中包含一个宾语从句,其中investigations跟第二个分句中的studies都指所做的研究,be associated with意为“与……相联系”, depression意为“抑郁症”。在第二个分句中,cross-sectional study指横向研究,即这些研究区别于纵向研究,不关心历史发展过程,只关注某些时间片断(snapshots in time)。本句可译成:过去的研究已经发现,使用Facebook与嫉妒、社会紧张(关系)、孤独和抑郁症相联系,但是这些研究都是“横向的”,也就是说,它们只关注时间片断。
4.这是一个简单句,句子的主干结构是These volunteers...agreed to have...and to report...,即研究的参与者答应做两件事:一是同意研究者观察他们使用Facebook的活动,二是向研究者汇报他们的心态以及他们直接接触了哪些人。句中,in their late teens or early 20s是定语,修饰volunteers(指自愿参加研究的人); have something done指让别人做某事,have their Facebook activity observed指让研究者观察他们的活动;report on指汇报某事,contacts指联系人,meetings in person指面对面相见。本句可译成:这些志愿者年龄接近或刚过20岁,他们同意在两周之内自己上Facebook的活动被观察,并同意每天报告五次自己的心态以及直接的社会联系人(包括打电话和面见的其他人)
◎ Ⅳ.Writing
Sample for reference:
Part A 应用文
Dear Mr.Wang,
I feel absolutely sorry to you but I have to submit my resignation from the current position in the company.The major reason is that I want to pursue a Master's degree in journalism and I have to prepare for the entrance examination in the next few months.
I would like to say that I really enjoy working here in the past three years with you and other colleagues, from whom I have learned so much that I cannot learn in other working places.Your kindness and that of my nice and friendly colleagues has left unforgettable memories in my mind.
I would appreciate it so much if you accept my resignation.Meanwhile, I shall stay on until you find a replacement for my position.I hope that will happen soon.
Thank you.
Truly yours, Li Ming
Part B 英语写作
In this picture, a man is flooded with Chinese Internet buzz words—words or phrases created by Chinese Netizens, also called Netspeak.Clearly, this interesting picture is intended to indicate that Internet buzz word has stepped into people's life and is spreading rapidly today.Such Chinese words or phrases as“Suan Ni Hen”, or English ones like“smilence”can frequently be seen online.There is also the mixed use of Chinese and English or that of English and Pinyin or figures, like“geilivable”(cool; giving power), “B4”(before),“F2F”(face to face)and so forth.
Internet buzz word has also found its way into students' writing or serious media reports.This novel phenomenon has consequently aroused great concern from the public.There are people who are worried that the popularity of Internet buzz word may corrupt the purity of formal and standard Chinese.They also argue that those rude or vulgar words will have a negative impact on people's mind.So, regulations should be set up to restrict the overuse of it.However, young netizens take an opposite stand.To them, Internet buzz word has its reasons to exist, as a product of the information age.In addition, Internet buzz word is easy to learn and remember and can express ideas more vividly.
Personally, we need to be tolerant of the emergence of Internet buzz word.But we should also guard against rude and vulgar expressions.Everyone can do something to normalize the development of this new form of language use.