北京航空航天大学 2011年硕士研究生入学考试试题
Part One Linguistics (70 points)
Ⅰ. Briefly answer the following questions. (30 points, 5×6)
1. What are the main branches of linguistics? Please identify three branches and explain them briefly.
2. The following sentences may have more than one reading. Would you please disambiguate them and state your reasons?
(1) The chicken is too hot to eat.
(2) Flying planes can be dangerous.
3. What is the difference between literal language and figurative language? Please give concrete examples to elaborate your points.
4.Could the sentence“As the night fell,the wind rose”be alternatively expressed as“As the wind rose, the night fell”?Why or why not?Does this indicate a degree of non-arbitrariness about word order?
5. What are some important contributions that sociolinguistics has made to language teaching?
Ⅱ. Answer the following questions or complete the related tasks. (40 points, 4×10)
1.What is construal in cognitive linguistics?Please give examples to elaborate its different dimensions.
2.Read the following paragraph and list all the function words,including all forms of be.Give the percentage of function words in this paragraph.
She was a small woman, old and wrinkled. When she started washing for us, she was already past seventy. Most Jewish women of her age were sickly, weak, broken in body. But this washwoman, small and thin as she was, possessed a strength that came from generations of peasant ancestors. Mother would count out to her a bag of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks. She would lift the heavy bag, load it on her narrow shoulders, and carry it the long way home.
3. What different forms of sound patterning can you find in the following stanza of the poem “Easter Wings” by George Herbert (1593-1663)?
Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store,
Though foolishly he lost the same,
Decaying more and more,
Till he became
Most poore:
With thee
O let me rise
As larks, harmoniously,
And sing this day thy victories:
Then shall the fall further the flight in me.
4. Analyze the following text from the semantic point of view. Explain whether it is justifiable “To call me colored”?
Dear White Fella
Couple things you should know—
When I born, I black
When I grow up, I black
When I go in sun, I black
When I cold, I black
When I scared, I black
When I sick, I black
And when I die—I still black
You White Fella
When you born, you pink
When you grow up, you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue
When you scared, you yellow
When you sick, you green
And when you die you grey
And you have the cheek
To call me colored?
Microlinguistics mainly includes phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, which are fields of enquiry purely about language itself. (1 points)
(1) Phonetics is the scientific study of speech sounds, which includes the production of speech, that is, how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received, the description and classification of speech sounds, words, and connected speech.
(2) Phonology is the study of how speech sounds function in a language, as well as the ways speech sounds are organized.
(3) Morphology is the scientific study of the formation of words. For example, the verb purify in English consists of two parts: pur(e) and -ify, from which one can work out a rule: a new form of verb can be created by adding-ify to an adjective.
(1) The sentence can be understood in two ways:
A. It is so hot that the chicken are unwilling to eat anything.
B. It is difficult for people to eat the chicken, because it is too hot.
(2) The sentence can be understood in two ways:
A. It is too dangerous for pilots to fly a plane.
B. The plane which is flying can be dangerous.
Literal and figurative language is a distinction within some fields of language analysis. Literal language refers to words that do not deviate from their defined meaning. Non-literal or figurative language refers to words, and groups of words, that exaggerate or alter the usual meanings of the component words.
A literal usage is the “normal” meanings of the words. It maintains a consistent meaning regardless of the context, with “the intended meaning corresponding exactly to the meaning” of the individual words. Figurative use of language is the use of words or phrases in a manner where the literal meaning of the words is not true or does not make sense, but “implies a non-literal meaning which does make sense or that could be true”. Figurative language can take multiple forms such as simile or metaphor.
A simile is a comparison of two things, indicated by some connective, usually “like”, “as”, “than”, or a verb such as “resembles” to show how they are similar, e.g. “His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.”
Yes. It is a case in point to illustrate non-arbitrariness about word order. When the two parts interchange, the focus and the meaning of the sentence is forced to change, because clauses occurring in linear sequence without time indicators will be taken as matching the actual sequence of happening. The writer's original intention is distorted, and we can feel it effortlessly by reading. That is why systemic-functionalists and American functionalists think language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level.
As far as language teaching is concerned, sociolinguistics is believed to have made some important contributions which can further be summarized as follows:
(1) Sociolinguistics has contributed to a change of emphasis in the content of language teaching;
(2) It has also contributed to innovation in materials and activities for the classroom;
(3) It has contributed to a more fruitful research in this field;
(4) It has contributed to a fresh look at the nature of language development and use.
Construal is the ability to conceive and portray the same situation in alternate ways through specificity, different mental scanning, directionality, vantage point, figure-ground segregation, etc. (4 points )
(1) Attention/Salience:The operations grouped under salience have to do with our direction of attention towards something that is salient to us, e. g. a. He cleaned the window; b. He opened the window. This example draws attention to the glass in the window, whereas the frame of the window is more salient in the example. (2 points)
(2) Judgment/Comparison:The construal operations of judgment/comparison have to do with judging something by comparing it to something else. For example:
A. There's cat [figure] on the mat [ground].
B. Batman [figure] was standing on the roof [ground].
C. We [trajector] went across the field [landmark].
D. He [trajector]'s going to London [landmark]. (2 points)
(3) Perspective/Situatedness: Another construal operation in cognitive linguistics is regarded to be perspective, in which we view a scene in terms of our situatedness. For example:
a. My bike is in front of the car.
b. My bike is behind the car. (2 points)
The function words in this passage include:she,was,a,and,when,she,for,she,was,past,of,her,were, in, but, this, and, as, she, a, that, from, of, would, out, to, her, a, of, that, had, over, she, would, the, it,on,her,and,it,and the.Altogether there are 85 words in this passage,and the function words are 40. Then the percentage of function words in this passage is 40/85≈47.9% (10 points)
There are eight different forms of sound patterning, including: rhyme, end rhyme, alliteration, assonance, consonance, reverse rhyme, pararhyme and repetition. In this poem, we can find the following six forms of sound patterning. (2 points)
Alliteration: store/same; Lord/lost; this/thy/then/the; fall/further/flight; more/me
Assonance: Lord/store/fall; Though/most; same/decaying
Consonance: man/in
Rhyme: more /poore /store; became/same; thee/me/harmoniously
Half-rhyme: rise/victories
Repetition: more/more; me/me. (8 points)
4.考点提示:本题考查词的语义成分分析。作者使用不同的词来解释colored,没有用colored来指代黑人。从语义学角度来讲,colored与red, green等词语不是上下义的关系。
This poem is about the use of the word “colored”. The author cleverly makes use of “colored” in the sense of “different colors” to oppose the practice to refer to black people as “colored”. This shows from another point of view that “colored” is not a superordinate to “red”, “green”, “yellow”, etc.(10 points)