3.4 考研真题详解
1 That is a worry for the rest of the world, used to enjoying the “China price”, a seemingly open-ended deflationary pressure on the world economy. (北京外国语大学2008研)
2.Unmarried men are best friends, best masters, best servants; but not always best subjects.(北大2004研)
3.They are dressy instead of plain, specific instead of general,loud instead of soft. (中国人民大学2007研)
4.It is the germination process. Germ of what? Germ of life, germ inexplicable, germ of wonder. (人大2003研)
5.It is simple enough to say that since books have classes—fiction, biography, poetry—we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. (对外经贸大学2006研)
6.Nonetheless, much work remains. (北京外国语大学2012研,考试科目:英汉互译(同声传译))
7.In fact, the number of Chinese turbine manufacturers has expanded so rapidly that the government, fearing a glut, warned in that applications for new factories might not be approved北京外国语大学2012研)
8.At least until genetics, age and our personal habits get in the way. (北京外国语大学2012研)
9.Yet a report on a big fire at King’s Cross tube station had drawn attention to precisely this problem in 1988. (北航2010研)
10.According to experts, almost everything about President Bush’s looks and character are an image-maker’s nightmare. (北京第二外国语学院2008研)
11.In these times when market forces appear increasingly complicated and more volatile, it is all the more important to understand the professional jargon and terminology in the market place in order to be able to better make our investment and business decisions.(国际关系学院2010研)
12.He must be treated with sincerity and reality, with muffins, and not the promise of muffins.(北大2007研)
13.The title of this book might lead some to believe that our intention is, somehow, to teach translators how to translate.
14.In that sense, unemployment is countercyclical, meaning that it rises when economic growth is low and vice versa. (北京外国语大学2011研)
15.Yet it were great reason that those that have children, should have greatest care of future times. (北大2004研)
16.The establishment of communication between people belonging to different speech communities has long been an important form of linguistic performance.(北师大2008研)
17.It has guided policymaking and inspired new national laws. (北京外国语大学2012研)
18.As education aims to perfect gentlemanship, to human excellence, liberal education consists in reminding oneself of human excellence, of human greatness. (北京外国语大学2012研)
19.In their quest to lower costs to stay competitive, companies often wield the ax with little or no regard for the well-being of the people involved. (北京外国语大学2009研)
20.I have always wished to spend some part of the Sunday quiet with books which, at most times, it is fatally easy to leave aside, one’s very knowledge and love of them serving as an excuse for their neglect in favour of print which has the attraction of newness. (北京科技大学2009研)
【解析】介词转译为动词。“Spend some time with books”即“看书”。
21.Only as the recovery takes hold would businesses add workers. (北京外国语大学2011研)
22.The big surprise was exactly how much glaciers are melting in western Antarctica, a vast land mass on the Pacific Ocean side of the continent that is next to the South Pole and includes the Antarctic Peninsula.(北京外国语大学2011研)
23.New research found that melting glaciers will add at least 7 inches to the world's sea level—and that’s if carbon dioxide pollution is quickly capped and then reduced. (北京外国语大学2011研)
【译文】新的研究发现,如果不迅速限制并减少二氧化碳污染物的排放,正在融化中的冰川会使地球海平面上升至少7 英尺。
24.It is time for us to change our mindset so that we do not lose sight of the basic purpose of education. (国际关系学院2009研)
25.And who will dare say it is more false than happiness paid for through an installment plan? (上海交大2005研)
26.For some time now, we’ve been working longer than is good for us(上海交大2006)
27.Many matters, however, are less easily brought to the test of experience. (上海交大2006研)
28.He cannot wholly detach himself from the technicalities and personal inconveniences which accompany the battle for intelligence.(北京第二外国语学院2002研)
29.Chinese planners now talk of the need to restrict investment in sectors that are overflowing with unsold products. (北京外国语大学2010)
30.Second, to indicate all the factors that have to be taken into account in solving the problem. (北京外国语大学2008研)
31.Happily, these books were all of the higher rank in literature, and so there came to be established in my mind an association between the day of rest and names which are the greatest in verse and prose. (北京科技大学2009研)
32.When this tendency to interfere in China was combined with a degree of internal confusion and incoherence within the Japanese government that made the Chinese warlords of the time look well organized, new trouble was almost certain to follow. (北京外国语大学2008研)
【解析】拆分法。英语里面多长句,应结合语境把握其逻辑结构,再根据意群进行拆分,以便于读者理解文意。后面一个分句“new trouble was almost certain to follow”,意义完整,可单独成句。
33.We have therefore discussed the requirements for long-lasting growth on the basis of our own experience and believe that domestic policy needs to address three tasks: establishing and maintaining monetary and financial stability; enhancing domestic and international competition; and empowering people to participate.(北京外国语大学2009研)
【解析】拆分法。原句有多个谓语,翻译时不可笼统解决,适当拆分能使句子条理更加清晰。这里明显“we”作主语,谓语动词有“discussed”, “believe”,这是一层含义,而believe后所带宾语又包含三项内容,即establishing and maintaining, enhancing, empowering。这样一分析,逻辑结构便十分清晰了。
34.And the ability to attract investors is being limited by the giant burden of private-sector debt. (北京外国语大学2012研)
35.When a child, I was permitted to handle on Sunday certain books which could not be exposed to the more careless usage of common days: volumes finely illustrated, or the more handsome editions of familiar authors, or works which, merely by their bulk, demanded special care. 北京科技大学2007研)
36.Students should be exposed to artistic activities and enjoy the process of learning which will help gradually to encourage positive character development.(国际关系学院2009研)
37.Foreign policy is often conducted at multiple levels.(外交学院2007研)
【译文】According to the definition issued by WTO, dumping means the exporting country sells goods in a foreign country in large quantities at a price less than normal value and causes damages to relative industries of the importing country.
【译文】Although this situation couldn’t be changed immediately, we could make progress and shorten the gap with the help of innovative spirit, capital investment and policy support.
【译文】Under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, people of all ethnic groups in China, especially in the quake zone, worked as one and fought in unison against the earthquake disaster.
【解析】短语fight against sth. 原句缺少宾语,译文根据上下文加上“the earthquake disaster”。
【译文】I actually think this is a typical American family, but certainly not in the financial sense for its material possessions went way beyond an average household. It is typical because of the underlying social values it represents.
【解析】句子缺少主语,根据句意,增加主语“I”。根据句意需要和英语固定搭配,译文增加状语in the financial sense和it represents。
【译文】He had been working at that post for thirteen years until 1949.
【译文】Being respected, listened to and helped in times of need is the greatest blessing we can enjoy in this world.
【译文】Industries that get the government’s permit and encouragement to develop, and projects whose raw material import and product export don’t touch upon quota, permit supervision and foreign exchange income and outcome balance, can broaden the domestic market sale proportion according to the foreign invest requirement.
【解析】此题使用词类转换的翻译方法,把“鼓励和允许”由动词词性转译为名词permit and encouragement。
【译文】Chinese business associations should have the awareness of dealing with public emergencies, and make the best of Chinese and foreign industrial organizations to achieve coordination and communication, to dissolve the media and public’s misunderstanding.
【解析】通过词类转换的翻译技巧,原句中的动词“协调和沟通”译为名词coordination and communication
【译文】We should make innovations in the mode of opening up; encourage coastal, inland and border areas to draw on each other's strengths in opening up.
【解析】原句中动词“创新”翻译为名词innovations,短语make innovations,创新。
【译文】Despite the trappings of great wealth, their lifestyle was surprisingly straightforward.
【解析】原句中形容词短语“非常富有”翻译为名词短语trappings of great wealth。
【译文】The two sides should also make use of the opportunities brought by the industrial restructuring to strengthen our cooperation in such new industries as new energy and bio-technology so as to foster new areas of cooperation.
【解析】译文把“新能源、生物技术”放在“新兴产业”的后面,用such as连接。
【译文】We should be sick of it in a week.
【译文】What has handed down is good literature and what has disappeared is bad literature. Who has possessed the world is king and who loses the world is thief.
14.美国公务员工资制度的建立, 实质上还是由市场决定的, 各种有关工资的法律制度是根据市场变化产生的。(北京外国语大学2011研)
【译文】Wages system for American civil servants, in fact, depends on market; all sorts of laws about wages are based on the changes in market.
【译文】Gender equality was overemphasized that what a man did could also be done by a woman. There was no big difference between male and female. Everyone wore the same and girls wore no make-up.
【译文】Thus the days flows away through the sink when I wash my hands, wears off in the bowl when I have my meal, and passes away before my day-dreaming gaze as reflect in silence.
【解析】此题使用了合并的翻译方法,将重复词语或结构全部抽提出来,总译一次,加在全部有关词语或结构的前面或后面,统管兼顾。这里重复的是“thus the days”。
【译文】Those who strive after fame and gain, and haggle over every penny, please go to the downtown area! Those who are sharp-tongued and quarrelsome, please go to the teahouse or restaurant! Those who love deafening gongs and drums as well as noisy wind and string instruments, please go to the opera house or theatre! Those who are given to profound meditation and a quiet life without worldly desires, welcome to the lane!
【解析】此题使用了全部重复的翻译方法,为了保证原文的强调语气和独特风格,译文也同样重复。在此是重复了“those who…”这一结构。
【译文】On the other hand, Chinese government should take an overall consideration by implementing ‘Made in Chine’ brand marketing strategy to establish a good national brand image. Meanwhile, Chinese government needs to strengthen the public relations management and crisis response program to eliminate the ill effects on Chinese export trade as soon as possible in the case of adverse events.
【译文】While ensuring financial security and stability, we will deepen financial reform, open the financial sector wider, improve financial regulation and comprehensively enhance the financial sector's capacity to serve economic growth.
【译文】Therefore, we should think with a calm mind, with more rationality and less impulsivity, more wit and less confusion, more calmness and less fickleness, more indifference and less obsession, and more generosity and less prejudice.
【译文】There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like.
【译文】Anyway, Confucius was highly worshiped in China due to the flattery of the lordliness.
【解析】“due to”自然地衔接了后两个分句,结构紧凑。
【译文】Science means honest, solid knowledge which permits no deceit and asks arduous labor.