4.3 考研真题与典型题详解
I. True or False
1.The definition of what counts as “using language” is non-controversial.
2.Animals have their special communication system.
3.Washoe and Kanzi were capable of taking part in interaction with humans by using a symbol system chosen by humans and not chimpanzees.
4.Washoe and Kanzi went on to perform linguistically on a level comparable to a human child about to begin pre-school.
II. Short answer question
Why language is uniquely human according to the chimpanzees’ learning human language?
【答案】Underlying the two-year-old communicative activity is the capacity to develop a highly complex system of sounds and structures, plus a set of computational procedures, that will allow the child to produce extended discourse containing a potentially infinite number of novel utterances. No other creature has been observed “using language” in this sense. It is in this more fundamental or abstract sense that we say that language is uniquely human.