6 搬家
Dialogue 对话 MP3 01-06
Steven decides to move house. He plans to ask his friend Billy to help him. Now Steven and Billy are in the new house.
Billy:This is a nice place, but you need to get some furniture.
Steven:I had planned to. I can bring some from my place. And there's some more at my parents'.
Billy:Do you have a bed?
Steven:Of course, I have. There is one in my old house. And I have another one from college at my parents' house.
Billy:That's good. You can put one in this room and put the other one in that room.

Steven:Yeah, it is a good idea. You can stay in my house for the night if you would like to.
Billy:Yeah. By the way, can I take a shower?
Steven:Sure, but I don't have hot water, yet.
Steven:No, they're coming tomorrow morning to turn the gas on. My phone should be working then, too.
Billy:Well, do you want to go outside for dinner?
Steven:Yeah, I can't cook anything until tomorrow, anyway. Let's go to the restaurant nearby. It's my treat.
Billy:OK. Let's go.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
furniture [ˈfɜːnɪtʃə]n.家具
college [ˈkɒlɪdʒ]n.学院,学校
restaurant [ˈrestərɒnt]n.餐馆,饭店
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 We are moving tomorrow.我们明天搬家。
2 I will be moving in three months.我三个月后搬家。
3 We'll make a move to the city next month.我们下个月要搬到这个城市来。
4 I want to move into a better house.我想搬进好一点的房子里去。
5 I have to start packing and get ready for move tomorrow.我明天得开始打包行李准备搬家了。
6 We are moving into the new flat tomorrow.我们明天要搬进新公寓了。
7 We plan to move into our new flat on 1st, March.我们计划三月一号搬进新居。
8 I will move into this house the end of this year.我会今年年底搬进这所房子的。
1 Would you mind helping me to move house?你介意帮我搬一下家吗?
2 I will get John and Jack to move house for me.我会找约翰和杰克来为我搬家。
3 Maybe I can help you to move house on that day.或许那天我可以帮你搬家呢。
4 I'm your old friend, so I will help you to move house.我是你的老朋友,所以我会帮你搬家的。
5 I will help some friends to move house tomorrow.我明天要帮一些朋友搬家。
6 My friend Jack volunteered to help me move.朋友杰克自告奋勇要帮我搬家。
7 I am very happy that you can come to help us move.很高兴你能来帮我们搬家。
8 When are the movers coming?搬家工人什么时候会来?
9 I will call the movers and ask them to move house for me.我会给搬家工人打电话,让他们来为我们搬家。
10 We had better find some movers to help us to move.我们最好找些搬家工人帮助我们搬家。
1 Can we proceed with moving house?我们可以接着搬家了吗?
2 How should I do before I move into this house?在我搬进这个房子之前我应该怎么做?
3 If you can help me to handle moving formalities, I will follow your instructions.如果你能帮我办理搬家手续,我将听你指示。
4 It is not so easy for you to handle moving formalities.办理搬家手续并不容易。
5 You must show your identification and pay a few deposit before you can move into the flat.在你搬进这个公寓之前你必须出示相关证件并缴纳一些定金。
6 I had to pay a $1000 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house.我得付给房东1000美元押金才能搬进房里去。
7 You may move into the house after you complete formalities.办完手续后,你就可以搬进去。
1 We moved a lot when I was young.在我很小的时候,我们经常搬家。
2 Our move unsettled the children.我们搬家弄得孩子们不得安宁。
3 My landlord made me move out of the apartment.我的房东又要我搬家了。
4 Susan hated to give up her friends when she moved away.苏珊不希望搬家后失去她的朋友。
5 Will you have to travel or relocate for your job?为了工作你会经常出差或者搬家吗?
6 We just moved house, so I want to buy some sockets.我们刚搬家,我想买几个插座。
7 The movers were very careful with the piano.搬家工人非常小心地移动那架钢琴。
8 Before long our family moved and had to give the pet away.不久我们搬家了,不得不把宠物送人。
9 Mother hated to move from such a nice neighbourhood.母亲不愿搬家离开这么好的邻居。
10 The movers stripped the house of furniture.搬家工把房子里的家具全搬走了。
11 Our neighbors sold their household goods before they moved out.邻居在搬家前把家庭用品先卖掉了。
12 Report any change of local address within seven days of moving.搬家后7天内,请报告地址的变动情况。
13 The movers piled the furniture helter-skelter in the living room of the new house.搬家的人把家具乱七八糟地堆在新房子的起居室里。
14 When he moved he left instructions for his letters to be sent to his new address.他搬家时交待把他的信件转到新住址去。
15 I wonder if a move would be a bad thing for her.我想知道搬家对她来说是否是件坏事。
16 I changed my mind about moving, but was unable to buy the house back.我改变主意不搬家了,但已无法再买回这幢房子。
17 Honestly speaking, most people are reluctant to move.老实说,大部分人是不愿意搬家的。
18 I couldn't pay his rent, so I had to move out.我付不起房租,所以得搬走。
19 We've grown very attached to this house and hate to move.我们十分留恋这所房子,真舍不得搬家。
20 Did you say they were moving?你是说他们要搬家吗?
21 As day approached we weren't still ready to move house.日子快到了,我们还没准备好搬家。
22 A piece was chipped off the piano when we moved house.我们搬家时,把钢琴碰掉了一小块。
23 Let's consider the pluses and minuses of moving house.咱们考虑一下搬家的利弊吧。
24 Moving house is a vexatious business.搬家是件麻烦的事情。
25 He moved house without leaving his new address.他搬家了,没留下新地址。
26 There was a lot of fuss on moving day.搬家那天闹哄哄的。