第二节 国内文献综述
一 关于美国印第安人的初始研究
二 关于美国联邦政府印第安政策的研究
三 关于美国印第安保留地的研究
四 关于美国印第安人的其他研究
[1] Alvin J.Ziont,“After Martinez:Civil Rights Under Tribal Government,” University of California,1979,(12),pp.1-35.
[2] Stephen L.Pevar,The Rights of Indians and Tribes:The Authoritative Guide to Indian and Tribal Rights,New York and London:New York University Press,1983.
[3] Nell Jessup Newton,“Federal Power Over Indians:Its Sources,Scope,and Limitations,” University of Pennsylvania Law Review,1983-1984,(132),pp.195-288.
[4] Francis Paul Prucha,Great Father:The United States Governments and the American Indians,Nebraska:University of Nebraska Press,1986.
[5] William C.Canby Jr.,“The Status of Indian Tribes in American Law Today,” Presentation at the 1987 Jurisprudential Lecture,Sponsored by the University of Washington,School of Law and the Washington Law Review.
[6] Stephen Cornell,“The Return of the Native:American Indian Political Resurgence,” American Journal of Sociology,1989,95(2),pp.470-472.
[7] Judith Resnik,“Dependent Sovereigns:Indian Tribes,States,and the Federal Courts,” The University of Chicago Law Review,1989,(56),pp.671-759.
[8] George Pierre Castile & Robert L.Bee,State and Reservation:New Perspectives on Federal Indian Policy,Arizona:The University of Arizona Press,1992.
[9] Gloria Valencia-Weber,“Shrinking Indian Country:A State Offensive to Divest Tribal Sovereignty,” Connecticut Law Review,1995,(27),pp.1281-1322.
[10] Tadd M.Johnson & James Hamilton,“Self-governance for Indian Tribes:From Paternalism to Empowerment,” Connecticut Law Review,1994-1995,(27),pp.1251-1283.
[11] Kenneth R.Philp,Indian Self-Rule:First-Hand Accounts of Indian-White Relation from Roosevelt to Reagan,Logan,Utah:Utah State University Press,1995.
[12] Matthew L.M.Fletcher,“Reviving Local Tribal Control in Indian Country,” Federal Lawyer. 2006,pp.38-44;“The Supreme Court and Federal Indian Policy,” Nebraska Law Review,2006,(85),pp.121-185;“Retiring the Deadliest Enemies Model of Tribal-State Relations,” Tulsa Law Review,2007,(43),pp.73-88;“The Supreme Court’s Indian Problem,” Hastings Law Journal,2008,(59),pp.579-642;“The Original Understanding of the Political Status of Indian Tribes,” St.John’s Law Review,Vol.82,pp.153-182,Issue 1 2008,Art.4;“Resisting Federal Courts on Tribal Jurisdiction,” University of Colorado Law Review,2010,(81),pp.973-1025.
[13] Alexa Koenig & Jonathan Stein,“Federalism and the State Recognition of Native American Tribes:A Survey of State-Recognized Tribes and State Recognition Processes Across the United States,” Santa Clara Law Review,2008,(48),pp.79-153.
[14] Paul Mckenzie-Jones,“‘We are Among the Poor,the Powerless,the Inexperienced and the Inarticulate’Clyde Warrior’s Campaign for a‘Greater Indian America’,” American Indian Quarterly,2010,34(2),pp.224-257.
[15] David E.Wilkins & Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark,American Indian Politics and the American Political System,Rownman & Littlefield Publishers,2011.
[16] Sally Harrison,“May I See Your ID?How Voter Identification Laws Disenfranchise Native Americans’ Fundamental Right to Vote,” American Indian Law Review,Special Presentation:Symposium Materials Presented at the University of California at Berkeley Law School,2012,37(2),pp.597-628.
[17] Caitlain Devereaux Lewis,“Policies of Inequity —a World Apart:A Comparison of the Policies Toward Indigenous Peoples of a Post-Colonial Developing Nation to Those of a Post-Industrial Developed Nation,” American Indian Law Review,Special Presentation:Symposium Materials Presented at the University of California at Berkeley Law School,2012,37(2),pp.423-465.
[18] K.Tsianina Lomawaima,“The Mutuality of Citizenship and Sovereignty:The Society of American Indians and the Battle to Inherit America,” American Indian Quarterly.The Society of American Indians and Its Legacies:a Special Combined Issue of SAIL and AIQ,2013,37(3),pp.333-351.
[19] Stephen Cornell & Joseph P.Kalt,“Pathways from Poverty:Economic Development and Institution-Building on American Indian Reservations,” American Indian Culture and Research Journal,1990,14(1),pp.89-125.
[20] Stephen Cornell & Joseph P.Kalt,“What Can Tribes Do?Strategies and Institutions in American Indian Economic Development,” American Indian Quarterly,1992.
[21] Stephen Cornell & Joseph P.Kalt,“Sovereignty and Nation-Building:The Development Challenge in Indian Country Today,” American Indian Quarterly,1998.
[22] Stephen Cornell & Joseph P.Kalt,“Where is the Glue?Institutional Bases of American Indian Economic Development,” Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development,Project Report Series,John F.Kennedy School of Government,Harvard University,2000.
[23] Stephen Cornell & Joseph P.Kalt,“American Indian Self-determination:The Political Economy of a Successful Policy,” JOPNA Working Paper,2010.
[24] Sharon O’Brien,American Indian Tribal Governments,Norman and London:University of Oklahoma Press,1989.
[25] Robert B.Porter,“Strengthening Tribal Sovereignty Through Government Reform:What are the Issues?” Kansas Journal,1997-1998,(7),pp.72-105.
[26] Eric D.Lemont,“Developing Effective Processes of American Indian Constitutional and Governmental Reform:Lessons from the Cherokee Nations of Oklahoma,Hualapai Nation,Navajo Nation,and Northern Cheyenne Tribe,” American Indian Law Review,2001-2002,26(2),pp.147-176.
[27] Eric D.Lemont,American Indian Constitutional Reform and the Rebuilding of Native Nations,Texas:University of Texas Press,2006.
[28] Miriam Jorgensen,Rebuilding Native Nations:Strategies for Governance and Development,Arizona:The University of Arizona Press,2007.
[29] Riley,Angela R.,“Angela R.Riley.Good Native Governance,” Columbia Law Review,2007,107(5),pp.1049-1125.
[30] Catherine Curtis & Miriam Jorgensen,“American Indian Tribes’ Financial Accountability to the U.S.Government:A Report to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development,” Aboriginal Policy Research:Setting the Agenda for Change,Toronto:Thompson Educational Publishing,2004.
[31] M.Dixon,“Tribal Perspectives on Indian Self-determination and Self-governance in Health Care Management,” a Report from National Health Board,1998.
[32] Stewart Wakeling et al.,Policing on American Indian Reservations:A Report to the National Institute of Justice,Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management and Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development,2001.
[33] Kathryn Manuelito,“The Role of Education in American Indian Self-determination:Lessons from the Ramah Navajo Community School,” Anthropology & Education Quarterly,2005,36(1),pp.73-87.
[34] Valerie H.Hunt et al.,“The Forgotten Minority:An Analysis of American Indian Employment Patterns in State and Local Governments,1991-2005,” American Indian Quarterly,2010,34(4),pp.409-434.
[35] Eileen M.Luna-Firebaugh,“American Indians and the Pavee of Ireland:The Struggle for Self-determination Through Fair and Accountable Police Services,” American Indian Quarterly,2013,37(4),pp.317-339.
[36] The S Indians of Northwest Washington,New York:Columbia University Press,1934.
[37] Wayne Prescott Suttles,Economic Life of the Coast Salish of Haro and Rosario Straits,a Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilled for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy,University of Washington,1951.
[38] Dr.Wallace Heath et al.,“The S Community:A History Before 1800 to 1973,” Taken From the S Aquaculture Final Report,1974.
[39] Vine Deloria,Jr.,The S Indian Community:The Fishermen of the Pacific Northwest.American Indian Economic Development,Hague:Mouton Publishers,1978.
[40] Daniel I.Boxberger,To Fish in Common:The Ethnohistory of S Indian Salmon Fishing,Seattle and London:University of Washington Press,1999.
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[67] 詹姆斯·A.班克斯:《美国的种族、民族性与学校教育:过去、现状和未来》(上、下),谢宁译,《民族译丛》1990年第9期,第16~23页;1990年第10期,第18~24页。
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