Day 1 低频词
therapy [ˈθerəpi] n. 治疗
拆分 therap(治疗)+ y(名词后缀)→治疗,疗法
例句 Not only do we evaluate the cause of the pain, which can help us treat the pain better, but we also help provide comprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social issues related to chronic pain. 我们不但需要诊断出疼痛的原因,因为这有助于更好地治疗疼痛,同时我们更需要对一些与慢性疼痛相关的抑郁症和其他心理上的、社交上的问题进行全面的治疗。
翻译 The doctor prescribed walking as therapy for my weak knee.(医生嘱咐我多走走,以治疗我乏力的膝盖。)
同义替换 cure; treatment
timber [ˈtɪmbə(r)] n. ①(用于建筑或制作物品的)树木,林木 ②木材,木料

例句 When a timber fell from the roof, he is not in the house. 一根横梁从屋顶落下的时候,他没有在屋子里。
翻译 I needed some timber to make three chairs.(我需要一些木材做三把椅子。)
同义替换 wood
troublesome [ˈtrʌblsəm] adj.①引起麻烦的 ②令人讨厌的,令人烦恼的
拆分 trouble(麻烦)+ some(形容词后缀)→引起麻烦的
例句 Would you care to comment upon any troublesome students in your class?
翻译 He is a troublesome child.(他是一个令人头痛的孩子。)
同义替换 unpleasant
unemployment [ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt] n. ①失业 ②失业人数,失业率
拆分 un(表示否定)+ employ(雇用)+ ment(名词后缀)→失业
例句 So the figures for the growth of towns and cities represent proportional growth of unemployment and underemployment, a growth in the number of hopeless and despairing parents and starving children.
衍生 employee n. 受雇者,雇工,雇员 employer n. 雇用者,雇主 employment n. 工作,职业;雇用,使用employ n. 受雇,雇用 v. 雇用;用,使用,利用
翻译 mean unemployment for 500 workers
同义替换 ①joblessness ② jobless rate
upper [ˈʌpə(r)] adj. 上面的,上部的,较高的,较上的
拆分 up(上面)+ p + er→上面的,上部的,较高的,较上的
例句 The Senate is the upper chamber of Congress.
翻译 desire to enter the upper class(想要进入上流社会)
同义替换 higher; superior; greater
vague [veɪg] adj. ①含糊的,不明确的 ②模糊的
例句 Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards. 研究人员把大约2000种产品的环保友好声明进行备案,发现大多都含混不清或有误导性,以致无法符合ISO标准。
衍生 vaguely adv. 含糊地, 不明确地;大致上, 近似地
翻译 The final letter is very vague.(最后一个字母很不清楚。)
同义替换 ①obscure; unclear; fuzzy; uncertain
vehicle [ˈviːəkl] n. ①交通工具,车辆 ②工具,手段

例句 Thirteen percent of defense plants received all their supplies by truck, and almost all other plants shipped more than half of their products by vehicle. 13%的防御工厂都是靠卡车来获得供给,而且几乎所有其他的工厂都是靠机动车辆运输一半以上的产品。
同义替换 ①conveyance ②way; method; means; tool
virtually [ˈvɜːtʃuəli] adv. ①实际上,事实上②几乎,差不多
拆分 virtual(实质上的)+ly(副词后缀)→实际上,事实上
例句 For example, organic cotton and non-organic cotton are virtually indistinguishable once woven into a dress. 例如,一旦织成衣物,有机棉和非有机棉实际上难以区分。
衍生 virtual adj. 实质上的,事实上的,实际上的
翻译 Virtually, all the children come to school by bus.
同义替换 ①in fact; actually ②nearly
wander [ˈwɒndə(r)] n. 漫步 v. ①漫游,闲逛 ②离题③走神,(神志)恍惚
例句 When customers wander among the racks, they are completely absorbed in the items they hold up.
翻译 My mind was wandering.(我有点走神。)
同义替换 v. ①hang about ③lose oneself
witness [ˈwɪtnəs] n. 目击者,证人 v. 目击,见证,经历
例句 The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural transformation.20世纪见证了世界范围内的巨大的政治、经济和文化转变。
翻译 have witnessed the accident(目击了这个事故)

同义替换 v. see
workshop [ˈwɜːkʃɒp] n. ①车间,工场,作坊 ②研讨会,讲习班
拆分 work(工作)+ shop(制造厂)→工作的地方→车间
例句 Attending the diversity workshop helped me realize how much I could learn by simply asking questions and creating dialogues with my employees, rather than making assumptions and trying to be a know-it-all.
翻译 Our workshop is big and bright.
同义替换 ②seminar
advocate n.[ˈædvəket]拥护者,倡导者,鼓吹者v.[ˈædvəkeɪt] 拥护,提倡,主张
拆分 ad(增强)+ voc(叫喊,声音)+ ate(动词后缀)→增强声音→拥护
例句 Identity theft is “an absolute epidemic”, states Robert Ellis Smith, a respected author and advocate of pri vacy.
翻译 We advocate higher salaries for teachers.
同义替换 n. supporter v. maintain
alert [əˈlɜːt] adj. 警觉的,留神的,注意的 n. ①警戒(状态),戒备(状态)②警报 v. ①向……报警,使警惕 ②使认识到,使意识到
例句 Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a retail store, but instead will alert their friends, relatives,co-workers, strangers and anyone who will listen.
翻译 Please remain alert.(请保持警觉。)
同义替换 n. ①guard; vigilance v. ①alarm; warn②remind
abundant [əˈbʌndənt] adj. 充裕的,丰富的,盛产
例句 Books provide abundant material for readers’ imagination to grow.
衍生 abundance n. 丰富,充裕
翻译 our abundant resources and stable policy
同义替换 rich; full; ample; plentiful
accommodation [əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn] n. ①住处,工作场所 ②(酒店等的)膳宿服务 ③和解
拆分 accommodat(accommodate,提供住宿)+ ion(名词后缀)→住处,膳宿
例句 We find a job, make a small circle of friends and acquaintances,and move into some cramped accommodation.
衍生 accommodate v. 容纳;为……提供住处;迎合,迁就;(使)适应
翻译 Tuition and accommodation fees are calculated in complete weeks.(学费和住宿费均按实足周计算。)
同义替换 ①residence ③ compromise; reconciliation
administration [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn] n. ①管理,行政管理 ②(the)管理部门 ③政府,行政机关 ④执行,施行(法律)
拆分 ad + ministr [mini(小)+ str→小人→古代大臣在地位高于自己的人面前常谦称“小人”→管理者,大臣] + ation(名词后缀)→做管理者→管理
例句 Because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and content.
衍生 administrative adj. 行政的,管理的 administrator n. 管理人,主管
翻译 We are looking for someone with experience in administration.(我们正在寻找一个有管理经验的人。)
同义替换 ①governance; management②(the)management③government ④enforcement; execution
afterwards [ˈɑːftəwədz] adv. 后来,以后
例句 We saw a film and afterwards walked home together.
翻译 but afterwards I decided to buy this blue one
同义替换 later; then; subsequently
aggressive [əˈɡresɪv] adj. ①好斗的,挑衅的 ②有进取心的,有闯劲的
拆分 ag(to)+ gress(行走)+ ive(形容词后缀)→面向……一直走过去→侵略的;有进取心的
例句 Martin is too aggressive. 马丁太盛气凌人了。
衍生 aggressively adv. 挑衅地;有进取心地 aggressiveness n. 攻击性;进取精神
翻译 Animals can become unusually aggressive.
同义替换 ②ambitious; enterprising
agreeable [əˈɡriːəbl] adj. ①宜人的 ②和蔼可亲的,受人喜欢的,可以接受的
拆分 agree(同意)+ able(形容词后缀)→可以接受的;受人喜欢的
例句 We spent a most agreeable day together.
衍生 agreeably adv. 愉快地
翻译 The park is an agreeable spot for a picnic.
airline [ˈeəlaɪn] n. 航空公司
拆分 air(空气;空中)+ line(线)→航线

例句 They gave me a booklet with useful hints for airline passengers. 他们给了我一本小册子,上面有为飞机乘客提供的有用的建议。
翻译 The airline cut its overseas flights by half.
同义替换 airways
alcohol [ˈælkəhɒl] n. ①酒,含酒精的饮料 ②酒精,乙醇
例句 The Football Association is likely to call for a ban on alcohol at football games.
衍生 alcoholic adj. 含有酒精的;因酗酒引起的 n.酒精中毒者,酒鬼
翻译 It is illegal to sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18.(向未满18周岁的公民售酒是违法的。)
allowance [əˈlaʊəns] n. ①津贴,补助 ②限额 ③收入的免税额 ④零用钱
拆分 allow(允许)+ ance(名词后缀)→限额
例句 Joe’s salary includes a monthly clothing allowance.
翻译 My mother gives me 10 dollars every month as allowance.(我妈妈每个月给我10美元作为零花钱。)
同义替换 ①subsidy ④pocket money
alter [ˈɔːltə(r)] v. ①改变 ②修改(衣服使更合身)
例句 Innovative designs of roadways, tunnels, bridges,overpasses, and interchanges that could run through or bypass urban areas soon began to weave their way across the country, forever altering the face of America.
翻译 You have to have the dress altered.
同义替换 ①change; modify
amaze [əˈmeɪz] v. 使大为吃惊,使惊奇
例句 David amazed his friends by suddenly getting married.
衍生 amazed adj. 惊奇的,吃惊的 amazing adj. 令人吃惊的 amazedly adv. 惊奇地,吃惊地 amazement n. 惊异,惊愕
翻译 The news really amazed us.(这个消息让我们很吃惊。)
同义替换 shock; surprise
ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] adj. ①有抱负的,雄心勃勃的②费力的
拆分 amb(处处)+ it(走)+ ious(名词后缀)→到处走动想实现抱负→雄心
例句 Although some of the more ambitious programs require new investments in servers and networks to support collaborative software, most DL courses can run on existing or minimally upgraded(升级)systems.
衍生 ambition n. 抱负,雄心
翻译 He went on to a more ambitious project.
同义替换 ①aspiring; enterprising
anyway [ˈeniweɪ] adv. ①而且,加之,反正 ②(转换话题)对了,总之 ③(纠正或略为改变说过的话)至少
例句 Hey, isn’t the breakfast free anyway?
翻译 Anyway, after three months at the clinic...
appliance [əˈplaɪəns] n. 家用电器

拆分 appli(看作apply,运用)+ance(名词后缀)→可用的东西→家用电器
例句 This household electrical appliance company has a free delivery service.
翻译 If you plan to buy some appliances...
approve [əˈpruːv] v.① 批准,认可,通过 ②赞成,赞同
拆分 ap(表强调)+ prov(测试,证明)+ e→证明可行→赞成
例句 Coffman says he wants to know whether district officials hid the budget shortage until after the November election, when voters approved a $212 million bond issue for schools.
衍生 approving adj. 赞许的 approvingly adv. 赞许地 approval n. 赞成,同意
翻译 Her mother does not approve of her friendship with John.(她母亲不赞成她同约翰交朋友。)
同义替换 ①authorize; ratify ②agree; favour
asset [ˈæset] n. ①资产,财产 ②有价值的人(或事物)
例句 Psychiatrists(精神病专家)who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset in child rearing—older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with their children.
翻译 You mean all we need to know is what an asset is(财富是什么), acquire them and we’ll be rich.
同义替换 ①property
auction [ˈɔːkʃn] n. 拍卖,叫牌 v.拍卖,叫牌

拆分 auct(aug,增加)+ ion(价钱扩大)→增加价钱使之不断扩大→拍卖
例句 The graceless EL Airlines, which is already at auction, has retrained its employees to emphasize service.
正在被拍卖的、不通情理的EL 航空公司已经重新培训员工以强调服务质量。
翻译 The house was put up for auction.
同义替换 n. sale
avoid [əˈvɔɪd] v. ①避免,防止 ②回避,避开 ③避免撞到(某物)
例句 Then there is the general, all covering apology, which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting, and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again.
衍生 avoidable adj. 可避免的 unavoidable adj. 不可避免的
翻译 I avoided him as much as possible.(我尽可能地躲开他。)
bachelor [ˈbætʃələ(r)] n. ①单身男子,单身汉 ②学士,学士学位
例句 Bachelor’s degree graduates get an average of four or five job offers.
翻译 He lived a bachelor all his life.(他终身是个单身汉。)
barber [ˈbɑːbə(r)] n. 理发师 v. 理发

例句 Could you tell me where the barber’s shop is?
翻译 You can choose any barber.
basic [ˈbeɪsɪk] adj. 基本的,基础的
例句 We should master the basic advanced technology of the 90’s within a few short years. 我们必须在短短的几年内掌握90年代基本的先进技术。
衍生 basically adv. 基本地,主要地 basics n. 基础,基本原则
翻译 Children begin to learn basic morals in the kindergarten.
同义替换 primary; fundamental; elementary
basis [ˈbeɪsɪs] n. 基础,基本原理
例句 Their claim had no basis in fact.
翻译 The video will provide a basis for class discussion.
同义替换 elements; foundation; base
behalf [bɪˈhɑːf] n.①代表某人②为了某人
例句 Don’t go to any trouble on my behalf.
翻译 I am going to speak in his behalf.(我将代表他发言。)
behave [bɪˈheɪv] v. ①表现 ②举止端正 ③检点(自己的)行为,守规矩
例句 We see our children as an extension of ourselves, so if you’re saying that my child is behaving inappropriately,then that’s somehow a criticism of me.
衍生 behaviour n. 行为,举止,表现
翻译 The headmaster had failed to strike the right note in his speech on discipline and the pupils continued to behave in their own way(小学生们还是我行我素).
boost [buːst] n. ①提高,增长 ②推动,激励 v. ①提高,使增长 ②增强(某人信心)③偷窃
例句 He has argued that tapping ANWR’s oil would help ease California’s electricity crisis and provide a major boost to the country’s energy independence.
衍生 booster n. 令人鼓舞的事情;拥护者,支持者
翻译 The advertising campaign is intended to boost sales.
同义替换 n. ①improvement ② encouragement v.①increase;enhance②encourage; facilitate
breed [briːd] n. 种,品种 v. ①饲养,繁殖 ②养育,培育
例句 Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad.
翻译 Thousands of waterfowl breed round the lake.
同义替换 n. type; species v. ①raise ②cultivate
burden [ˈbɜːdn] n. ①重担,精神负担 ②负重 v. (使)负担(沉重的任务等)
例句 American college students are increasingly burdened with credit card debt and the consequences can be rather serious. 美国大学生身负信用卡债务的重担,这种情形将愈演愈烈。
翻译 The company which he is working in is burdened by debt.(他现在工作的公司债务缠身。)
同义替换 n. ①liability; duty ②load; weight v. bother