Lesson 4 The Greatest Grizzly
The scientific name of the American grizzly bear is Ursus horribilis. Horribilis is the right word to describe this bear. The grizzly is a fearsome beast.
The strongest and most cunning① grizzly that ever lived roamed the Rocky Mountains in the late 1800s. He weighed nearly two tons. And he was seven feet long from tip of nose to tip of tail. This giant bear was called Old Clubfoot. He earned his name when he lost three claws from one paw in an escape from a bear trap. After that, he was never caught by a trap again.
Hundreds of hunters tried to kill Old Clubfoot. But for nearly thirty years he roamed free. He feared nothing. It is said that Old Clubfoot killed whole pens of sheep. He crushed ② horses’ spines with his strong jaws.
What Old Clubfoot could not kill, he would outwit③. Again and again he escaped from groups of skilled hunters. Once he led seven hunters through snow-covered mountains for more than a week. Then he left his pursuers behind. They found they were more than 150 miles from home.
Once a hunter made what he thought was a foolproof ④ bear trap. He fastened a heavy rifle to a tree. Then he hung a piece of raw meat from a rope tied, to the trigger.The hunter was sure that Old Clubfoot would pull at the bail. Then the rifle would fire and kill him. But Old Clubfoot proved his cunning once more. He came up from behind and pushed aside the muzzle of the gun. Then he took the bait⑤. The gun fired into the air instead of at the bear.
Many men have told stories of Old Club-foot’s courage. A shepherd once watched from the safety of a hillside as the bear stalked a herd of cattle in a meadow below. He saw Old Clubfoot choose a calf and fell it with one blow. The calf’s mother tried to rake Old Clubfoot with her horns. But the bear killed her, too. Then the herd bull charged.He lifted Old Clubfoot onto his horns and hurled him into the scrub⑥. With a roar of rage, the grizzly came out of the brush. He rose on his hind legs and met the mad bull head on as he charged again. Old Clubfoot wrenched the bull’s head to the side. Then he broke the bull’s spine with one crunch⑦ on his jaws.
No one knows how many cattle and sheep Old Clubfoot slaughtered during his life. But the number was probably very large. The ranchers of the area offered many rewards for his captures. At last, just before 1900, he met his match.
Two hunters caught sight of Old Clubfoot across a ravine. He was about 125 yards from them. Both fired their guns. Their shots struck home. The grizzly staggered slightly.Then he wheeled round and charged. As he lumbered⑧ up the hill toward them, the two men pumped shot after shot into him. But the raging giant paid no heed to the bullets. He was within thirteen yards of the hunters before he stumbled. Then he fell down to the ground and died. It had taken ten direct hits, three of them to the head, to bring him down.
(544 words)
Ⅰ. How well did you read?
1. [See the reason.] Horribilis is a good name for the grizzly because this animal is___________ .
A. clever B. strong C. fearsome
2. [Note the details.] Old Clubfoot earned his name when he___________ .
A. escaped from a rancher
B. lost three claws in a trap
C. killed a bull with his foot
3. [Find the proof.] Old Clubfoot proved his cunning by ___________.
A. escaping from hunters
B. crushing a bull’s spine
C. killing sheep in pens
4. [Note the order.] Which happened last?
A. Old Clubfoot took the bait.
B. The hunter fastened the rifle to a tree.
C. Old Clubfoot pushed aside the rifle.
5. [Find the proof.] Old Clubfoot proved his courage by___________ .
A. killing a calf
B. facing a charging bull
C. crushing a shepherd
6. [Find the reason.] Ranchers probably offered rewards for Old Clubfoot’s capture because___________ .
A. they wanted to see what he looked like
B. he was the only grizzly left in the mountains
C. he had killed many of their sheep and cattle
7. [Draw a conclusion.] It took ten shots to kill Old Clubfoot because of his great___________ .
A. strength B. courage C. cunning
Ⅱ. Read for words.
Choose one best paraphrase for the underlined words.
1. The strongest and most cunning grizzly that ever lived roamed the Rocky Mountains in the late 1800s. (Para. 2)
A. walked in
B. survived
C. looked through
2. What Old Clubfoot could not kill, he would outwit. (Para. 4)
A. play; run B. recognize the truth C. get the better of
3. Then he left his pursuers behind. (Para. 4)
A. persuaders B. followers C. enemies
4. He lifted Old Clubfoot onto his horns and hurled him into the scrub. (Para. 6)
A. pulled and twisted B. left and moved C. frightened
5. He was within thirteen yards of the hunters before he stumbled. (Para. 8)
A. made a mistake B. almost fell down C. happened to be found
Ⅲ. Writing practice.
Imagine that you are Old Clubfoot. Tell about your adventures and how you feel about being hunted.