If-Then Rules
The third piece of the model looks like a little bridge. On top of that bridge is the word Rules. Inside that bridge are two tiny words: If and Then.

This is how the Belief Window works: the minute you put a principle on your Belief Window, you immediately start to create rules that will govern your behavior based upon that principle. This all goes on in your head at the speed of light. You do it automatically, and sometimes even without realizing which principles you are actually putting on your Belief Window.
I call these If-Then Rules. Let’s say that you do have the principle on your Belief Window that all Doberman pinschers are vicious; you have accepted this as a correct principle. So if you encounter a big Doberman pinscher, then what will you do? You will leap tall buildings with a single bound. You will run away. You will have a very specific set of rules all set up based on that principle on your Belief Window.
It is important to understand that first three pieces of this model are all invisible. You can’t see the process. No one else can see it. But it’s going on, every second you breathe.