六、 疑问代词
疑问代词(interrogative pronoun)是用来提问的代词,一般置于疑问句的句首。
1. who、whom 和 whose的用法
1) who 和 whom 的正式用法
who 和 whom 指人。一般而言,who 作主语或主语补语(即表语),whom 作宾语。who 和 whom 只能作疑问代词,不能作限定词(即不能作定语)。
❶ who(主语)+谓语动词。
◇ Who did tell you about the divorce of my parents?
Did who tell you about the divorce of my parents?
Who told you about the divorce of my parents?
who 是句中的主语,放在动词 told 前,不需要助动词 did。
◇ Whom saw Sue and Andrew at the zoo?
Who saw Sue and Andrew at the zoo?
who 是句子的主语,不能用 whom 作主语。
❷ who(主语补语)+系动词+主语。
◇ Who is she? 她是谁?
who 作句中的主语补语(即表语)。
❸ whom(宾语)+助动词+主语+谓语动词。
◇ Whom are you talking about? 你在谈论谁?
whom 是介词 about 的宾语,放在句首,助动词 are 放在主语 you 前构成疑问句。
◇ Whom did the police arrest?警察逮捕了谁?
whom 作动词 arrest 的宾语,放在句首,需要助动词 did 构成疑问句。
2) who 的口语用法与 whom 的书面用法
在口语中,who 既可以作主语,也可以作宾语,而 whom 只能作宾语。
◇ Who is talking? 是谁在说话?
who 是句子的主语。
◇ Who are you talking about?(口语)
= Whom are you talking about?(书面语)
当介词 about 放在动词后,可以用 who 或 whom 作宾语。
= About whom are you talking?(非常正式)
当介词 about 放在动词前时,介词后面只能接 whom 作宾语,不能接 who。
◇ To who does the hog belong after it was stolen by Buzz?
To whom does the hog belong after it was stolen by Buzz?(非常正式)
Whom/Who does the hog belong to after it was stolen by Buzz? (正式/非正式)
◇ Whom/Who you saw riding in Lulu’s car?
Whom/Who did you see riding in Lulu’s car?你看见谁坐在露露的车里?
whom(正式)/who(口语) 是动词 see 的宾语,要用助动词 did 构成疑问句;助动词 did 放在主语 you 之前。
3) whose 的用法
whose 是疑问所有格代词,是 who 的所有格形式,用来指人。whose 具有名词词性,在句中作主语补语(即表语),也具有形容词词性,修饰名词作定语。注意,whose 更常用作定语。
◇ Whose is this sports car? (作主语补语<名词词性>)
= Whose sports car is this? (作定语<形容词词性>)
◇ Whose airplane can we borrow if we need to fly to Spain? 如果我们需要飞往西班牙,我们可以向谁借飞机?
whose 修饰名词作定语。
4) whose 区别于 who’s
who 的所有格是 whose。who’s 是 who is 或 who has 的缩写。
◇ Whose operating on John?
Who’s operating on John? 是谁在给约翰动手术?
who’s operating=who is operating。
◇ In who’s room did you find my shoes?
In whose room did you find my shoes? 你是在谁的房间里找到了我的鞋?
whose 为疑问所有格代词,作定语。
◇ Dan: Whose blue canoe is it, and who’s going to show Oliver how to paddle it across the river? 这艘蓝色的独木舟是谁的?是谁要教奥利弗如何把独木舟划到河对岸?
Ann: That’s my blue canoe, and I’m going to show Oliver how to paddle it across the river. 这是我的独木舟。我要教奥利弗如何把独木舟划到河对岸。
所有格限定词 whose 修饰名词 blue canoe;who’s 是 who is 的缩写。
who、whom、whose 也可作关系代词。关系代词 who(指人、动物)、whom(指人、动物)、whose(指人、物、地方、动物)引导从句。关系代词 whose 是 who 或 which 的所有格形式。请参见<Unit 9 关系词与定语从句、名词性从句>。
a city whose attractions are many 一个有众多吸引力的城市(指地方)
an android whose skin changes color 一个皮肤会变色的机器人 (指物)
the woman whose umbrella you took 那就是你拿了她雨伞的女子 (指人)
◇ Pat has got a cousin who’s swallowed a rat. 派特有一个吞过老鼠的堂哥。
who’s swallowed a rat=who has swallowed;关系代词 who 在这里指人。
2. what 和 which 的用法
1) what 的用法
❶ what 是代词,在句中作主语、宾语或主语补语(即表语),意思是“什么”,指动物或事物。
◇ Besides becoming a wife, are what your other goals in life?
Besides becoming a wife, what are your other goals in life?
◇ Ann: What’s that on the road? 马路上的那个东西是什么?
Dan: It’s a big toad. 那是一只大癞蛤蟆。
what’s 是 what is 的缩写。what 在这里指动物。
◇ What happened to Pat? 派特发生了什么事?
what 作主语时,置于动词之前。
◇ What did you say? 你说什么?
what 作宾语。
◇ What are we having for lunch? 我们午餐吃什么?
what 作宾语。
❷ what 也可以是限定词,修饰名词作定语,可以修饰人或物。
◇ What event or person influenced you the most? 是哪件事或哪个人对你的影响最大?
what 是限定词,具有形容词性质,修饰事和人(event, person)。
2) which 的用法
❶ which 的意思是“哪一个,哪一些”,指人、动物或事物。
❷ which 是代词或限定词(即具有名词或形容词性质),在句中作主语、主语补语和定语。
◇ Which is her seat? (作主语补语)
= Which seat is hers? (作定语)
= Which one is her seat? (作定语)
which 指物。第1句的 which 是代词,第2、第3句的 which 是限定词,比第1句更常见、更自然。
◇ Which is more expensive—your piano or the one I bought for Rich?哪一台钢琴更贵,你的钢琴还是我给瑞奇买的那台钢琴?
疑问代词 which 指物,在句中作主语。
❸ 代词 which 可以与 of 引导的短语连用(如 which of you、which of the seats)。
◇ Which of you broke my window? 你们中的哪一位打破了我的窗户?
疑问代词 which 指人(需要和 of 连用,才能指人),在句中作主语。
◇ Which of these newspapers has the article about Mitch and Rich? 这些报纸中哪一份登载有关于米奇和瑞奇的文章?
疑问代词 which 指物,在句中作主语。
3) what 和 which 的区别
❶ 用作疑问代词时,what 指事物或动物,which 指人、动物或事物。
❷ which 可以与 of 连用,what 却不能与 of 连用。
◇ What of these 3D computer programs was created by Rich?
Which of these 3D computer programs was created by Rich?
what不能与 of 连用。
❸ 用作疑问限定词(即定语)时, 如果供选择的事物比较具体且数量较少,就用 which;如果供选择的事物数量不确定,就用 what。
◇ Which university do you want to go to, the University of Michigan or Northern Michigan University?你想上哪一所大学,密歇根大学还是北密歇根大学?
限制在一定范围(两所大学),用 which。
◇ What university does Sue want to go to? 苏想上什么大学?
没有限制范围,用 what。
◇ What writer wrote such a terrible sentence? 什么样的作家居然写出这么糟糕的句子?
what 作限定词,修饰名词 writer(人),所指的作家数目未知,用what 不用 which。
◇ Which day of the week did Kay go sailing with Rich? 凯跟瑞奇是星期几一起去航海的?
限制在一定范围(1周只有7天),用 which。
◇ What day is it today? 今天是星期几?
4) what 和 who 的区别
what 指动物或事物(什么);who 指人(谁)。
◇ What are you reading? 你在读什么?
阅读的是故事、诗歌等,指物,要用 what。
◇ “Who is that guy?” “Andrew Yu.” “那个小伙子是谁?”“是安德鲁·余。”
指人要用 who。
◇ What did Sue say to you? 苏给你说了些什么?
◇ Ann: Look, someone is climbing the tree! Who is that? 瞧,有人在爬树!是谁?
Dan: That’s Louise, and she’s good at climbing trees. 是露易丝。她爬树很在行。
疑问代词+-ever: whatever、whoever、whichever 是 what、who、which 的强调形式。
◇ Whoever told you such a big lie? 究竟是谁告诉你这样一个大谎言?
◇ Whatever could she have told Jim to upset him so badly? 她究竟给吉姆讲了些什么,让他如此心烦意乱?
◇ Whichever of those six sports cars do you want to buy? 那6辆跑车,你究竟想买哪一辆?