About the Author
Mr. Ray W. Stratton, PMP, EVP, has been involved in earned value management for over 25 years. His earned value management experience began as a control account manager for the software development of a real-time military communication system. He is founder and president of Management Technologies (www.mgmt-technologies.com), which has been providing program management training and consulting services for over ten years. His Earned Value Experience™ workshop has been taught to over 1,000 participants. He is a Project Management Institute (PMI®) certified Project Management Professional (PMP), and AACEI (Association for Advancement of Cost Estimating, International) certified Earned Value Professional (EVP). Mr. Stratton sits on the PMI® College of Performance Management Governing Board as Vice President, Research and Standards. He is also a member of the Defense Acquisition University Alumni Association (DAUAA). He is Chair of the Computer Science Industry Advisory Council at California State Polytechnic University and a member of the Editorial Board for Projects@Work magazine.
Mr. Stratton retired from the Naval Air Reserve at the rank of Captain. He last commanded an engineering unit that supported a variety of studies and projects on behalf of the Naval Air Systems Command, laboratories, and ranges. He holds a masters and a bachelors degree in electronic engineering from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Ray can be reached at raystratton@mgmt-technologies.com.