史海掠影 Historical Spot Lights

古代中国的化石记录 / Fossils Known to Ancient Chinese

沈括 Shen Kuo (1031- 1095)
北宋学者沈括在《梦溪笔谈》中首次明确表述化石的来源和本质(他所描述的“竹笋”经考证很可能是新芦木类化石) ,认为化石是经历沧海桑田,最终存留在岩石中的古生物遗体、遗物或生活痕迹。
In ancient China, fossils were noted in various literatures tracing back to the Warring States (475 B.C.-221 B.C.) to the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.) in the monumental works“Shan Hai Jing”, in which “dragon bones” and “dragon fishes”were included as part of the natural resources in the volumes of encyclopedic texts and atlas. During the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), the famous scholar Shen Kuo (1031-1095), in his encyclopedic magnum opus “Meng Xi Bi Tan” , described the fossil plant from northern Shaanxi Province as “stone bamboos” , exposed due to the collapse of a river bank. These “stone bamboos”, according to their occurrence, are now assigned to Neocalamites, extinct tree-like horsetails of Triassic and Jurassic times (about 252-145 Ma). Because there were no “bamboo-type” plants in northern Shaanxi, Shen Kuo interpreted this occurrence as evidence of vast environmental changes since the formation of the fossils.

Neocalamites carrerei
Late Triassic; Yijun, Shaanxi
NIGPAS Collection #PB2256

Calamites suckowii
Permian; Qingshuihe, Inner Mongolia
NIGPAS Collection #PB3908

北宋著名诗人、书法家黄庭坚收藏了中国第一件经人工打磨的鹦鹉螺类化石标本——中华震旦角石(Sinoceras chinense),并在其上镌刻了他的亲笔题诗:“南崖新妇石,霹雳压笋出。勺水润其根,成竹知何日。”

黄庭坚 Huang Tingjian (1045-1105)
The ancient poet and calligrapher Huang Tingjian (1045-1105) wrote a poem for the fossil nautiloid (now we know it belongs to the widespread fossil species in South China:Sinoceras chinense,of Ordovician time more than 450 Ma(million years ago) with his beautiful calligraphy on the well-prepared specimen. This suggests that the ancient Chinese collected and prepared fossils as artworks and this piece may be the earliest fossil artwork well preserved by human beings.
中国古生物研究的先驱 / Pioneers of Palaeontology in China
德国学者李希霍芬 (Ferdinand von Richthofen,1833-1905)
Ferdinand von Richthofen spent five years extensively traveling in China, resulted in the publication of 5-volume book series — China: Ergebnisse Eigener Reisen und Derauf Gegründeter Studien,which included palaeontological works and stratigraphic syntheses of Silurian through Quaternary periods that later became widely referenced during the early years of the development of Chinese palaeontology and stratigraphy .

李希霍芬 F. von Richthofen (1833-1905)
美国学者葛利普(Amadeus William Grabau, 1870-1946)
American scholar Amadeus William Grabau is regarded as the most influential foreign figure to the development of Chinese geology and palaeontology. He taught in Peking University and in the National Geological Survey of China where the first generation of Chinese geologists and palaeontologists were trained.

葛利普 A.W. Grabau (1870-1946)
法国学者德日进(Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, 1881-1955)
French scholar Pierre Teilhard de Chardin contributed to Chinese palaeontology and regional geology through almost 20 years exploration in wide regions of China during 1923-1946.
瑞典学者赫勒(Thore Gustaf Halle, 1884-1964)
Swedish scholar Thore Gustaf Halle was instrumental in the development of Chinese palaeobotany as an advisor to the National Geological Survey of China in the 1910s.

Five volumes of the works China: Ergebnisse Eigener Reisen und Derauf Gegründeter Studien,with one of the plates of fossil plants, by Ferdinand von Richthofen

Stereoplasmoceras pseudoseptatum
Middle Ordovician; Luanxian, Tangshan, Hebei
Published by A.W. Grabau (1922)
NIGPAS Collection #58
Zhang Hongzhao (H.T. Chang, 1877-1951), born in Huzhou of Zhejiang, graduated from Department of Geology, Tokyo Imperial University, Japan in 1911. He taught geology in the Imperial University of Peking and became one of the key founders of Chinese geology. He was the founding president of Geological Society of China.
Ding Wenjiang (V.K. Ting, 1887-1936), born in Taixing of Jiangsu, majored in zoology and geology in University of Glasgow (Britain) during 1907-1911. He was also one of the key founding scientists of Chinese geology. In 1916, he became the founding director of the National Geological Survey of China.

丁文江 Ding Wenjiang (1887-1936)
Weng Wenhao (W.H. Wong, 1889-1971), born in Yinxian of Zhejiang, studied in Department of Geology, University of Leuven (Belgium) during 1908-1912 and received the first doctoral degree in geology among Chinese scholars. He was also one of the key founders of Chinese geology; he compiled the first colored geological map of China.

Pecopteris sp.
丁文江采集,T.G. Halle 1927年研究发表
Permian; Xuanwei, Yunnan
Collected by Ding Wenjiang
Published by T.G. Halle (1927)
NIGPAS Collection #PB13

Protolepidodendron scharyanum
丁文江采集,T.G. Halle 1936年研究发表
Early Devonian; Qujing, Yunnan
Collected by Ding Wenjiang
Published by T.G. Halle (1936) NIGPAS Collection #PB119

Thin sections of fusulinids
filed by Li Siguang in 1930
NIGPAS Collection #14-905
中国地质古生物学家中最早发表古生物学论文的是李四光(1923)、周赞衡(1923),最早发表古生物学专著的是孙云铸(1924)。中国古生物学系统研究中的主要化石门类及早期主要学术带头人有:类(李四光、陈旭、盛金章)、珊瑚(乐森璕、黄汲清、俞建章、计荣森、王鸿祯)、苔藓动物(乐森璕)、腕足动物(赵亚曾、黄汲清、田奇)、头足类(俞建章、尹赞勋、田奇、孙云铸、许德佑)、腹足类(秉志、尹赞勋、许杰、阎敦建)、双壳类(赵亚曾、许德佑、顾知微)、三叶虫(孙云铸、卢衍豪、张文堂)、棘皮动物(田奇、孙云铸、穆恩之)、笔石(孙云铸、许杰、穆恩之)、古脊椎动物与古人类(杨钟健、裴文中、贾兰坡、卞美年、刘东生、周明镇、吴汝康、刘宪亭)、古植物(周赞衡、斯行健、李星学)(引自《中国古生物学学科史》,中国科学技术出版社, 2015)。
Among the pioneering Chinese geologists and palaeontologists, Li Siguang (1923) and Zhou Zanheng (T.C. Chow) (1923) were the first to publish palaeontological research papers (on fusulinids and fossil plants, respectively); Sun Yunzhu (Y.C. Sun) (1924) was the first to publish palaeontological monograph (on Cambrian fossils). Pioneering or major contributing fossil specialists in the history are: Li Siguang, Chen Xu (X. Chen), and Sheng Jinzhang (J.C. Sheng) on fusulinids; Yue Senxun (S.S. Yoh), Huang Jiqing (T.K. Huang), Yu Jianzhang (C.C. Yu), Ji Rongsen (Y.S. Chi), and Wang Hongzhen (H.C. Wang) on corals; Yue Senxun on bryozoans;Zhao Yazeng (Y.T. Chao), Huang Jiqing, and Tian Qijun (C.C. Tien) on brachiopods; Yu Jianzhang, Yin Zanxun (T.H. Yin), Tian Qijun, Sun Yunzhu, and Xu Deyou (T.Y. Hsu) on cephalopods; Bing Zhi (C. Ping), Yin Zanxun, Xu Jie (C. Hsu), and Yan Dunjian (T.C. Yen) on gastropods; Zhao Yazeng, Xu Deyou, and Gu Zhiwei (C.W. Ku) on bivalves; Sun Yunzhu, Lu Yanhao (Y.H. Lu), and Zhang Wentang (W.T. Chang) on trilobites; Tian Qijun, Sun Yunzhu, and Mu Enzhi (A.T. Mu) on echinoderms; Sun Yunzhu, Xu Jie, and Mu Enzhi on graptolites;Yang Zhongjian (C.C. Young), Pei Wenzhong (W.C. Pei), Jia Lanpo (L.P. Chia), Bian Meinian (M.N. Bien), Liu Dongsheng (T.S. Liu), Zhou Mingzhen (M.Z. Chou), Wu Rukang (R.K. Wu), and Liu Xianting (H.T. Liu) on vertebrate palaeontology and palaeoanthropology; Zhou Zanheng, Si Xingjian (H.C. Sze), and Li Xingxue (H.H. Lee)on fossil plants(Chinese History of Palaeontology,Press of Science and Technology of China,2015).

Pagiophyllum sp.
Cretaceous; Laiyang, Shandong
Studied by Zhou Zanheng (1923), considered to be the first fossil plant specimen ever studied by a Chinese researcher
NIGPAS Collection #PB153

Triassic; Bao'an, Hubei
Studied by Xu Deyou, who was killed along with two other geologists by robbers during a field survey in 1944
NIGPAS Collection #3495
Dictyclostus taiyuanfuensis
Late Carboniferous; Guandigou, Taiyuan, Shanxi
NIGPAS Collection #1020

Opening ceremony of the Library of Geological Survey, Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce (1922)
Geologists seated in front row: Xie Jiarong (3rd left), Wang Zhuquan (4th left), Yuan Fuli (5th left); seated in 2nd row: A.W. Grabau (1st left), Tan Xichou (2nd left), Zhang Hongzhao (2nd right), Ding Wenjiang (3rd right); seated in 3rd row middle: Li Yuanhong (President of the Republic of China).

Graduation ceremony for geology students at National Peking University (1936) joined by members of the Geological Society

Resurrection Meeting (1947) of the Palaeontological Society of China after WWII

Founding congress of CAS Institute of Palaeontology (1951)
Founding of the Institute of Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
In May 1951, the Institute of Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was formally established in Nanjing, with its laboratories and staff members derived from the former palaeontological laboratories of Academia Sinica and the National Geological Survey of China (GSC), together with the Cenozoic Research Department of the GSC Peking Branch.
Li Siguang was appointed the first director of the institute by Premier Zhou Enlai, with Si Xingjian as the acting director and Zhao Jinke and Lu Yanhao as the vice directors. The founding faculty members also included: Yang Zhongjian, Yu Jianzhang, Wang Yu, Xu Ren, Mu Enzhi, Li Xingxue, Gu Zhiwei, Pei Wenzhong, Yang Jingzhi, Zhou Mingzhen, Jia Lanpo, Liu Xianting, Liu Dongsheng, Sheng Jinzhang, Hou Youtang, Zhang Wentang, Wang Shui, and Hu Changkang (Chinese History of Palaeontology, Press of Science and Technology of China, 2015). In April 1953, the Department of Vertebrate Palaeontology (stationed in Beijing) became directly affiliated with CAS in administration and consequently the CAS Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) was established in Beijing.
The CAS Institute of Palaeontology was renamed CAS Institute of Geology and Palaeontology in May 1959, and again changed its name in March 1971 to become Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS (NIGPAS), which is the current institute name. It is currently the only national institution specialized in invertebrate palaeontology and palaeobotany (including micropalaeontology and palynology), known to be one of the three major palaeontological research centers in the world.

周恩来总理(右)同李四光教授亲切交谈(1952年) Li Siguang greeted by Premier Zhou Enlai (1952)
李四光(1889—1971),湖北黄岗人,1904年被官派留学日本,1910年毕业于大阪高等工业学校,1931年获英国伯明翰大学博士学位, 1955年当选为中国科学院学部委员(院士)。他是中国地质事业的奠基人之一和主要领导者,牵头创办中央研究院地质研究所和中国科学院古生物研究所,首创汉字“”及
Li Siguang (J.S. Lee) (1889-1971), born in Huanggang of Hubei, sent to Japan for higher education by government, graduated from Osaka Industrial College (Japan) in 1910, and obtained doctoral degree at University of Birmingham (UK) in 1931. He is regarded as one of the founders and leaders of early Chinese geology. He was the founding director of the National Research Institute of Geology (Academic Sinica) and CAS Institute of Palaeontology. He coined the Chinese character for fusulinids and established a new classification system for the fusulinid family. He was elected to CAS in 1955.

李四光 Li Siguang ( 1889-1971 )
Si Xingjian (H.C. Sze) (1901-1964), born in Zhuji of Zhejiang, graduated from Department of Geology, Peking University in 1926, and received a doctoral degree at Berlin University (Germany) in 1931. He served as NIGPAS director from 1953 to 1964 and was elected to CAS in 1955. He pioneered in areas of Chinese palaeobotany and terrestrial stratigraphy.

斯行健 Si Xingjian (1901-1964 )
赵金科(1906—1987),河北曲阳人,1932年北京大学地质系毕业,1937—1939年在美国哥伦比亚大学深造,1965年任中国科学院南京古生物所所长, 1980年当选为中国科学院学部委员(院士)。他在构造地质学、矿产地质学和工程地质学等领域卓有建树,为中国古生物学研究作出了重要贡献,是中国头足类学科的奠基人之一。
Zhao Jinke (K.K. Chao) (1906-1987), born in Quyang of Hebei, graduated from Department of Geology, Peking University in 1932 and received further training in palaeontology at Columbia University (USA) during 1937-1939. He served as NIGPAS acting director and then director from 1965 to 1984 and was elected to CAS in 1980. As one of the founders of Chinese cephalopod palaeontology, he also made outstanding contribution to the research of tectonics and exploration of mineral resources.

赵金科 Zhao Jinke (1906-1987)
Lu Yanhao (Y.H. Lu) (1913-2000), born in Yongding of Fujian, graduated from Department of Geology, Peking University in 1937, and studied in US Geological Survey during 1945-1946. He was elected to CAS in 1980. He made fundamental contribution to the establishment of Chinese Cambrian and Ordovician stratigraphy and the division in stages and biozones. He excelled in the studies of trilobites and laid foundation for charophyte research in China. He proposed the Bio-Environmental Control Hypothesis.

卢衍豪 Lu Yanhao (1913-2000)
穆恩之(1917—1987),江苏丰县人,1943年西南联合大学地质地理气象学系毕业, 1980年当选为中国科学院学部委员(院士)。他是中国笔石学科的带头人,提出了奥陶纪与志留纪的地层划分对比方案,提出编著各门类化石丛书,领导了西南石油会战、西藏综合考察等地层古生物学研究。
Mu Enzhi (A.T. Mu) (1917-1987), born in Fengxian of Jiangsu, graduated from Department of Geology, Geography and Meteorology, Southwest United University in 1943. He was elected to CAS in 1980. He worked as an academic leader in graptolite studies in China, established the subdivisions of Chinese Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy, and was instrumental in compiling the atlas of major fossil groups in China. He also led the Petroleum Exploration Campaign in Southwest China and the palaeontology and stratigraphy team in the Multidisciplinary Xizang (Tibet) Expedition.

穆恩之 Mu Enzhi (1917-1987)
Wang Yu (1909-1984), born in Shenze of Hebei, graduated from Department of Geology, Peking University in 1933, was a visiting scholar at US National Museum of Natural Science from 1944 to 1946. He was elected to CAS in 1980. As one of the founding scholars of brachiopod studies in China, he made fundamental contribution in Devonian stratigraphy of South China; his extensive studies in the Early Palaeozoic palaeontology and stratigraphy in the lower Yangtze region were fundamental to all the South China regions.

王钰 Wang Yu ( 1909-1984 )
Li Xingxue (H.H. Lee)(1917-2010), born in Chenxian of Hunan, graduated from Department of Geology, Chongqing University in 1942. He was elected to CAS in 1980.He specialized in research on palaeobotany and non-marine stratigraphy.He had breakthrough achievements in the study of Cathaysia flora, including gigantopterids and Late Palaeozoic coal measures of East Asia.

李星学 Li Xingxue (1917-2010)
顾知微(1918—2011),江苏南京人,1942年西南联合大学地质地理气象学系毕业, 1980年当选为中国科学院学部委员(院士)。他率先对中国淡水双壳类化石和中生代非海相地层开展研究,是著名的“热河生物群”研究的奠基人,为指导石油地质勘探和大庆油田的开发作出了贡献。
Gu Zhiwei (C.W. Gu) (1918-2011), born in Nanjing of Jiangsu, graduated from Department of Geology, Geography and Meteorology, Southwest United University in 1942. He was elected to CAS in 1980. He pioneered in freshwater bivalve studies and Mesozoic non-marine stratigraphy in China; he also pioneered in the studies of the famous “Jehol Biota”; he contributed to petroleum explorations and the discovery of Daqing Oilfield.

顾知微 Gu Zhiwei (1918-2011)
Sheng Jinzhang (J.C. Sheng) (1921-2007), born in Jingjiang of Jiangsu, graduated from Department of Geology, Chongqing University in 1946. He was elected to CAS in 1991. He excelled in fusulinid studies and Permian stratigraphy, made fundamental contribution to the series and stage divisions of Permian stratigraphy in China and their international correlation, leading to the adoption of Changhsingian Stage to the International Chronostratigraphic Chart.

盛金章 Sheng Jinzhang (1921-2007)
Jin Yugan (1937-2006), born in Dongyang of Zhejiang, graduated from Department of Geology, Nanjing University in 1959. He served as a vice chairman of International Palaeontological Association and was elected to CAS in 2001. He excelled in Palaeozoic brachiopod studies and Carboniferous-Permian stratigraphy as an academic leader. He proposed a two-stage end-Permian mass extinction event and a pre-Lopingian event.

金玉玕 Jin Yugan (1937-2006)
Zhou Zhiyan, born in Shanghai and a native of Haining, Zhejiang Province, graduated from Department of Geology, Nanjing University in 1954. He served as a vice chairman of the International Association of Palaeobotany and was elected to CAS in 1995. He excels in studies of Mesozoic gymnosperms and fern fossils. He has pioneered in new research directions of palaeobotany and found “missing links” in the evolution of Gingkos.

周志炎 Zhou Zhiyan
Rong Jiayu, born in Shanghai and a native of Yinxian, Zhejiang Province, graduated from Beijing College of Geology in 1962, majoring in palaeontology. He was elected to CAS in 1997. He has made outstanding contribution to the studies of Early Palaeozoic invertebrate fossils (mainly brachiopods), especially on systematics, biostratigraphy and palaeogeography, and also has focused on macroevolutionary studies. He worked as Chief Scientist of a major research project (“973”) funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

戎嘉余 Rong Jiayu
Chen Xu, born in Nanjing and a native of Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, graduated from Beijing College of Geology in 1959, majoring in geological exploration and mining. He was elected to CAS in 2003. He has made outstanding contribution to Chinese Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy and graptolite studies, established the first “golden spike”(GSSP, in chronostratigraphy) in China (base of the Darriwillian Stage, Changshan, Zhejiang), and is well known in interpretation of Phanerozoic climatic evolution.

陈旭 Chen Xu
Shen Shuzhong, born in Huzhou of Zhejiang, received his Ph.D. in China University of Mining and Technology. He was elected to CAS in 2015. He has made outstanding contribution to studies of Permian stratigraphy, end-Permian mass extinction event and environment, and brachiopod palaeontology. He was Chief Scientist of a major research project (“973”) funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

沈树忠 Shen Shuzhong

辉煌成就 / Glorious Achievements

During the early years after the founding of CAS Institute of Palaeontology in Nanjing, scientists devoted to nationwide exploration of geology and mineral resources sponsored by the central government. Their focus started to change to palaeontological researches in 1955, which consequently resulted in the publication (as the main authors) of fundamental palaeontologic and stratigraphic works including
●Book series(5 volumes):Index Fossils in China(1954-1957)
●Book series(15 volumes):Taxonomic Groups of Fossils in China(1962-1976)
●Book series (19 volumes): Proceedings of National Stratigraphy Congress Held in Beijing 1959(1962-1963)
and a series of monographic works published in Palaeontologia Sinica and in Bulletins of Palaeontology. These works were not only instrumental for the development of palaeontology and stratigraphy in China, but also enthusiastically welcome among field and mining geologists nationwide for their practical use in their explorations.

Nanjing Museum of Palaeontology

Scientists at the institute put forward the initiative and organized the First National Stratigraphic Congress in 1959, when the National Commission on Stratigraphy of China was established, setting the foundation for developing Chinese stratigraphic standards, division and nomenclature. NIGPAS scientists also played an important role in government-sponsored large-scale geological expeditions aimed at finding natural resources, including the 1965-1972 Petroleum Exploration Campaign in Southwest China, the 1966-1968 Mt. Qomolangma Expedtion, the 1973-1976 Mutlidisciplinary Expedition to Tibet, the 1975-1976 Bohai Coastal Petroleum-bearing Stratigraphy and Palaeontology and the National Campaign for Exploring Iron-rich Mines.

When China reopened to the world in 1978, NIGPAS began to enter a new era of rapid development and international collaborations. Major research advances have been made in numerous research fronts, including the early life evolution and the Cambrian explosion, the sensational discoveries of the “Chengjiang Biota”, the “Weng'an Biota”, and the “Jehol Biota”, the Global Standard Stratotype-sections and Points (GSSPs, also known as the “Golden Spikes”), and the macroevolutionary events (originations, radiations, extinctions and recoveries), which have been widely recognized nationally and internationally with publications in major international academic journals such as Science,Nature and PNAS and received the highest national awards for basic researches.

Chengjiang Field Research Station (at the discovery site of the “Chengjiang Biota” in Chengjiang, Yunnan )
Fourteen of NIGPAS scientists have been elected academicians in the Chinese Academy of Sciences:Li Siguang (1955), Si Xingjian (1955), Zhao Jinke (1980), Lu Yanhao (1980), Mu Enzhi (1980), Wang Yu (1980), Li Xingxue (1980), Sheng Jinzhang (1991), Zhou Zhiyan (1995), Rong Jiayu (1997), Jin Yugan (2001), Chen Xu (2003), Shen Shuzhong (2015).

Excavation site of the “Lantian Biota” in Xiuning, Anhui
Many NIGPAS scientists have been actively involved in international academic organizations by serving as officials or leaders, such as in the International Association of Palaeontology, the International Commission of Stratigraphy and its subcommissions, International Organisation of Palaeobotany and International Fossil Specialists Organizations, and the UNESCO's International Geoscience Programmes. NIGPAS has established long-term cooperative relations with many geological and palaeontological institutions worldwide, actively engaging and promoting international collaborations and academic exchanges.
Currently, NIGPAS has diverse research teams in invertebrate palaeontology, palaeobotany and palynology, micropalaeontology, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy, with modern laboratories in fossil sectioning, extraction, optic and electronic observation, chemical and molecular analyses;there is a world famous specialized library with collections of geological and palaeontological literature unparalleled in the Asian region and a fossil repository with collections of type fossil specimens dated back to the earliest stage of palaeontology in China. The Nanjing Museum of Palaeontology has been built as a window and interface between the scientists and the public. A field research station has been constructed at the discovery site of the famous “Chengjiang Biota”in Chengjiang, Yunnan with research and conference facilities and a display for the public.