在线女子学校提供新的学习机会 Online Girls’School Provides a New Chance to Study
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News Transcript
Marlborough School student Xochitl Green wants to pursue a career in the field of psychology. Her high school only offers one psychology course, and that's not enough for her.“Because I wanted to take a more in-depth class, they told me there was an option to do an online course, and so I looked into it.”
In addition to her classes in school, Green took an online Advanced Placement psychology course through Online School For Girls. She said the experience was different from a regular classroom.“I actually thought it was a lot easier to say your thoughts because there weren't any eyes looking at you like there are in a classroom.You got to be completely 100 percent yourself.There were a lot of projects, though, where we had to video chat with girls or you had to text girls.”
Marlborough School's Stuart Posin said partnering with Online School for Girls gives students opportunities they otherwise wouldn't have.“There are a lot of APs, a lot of STEM courses that we just don't have the interest or the mass of students to be able to produce those classes, and so by partnering with other schools around the nation and getting the best teachers around the nation, we're giving girls the opportunity they just otherwise wouldn't have.”
Brad Rathgeber, Executive Director for the Online School for Girls.“What we're trying to do in these single gender settings is really build an enormous amount of confdence in the girls so they can fnd great success they go onto college and beyond.”A single sex education is not what makes a student successful, though, says Diane Halpern of the Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute. She spoke to VOA in a Skype interview.“Often people will point to exemplary single sex schools and say‘look here's an example that it works,'but they tend to be highly selective in terms of the students they admit.Parents are wealthier, especially in the U.S.,where people have paid they tend to be very academically focused.”
But there is growing interest in an all girls'online school. Since it began fve years ago, the Online School for Girls has seen an increase in attendance, and the number of high schools partnering with Online School for Girls has grown from 4 to 85.Rathgeber said his online girls'school provides students with a strong sense of community that helps them learn.
“If you're creating a small cose knit community and you're trying to really bond students with their teachers and students with each other, gender can matter at some level. And we think we can create a learning environment that capitalizes on a single gender experience.”Rathgeber is now working on building an online school for boys.
Listening Comprehension
1.Why did Xochitl Green choose an online course?
2.What we're trying to do in these single gender settings is really build an____amount of confdence in the girls so they can fnd great success they go onto college and beyond.
3.What's the increased number of high schools partnering with Online School for Girls?
A. 4
B. 81
C. 85
Hot Words
Advanced Placement美国大学预修课程
Listening Analysis
1.In addition to her classes in school, Green took an online Advanced Placement psychology course through Online School For Girls.
in addition to除……之外,还……
She gets various perquisites in addition to her wages.
In addition to specifying where to print, you must specify the format of your print documents.
2.……but they tend to be highly selective in terms of the students they admit.
in terms of依据,按照;在……方面
In terms of law, they are equally authentic.
It can not be measured in terms of money.
1.Because she wanted to take a more in-depth class, somebody told her there was an option to do an online course, and so she looked into it.