Professor Deng Zhiyong has for some years been in the forefront of expanding rhetorical studies in Asia generally,and the People’s Republic of China specifically.By traveling to other countries and by bringing international scholars to Shanghai,he has forged global alliances toward the study of rhetoric,argument,persuasion,and the theories of Kenneth Burke.
In this volume of Contemporary American Rhetorical Criticism,Professor Deng completes a national research project of some duration.The book covers ten critical paradigms of research in rhetorical theory and criticism:neo-Aristotelian criticism,psychological criticism,Burke’s dramatistic criticism,fantasy theme criticism,social movement criticism,narrative criticism,feministic criticism,generic criticism,metaphor criticism,and ideological criticism.For each of these important schools of thought he defines the critical approach and then discusses its social and theoretical background.He explores all the theories on which each depends,and uncovers the underlying philosophical assumptions of each paradigm.Professor Deng then sketches out a diagram for the operation of each model,and finally,presents a sample analysis as an illustration of the model.In every case,Professor Deng brings the eye and mind of a Chinese scholar to his analysis.In this way he is not merely repeating work done elsewhere but is offering a fresh and important insight,from a Chinese perspective,into the long tradition of rhetorical theory and criticism in the West.
This valuable work is the first ever systematic exploration in China of contemporary American rhetorical criticism.It will continue Professor Deng’s project of forging international alliances in the study of rhetoric.This will be of value not only for Asian scholars but also for those in the United States and in Eu-rope.
Barry Brummett,Charles Sapp Centennial Professor in Communication and Chair,Department of Communication Studies,the University of Texas at Austin