Illegal Chinese Immigrants inAfrica
Tao Wang:Lecturer of the Center for African Studies,Yunnan University;Meng Wang,Ph.D.Student of the Center for African Studies,Yunnan University
Abstract:With the rapid development of Sino-African economic connections,illegal Chinese immigrants emerged.This issue resulted from numerous factors,including Sino-African congeniality,illegal workers themselves,illegal agents,insufficient state supervision,economic situation of African countries,corruption and mass media.In Nigeria and Ghana,illegal immigrants have become the hurdle against the relations with China. Moreover,this issue has exerted negative impacts upon socio-economic development of African countries,Sino-African relations and China’s international image.The Chinese government is supposed to confront and tackle this problem and sustain the“both-win” game with African countries.
Key words:Africa;illegal immigrants;Sino-Africa relations;going global
A Preliminary Study of Chinese New Migrants inZambia
Pengtao Li:Associate Professor of the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University;Xun Zhai:Master Student of the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal UniversityAbstracts:This article discusses several issues related to the size,sources,typology and basic characteristics of new Chinese migrants in Africa,with a focus on Zambia.It analyzes the quoand tendency of Overseas Chinese’relationship with Zambian society.The main argument is that ordinary new Chinese migrants not only experience and witness the development of Sino-African relations but that their economic and social activities have significant impacts on the local society,which directly impacts the healthy development of Sino-African relationship.
Key words:Africa;Overseas Chinese;Zambia;Sino-African relations
An Exploration of the Country of Origin Effect for Chinese Products in the Tanzanian Market
Ombeni Nanyaro,Master Student of theSchool of Management,Zhejiang University
Abstract:Consumers' willingness to buy products is affected by the factor of country of origin,through research questionnaires,it focuses on the country of origin effects of the Chinese products in the Tanzanian market,to understand Tanzanian consumers’perception of China and Chinese products,and their sensitivity of brand and price,and to analyze the relevance between these factors and the country of origin effect.The results shows that:the perception of Chinese development level has significant positive correlation both with image of China and Chinese products’country of origin effect;Price perception of Chinese products is negatively correlated with the country of origin effects;ease of access to Chinese products has a positive correlation with the country of origin effect;Brand sensitivity and price sensitivity have no significant correlation with the country of origin.
Key words:Consumers’Purchase Intention;Country of Origin Effect;Chinese Products;Tanzanian Market
The Establishment and Development of Israeli-African Relations,1956-1973
Yun Liu:Professor of the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University
Abstract:For the purpose of geopolitics and national security,Israel did its utmost to engage African countries in the 1950s.The 1960s was characterized by Israel’s proactive actions towards Africa,including frequent visit of Israeli leaders to African countries,international trade in multiple channels and training African military forces.All these contributed to the pinnacle of Israeli-African relations in this period of time.However,the honeymoon was terminated by the“June 5 War”,which engendered anti-semitism on the African continent.It was the“October War” that caused African countries to sever their diplomatic relationship with Israel.
Key words:Israel,African countries,assistance,crisis
Chinese Aid toAfrica:History,Characteristics and Influences
Mei Hu:Associate Professor of the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University
Abstract:For the purpose of national rejuvenation and economic development,China has been aiding Africa for more than half a century,which not only fully embodies China’s diplomatic philosophy and political culture,but illustrates the importance South South cooperation and the rise of Asia and Africa.Chinese aid gives African countries an opportunity of development and taps their economic potential.Moreover,China updates the pattern of international aid,reduce Africa’s economic dependence upon the west,and oblige western countries to seek cooperation with numerous favorable terms.Furthermore,China changes the political ecology of African countries.With the new wave of international investment and cooperation,African countries have acquired more political capital and development opportunities,which will in turn produce a virtuous cycle between economic cooperation,favorable terms and development.
Key words:South South cooperation;African development;Sino-African relations
An Exploration of the Three“Africa Crazes” in International Relations
Tao Mu:Professor and Ph.D.advisor of the Department of History,East China Normal University
Abstract:Since the emergence of colonialism,there have been three“Africa Crazes”in the international society.The first wave originated from the desire of the West to control the land and extract profits.In the latter half of the 20thcentury,Africa became popular primarily due to the ideological contention between the two camps.The current craze argubly help great powers achieve economic transition and reorientation.In the third wave,African countries are placed in a relatively advantageous position.African relations with the outside world are no longer unilaterally passive,but instead equal and mutually beneficial.With the resolution of some traditional problems,political stability and persistent economic development,Africa has been taking on a new look in the international society.African renaissance,which has been dreamed of by generations of African elites,may weel become a reality in the new century.
Key words:Africa Craze,economic interests,ideological contention,economic reorientation,Africa renaissance
A Preliminary Exploration of the Impacts of War upon State-Building in Sub-SaharanAfrica
Lingyu Lu:Associate Professor of the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University
Abstract:The predatory theory argues that international war and civil conflict substantially enhance state capacity by strengthening state machinery and consolidating nationalism.Based upon the formation of nation states in modern Europe,the theory is incapable of sufficiently accounting for the state building in Sub-Saharan Africa.Among other things,our exploration of the impacts of wars upon Sub-Saharan state building needs to take into consideration the intervening effects of political,economic and historical factors,including the Post-WWII international legal norms,ethnic politics,along with non-taxation revenues like natural resources and international assistance.
Key words:predatory theory,international war,civil conflict,state building
Dilemma of Governing African Armed Groups:A Case Study of International Criminal Court and the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda
Ling Yan:Lecturer of theSchool of Public Administration,Hunan Normal University
Abstract:The International Court of Justice,which accused Joseph Kony and the other four leaders of the Lord’s Resistance Army of anti-human and war crimes,fell into a series of dilemmas,namely the contradiction between the idea and logic of justice,political notion and legal notion,along with the suspicion that the international society threw upon the preconditions and legality of the court’s intervention.These dilemmas cast light upon the conflict of the notion and norm of local governance between the west and Africa,the bias and double standard of the court,as well as insufficient attention to the protection of children.Considering the local people underscore reconciliation and security far above justice and punishment,it is very inadequate to resolve the civil conflict in North Uganda and the issue of the Lord’s Assistance Army by means of the punishment imposed by international law.The International Court of Justice is supposed to valuate local laws and conflict resolution practice,attach importance to participatory solution,strongly support and promote economic development in North Uganda,and strengthen peace building in Africa as well.
Key words:African armed groups;International Court of Justice;global governance
A Reflection on“Taiwan-Africa Relations”
Xiangyang Long:Associate Professor of the College of Political and Administrative Science,South China Normal University
Abstract:The thesis of“Taiwan-African relations” involves two key issues.The first is the historical orientation of Taiwan,particularly the relationship between the history of Taiwan and that of the People’s Republic of China.The second issue is concerned with the relationship between“Taiwan-African relations” and“PRC and African relations.” From the macro-historical perspective of the Chinese nation,Taiwan has been integral to the Chinese nation since ancient times.Likewise,contemporary Taiwan history and PRC history are part and parcel of the history of the Chinese nation.Among other things,the history of PRC is the main part of that of the Chinese nation,while the history of Taiwan a subset.The two histories are mutually contradictory and integrated in the“One-China” principle.So is the relationship between“Taiwan-African relations” and“PRC-AFrican” relations.The two sides of the Strait are in conflict in that each strive for the legitimacy and representative of the“One China” while they are integrated in the future of China.Both Taiwan and PRC can be traced back to the history of the then Republic of China(ROC)in the mainland,although“PRC-African relations” originated from foreign affairs of the Communist Party of China during the dominance of the Nationalist Party,whereas“Taiwan-African relations” is the descendant of the diplomacy of the Republic of China.Therefore,“Taiwan-African relations” inherit the inherent weaknesses of ROC,namely vulnerability and dependency.
Key words:the historical orientation of Taiwan;Taiwan-African relations;the historical dialect of the Chinese nation
South African Diplomatic Strategy in the Context of the Rise of Emerging Powers
Wei Fang:Lecturer of the School of Society and Politics,Anhui University
Abstract:In the context of the rise of emerging powers,the BRICS cooperation mechanism established a new international development and cooperation platform for emerging countries to strengthen development and cooperation.South Africa as a Lightweight economy can successfully joined the BRICS cooperation mechanism,which is closely linked with the transformation,development and maturity of the South African government's diplomatic strategy,as well as the remodeling "national identity".the South African government seizes the opportunities of the rise of emerging powers and successfully entered the ranks of the emerging powers,which because of the government through a series of diplomatic successes,which show the special value of the country on the basis of the international community.
Key words:Emerging Powers;South African Diplomatic Strategy;national identity;BRICS Cooperation Mechanism
Strengthening Sino-African Ties
Youngman Frank:Professor of the University of Botswana
Abstract:China is increasingly important for economic,political and social development of Botswana.Understanding the importance is indispensable to a both-win game.Research should be extensively and intensively conducted to guide Sino-Botswana relations.
Key words:Sino-African relations,Botswana,case study
Softpower and Developmental Cooperation
Njunga-Michael Mulikita:Senior Lecturer of Copperbelt University,Zambia
Abstract:The paper re-analyses the case study of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Project to demonstrate ‘soft power’development cooperation paradigm followed by Peoples Republic of China’s(PRC)to develop its economic cooperation with other developing countries in 1960/70s.The PRC,in response to development aspirations of Tanzania and Zambia,generously financed construction of the Tanzam Railway Project to reduce Zambia’s dependence on hostile minority settler regimes in Southern Africa.This was in stark contrast to Western approach which requires engagement of highly paid Western“Technical Advisors.” Thus Tanzam railway project generated shared values and norms of equality,solidarity,frugality and mutual trust and interdependence among developing countries;in contrast to top-down conventional development cooperation paradigm.The Tanzam Railway Project paradigm may therefore offer an alternative to authoritarian top-down North –South model of development cooperation.
Key Words:TanZam Railway;softpower;economic cooperation;Chinese assistance
An Analysis of African Culture through the Investigation of African Catering inGuangdong
Enyu Ma:Assistant Professor of the Department of History and Culture,Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University
Abstract:With the rapid development of Sino-African relationship,the inflow of African immigrants to China is growing quickly.Based upon investigation of two African communities in Guangzhou,the author found that African restaurants have played a significant role in the evolution and maintenance of African identity.
Key words:Africans in Guangzhou;catering;culture
Impacts of Overseas Chinese and Africans upon Sino-African cooperation
Adams Bodomo:Professor of African Studies,Vienna University
Abstract:Despite negative evaluation of the activities of Chinese in Africa and Africans in China,overseas Chinese and Africans have been playing a key role in the development of Sino-African cooperation.Both sides should simplify immigration policy and offer political and economic incentives so that they could contribute more to bilateral relations.
Key:overseas Chinese and Africans;Sino-African cooperation;immigration policy;incentives
Softpower Deficiency in China’s Diplomacy towards Africa and Policy Recommendation
Zhifa Zhou:Associate Professor of the Department of Education,Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University
Abstract:China’s softpower construction in Africa is concentrated upon culture and foreign policy.Sino-African cooperation and communication in ideology apparently lagged behind,which has negatively influenced Sino-African relations.Accordingly,it is imperative for China to learn from and theorize its opening up and reform,and win the discourse power concerning democracy.It is in this context that the theory of mistake-tolerant democracy emerged.Integrating Chinese characteristics and political universalism,the theory,which is constructed upon the first-order right of error and trial,is more universal than liberal democracy,which is premised upon the second order right of life and liberty.Mistake-Tolerant democracy would facilitate reevaluating the pros and cons of liberal democracy in Africa,challenging the democratic union,which the U.S.has fostered in Africa,and eventually enhance China’s softpower in the sweeping manner.
Key words:China’s diplomacy towards Africa;soft power;mistake-tolerant democracy
An Exploration and Construction of Nelson Mandela’s Thought of Humanity
Yuqiu Li:Assistant Professor at the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University
Abstract:It is necessary to deeply explore and reconstruct Nelson Mandela’s thought of humanity for us to understand him and to inherit his intellectual legacy.Concretely speaking,Mandela’s thought of humanity,which is based on the philosophy of Ubuntu in Africa,contains contingent inter-existence as the ontology,double-freedom as the ethnical direction,and dialogue and forgiveness as the methodology.His idea of humanity has important implications for South Africa’s development and the world today.
Key Words:Nelson Mandela;Ubuntu;contingent inter-existence;forgiveness;freedom;humanity