List 1

0483 studio [ˈstjuːdɪəʊ]
n. 工作室;(广播、电视的)录音室,演播室
例 In search of a meaningful life, Leah gave up what she had and set up her own yoga studios.为了追求有意义的人生,莉亚放弃了原本拥有的,开了自己的瑜伽馆。
0484 permit [pəˈmɪt]/ /
v. 允许,准许
n. 许可证
例 The woman permits her children to use the screen for at most half an hour a day. 这位女士只允许她的孩子一天最多看半个小时电视。
0485 diplomatic [ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk]
adj. 外交的
例 Some countries will always be bigger diplomatic players than others. But as a union, Europe cannot duck the question of its place in the world. 虽然总有些国家在外交上一直比其他国家更强大,但作为一个联盟,欧洲不能回避其世界地位这个问题。
0486 diplomat [ˈdɪpləmæt]
n. 外交官
例 Her guests are usually government officials, diplomats, lawyers and other newspaper people.她的客户通常是政府官员、外交官、律师和其他报社人员。
0487 replace [rɪˈpleɪs]
v. 代替
例 One technology replaces another only because the new technology is better. 一项技术取代另一项技术仅仅是因为新技术更好。
0488 replacement [rɪˈpleɪsmənt]
n. 更换;替代品
例 Fertility rates in many European nations and Japan have dropped below the replacement rate, causing concern that shortages of labour and productivity could threaten the quality of life. 许多欧洲国家及日本的生育率已经下降到人口置换率以下,这使得人们担心劳动力短缺和生产力下降会威胁生活质量。
0489 county [ˈkaʊnti]
n. 郡,县
例 A county in California proposed recently to ban McDonald’s from including toys in its high- calorie “Happy Meals”. 加利福尼亚州的一个郡最近提议,禁止麦当劳在其高热量的“快乐餐”中包含玩具。
0490 survive [səˈvaɪv]
v. 幸存;生存
例 Millions have migrated to the cities because they could not survive in rural areas. 数百万人口因无法在乡村生存下去而移居城市。
0491 survival [səˈvaɪvl]
n. 生存;幸存
例 The issues of hunger and survival and how to live have become burning issues for the international community. 饥饿、生存以及如何生存这些问题已经成为国际社会热议的焦点。
0492 survivor [səˈvaɪvə]
n. 幸存者
例 Many firms will die in the stiff competition, but the survivors will emerge leaner and stronger than before. 很多企业会在激烈的竞争中被淘汰,但幸存下来的都会变得比以前更加精干、 强大。
0493 relaxation [ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn]
n. 放松
例 Do you think what you do for relaxation is an effective way to beat stress? 你认为你的放松方式能有效缓解压力吗 ?
0494 attract [əˈtrækt]
v. 吸引
例 Photographs of the gorilla, looking stricken and inconsolable, attracted crowds to the zoo. 照片上的猩猩看上去备受打击,伤心欲绝,吸引了很多人去动物园参观。
0495 attractive [əˈtræktɪv]
adj. 有吸引力的
例 This is one of the most attractive majors we have in terms of drawing undergraduates to George Mason. 从吸引本科生到乔治·梅森大学来求学这一方面来讲,这是我们最有吸引力的专业之一。
0496 attraction [əˈtrækʃn]
n. 1 吸引,爱慕 2 有吸引力的人或事物;吸引力
例 The main attraction of Beijing resides in its enchanting scenery. 北京的最大吸引力在于它迷人的景色。
0497 disappoint [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt]
v. 使…失望
例 In China, teenagers are still very much children and are expected to do as they are told, get good grades and not disappoint their families. 中国的青少年更多的还是被当成小孩子来对待,大家都希望他们能做到听话、成绩好、不让父母失望。
0498 ordinary [ˈɔːdɪnri]
adj. 普通的
例 Many think that tipping adds to the burden of ordinary customers. 很多人都认为给小费会给普通消费者增加负担。
0499 description [dɪˈskrɪpʃn]
n. 描述
例 For the writing part, we usually need to give a brief description of the chart and then make comments on it. 在写作部分,我们通常需要简要描述一个表格,再针对表格发表评论。
0500 ladder [ˈlædə]
n. 梯子
例 Remember that we all climb the ladder of success one step at a time. 记住,我们所有人的成功都是循序渐进的,没有一蹴而就的。
0501 president [ˈprezɪdənt]
n. 总统,国家主席;会长,院长
例 The president and some governors have the power to kill a bill by pocketing it. 总统和一些州长有权采取不予签署的办法否决一项议案。
0502 presidential [ˌprezɪˈdenʃl]
adj. 总统的
例 Throughout this long, tense election, everyone has focused on the presidential candidates and how they’ll change America. 在这个漫长又紧张的选举过程中,所有人的目光都集中在总统候选人以及他们将如何改变美国上。
0503 purchase [ˈpɜːtʃɪs]
v. 购买
n. 购买;购买的东西
例 An international travel insurance policy is usually purchased in your home country before you go abroad. 国际旅行保险通常要在出国前在本国购买。
0504 preschooler [priːˈskuːlə]
n. 学龄前儿童
例 To date, no body of research has proved that the iPad will make your preschooler smarter.迄今为止,尚没有研究能证明iPad可以使学龄前儿童变聪明。
0505 giraffe [dʒɪˈrɑːf]
n. 长颈鹿
例 Unlike most of the other grass-eaters in the Sahara, the giraffe doesn’t migrate (leave its homeland) during dry seasons because it gets enough water from the leaves it eats. 与撒哈拉沙漠中大多数其他食草动物不同,长颈鹿在旱季不必迁徙 (离开家园),因为它可以从吃的叶子中获得足够水分。
0506 silver [ˈsɪlvə]
n. 银
adj. 银色的
例 Speech is silver, but silence is gold. 表达诚可贵,沉默价更高。
0507 solution [səˈluːʃn]
n. 解决办法
例 The government decided the only solution was to bail the state enterprise out. 政府断定唯一的解决办法是帮助该国企摆脱困境。
0508 branch [brɑːntʃ]
n. 分支;分校
例 Yale is establishing branch campuses throughout the world. 耶鲁大学正在世界各地建立分校。
0509 forth [fɔːθ]
adv. 向前
例 Some businessmen and their families move back and forth between the U.S. and the home countries. 一些商务人士及其家人在美国和自己的祖国之间把家搬来搬去。
0510 worsen [ˈwɜːsn]
v. (使)变得更糟,恶化
例 As the world’s food security falls to pieces, individual countries acting in their own self- interest are actually worsening the troubles of many. 随着世界粮食安全局面的逐步瓦解,个别国家维护自身利益的行为实际上是在加剧很多国家的困难。
0511 struggle [ˈstrʌɡl]
v. / n. 1 努力,争取 2 挣扎;艰难地前进
例 Women struggle to say “no” in the workplace for similar reasons, including the desire to be liked by their colleagues. 女性很难在职场中拒绝别人,原因基本相似,这其中就包括她们想受到同事的欢迎。
0512 estimate [ˈestɪmət]/
n. 估计,估算
v. 估计,估算
例 Surveys estimate that 85%of women and 73%of men report feeling better after shedding tears. 调查结果估计,有85%的女性和73%的男性承认哭过之后会感觉好些。
0513 purpose [ˈpɜːpəs]
n. 目的
例 Many people say the purpose of the engagement period is to permit enough time to plan the wedding. 很多人认为订婚期的目的是让人有足够的时间筹备婚礼。
0514 rank [ræŋk]
n. 1 等级;级别 2 显贵
v. 把…分等级
例 He came from a family of rank. 他来自上层社会的家庭。
0515 instruction [ɪnˈstrʌkʃn]
n. 1 命令 2 指导
例 The so-called instruction may simply be the basic How Tos, which are really not going to help you understand how to build muscle or achieve your fitness goals. 所谓的指导可能只是简单的“怎样做”,这并不能真正帮你弄明白怎样才能练出肌肉或者达到你的健身目标。
0516 instructor [ɪnˈstrʌktə]
n. 导师
例 The author looks upon his mother as his most demanding and caring instructor. 该作者把他的母亲看作是最严格、最关心他的导师。
0517 instruct [ɪnˈstrʌkt]
v. 1 指示;命令 2 讲授
例 The college will need an additional teacher to instruct the boys in cooking. 这所技术学校需要增加一名教员来教授男生烹调技术。
0518 master [ˈmɑːstə]
n. 1 主人 2 能手;擅长…者
例 Our country must be master of its own economic destiny. 我们的国家必须掌握自己的经济命运。
0519 anxiety [æŋˈzaɪɪti]
n. 焦虑
例 Anxiety and depression more often than not cut short one’s life span. 焦虑和抑郁往往会缩短一个人的寿命。
0520 secondary [ˈsekəndri]
adj. 1 次要的 2 中学的
例 There is now a range of companies offering commercial programs to grade written test answers, and four states are using some form of the technology in secondary schools. 现在已有几家公司在提供能给手写试卷评分的商业程序,并且已经有四个州的中学在使用此类技术。
0521 seed [siːd]
n. 种子
例 Improved agricultural technology, hybrid seeds, scientific animal breeding, and so on have vastly increased the amount of output a typical farmer can produce. 农业技术的改善、杂交种子、科学动物养殖等等,都大大增加了一个普通农民的产出。
0522 seemingly [ˈsiːmɪŋli]
adv. 似乎
例 The author’s mother taught him a valuable lesson by pointing out lots of flaws in his seemingly perfect essay. 作者的母亲给他上了宝贵的一课,她在他看似完美的文章里指出了很多缺点。
0523 responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsɪˈbɪlɪti]
n. 责任
例 Nowadays, colleges hold a number of projects that can help students understand their responsibility to the larger community. 如今,大学院校会组织很多活动项目,这些项目能够帮助学生理解自己的社会责任。
0524 responsible [rɪˈspɒnsəbl]
adj. 负责的;有责任的
例 You are responsible for what you put in your mouth each day, for how you treat yourself and for what you get out of life. 你得为你每天吃进去的食物负责,为你对待自己的方式以及你的生活所得负责。
0525 academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk]
adj. 学术的
例 Big money is starting to flow into the ivory tower, as university administrators wake up to the commercial potential of academic research. 随着大学管理者开始意识到学术研究的商业潜力,大量资金开始流入大学这座象牙塔。
0526 academy [əˈkædəmi]
n. 研究院
例 Gérard Jones founded a highly successful football coaching academy two years ago when he was 19 and still studying for his degree. 杰拉德·琼斯在两年前创建了一个非常成功的足球培训学院,当时他只有19岁,还在攻读学位。
0527 regular [ˈregjʊlə]
adj. 1 规律的 2 定期的
例 Research now shows that regular quizzes, short essays, and other assignments over the course of a term better enhance learning and retention. 研究显示,在一学期中定期检测、布置小论文以及其他任务能更好地巩固学习和记忆。
0528 regularly [ˈregjʊləli]
adv. 规律地,经常
例 Fast-food firms have to be a thick-skinned bunch. Health experts regularly criticise them severely for selling food that makes people fat. 快餐公司必须“皮糙肉厚”。健康专家经常会严厉地批判它们,因为它们销售能使人发胖的食物。
0529 broadcast [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst]
v. 广播
n. 广播节目;电视节目
例 Her appearance on a talk show was broadcast three times, transmitting her message to over 14 million people. 她在一档脱口秀节目上的表演播出了三次,把她的信息传递给了超过1400万人。
0530 flow [fləʊ]
v. / n. 流动
例 There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and, in fact, relies on that steady flow to maintain its economy. 美国无疑是能源进口大国,实际上美国依赖稳定的能源流入来维持其经济发展。
0531 storm [stɔːm]
n. 暴风雨;和风暴有关的恶劣天气
例 They say there’ll be a snow-storm tonight, and the cold weather will last quite a few days.据说今晚会有暴风雪,而且寒冷的天气会持续好几天。
0532 overnight [ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt]
adv. 一夜之间
例 The most stressful thing about blue-collar life is knowing your job could disappear overnight.蓝领工人生活中最有压力的事件莫过于知道自己可能会在一夜之间失业。
0533 personality [ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪti]
n. 个性
例 Lydia hopes her book can help us to understand someone’s personality, so we, in turn, can figure out how best to communicate with them. 莉迪亚希望她的书可以帮助我们理解别人的个性,然后我们可以借此找到与他们沟通的最佳途径。
0534 sail [seɪl]
n. 帆
v. 航行
例 The high cost of steam and the lesser need for speed kept the majority of the world’s ocean freight moving by sail until the early years of the 20th century. 蒸汽成本较高,人们对速度的需求不强烈,导致世界绝大多数的海运货物一直采用帆船运输,直到20世纪初。
0535 carbon [ˈkɑːbən]
n. 碳
例 Across the world, forests and the soil beneath them absorb about a quarter of all carbon emissions. 全球范围内,森林与它们脚下的土壤大概能吸收掉碳排放总量的四分之一。
0536 debt [det]
n. 负债情况;债务
例 I am so intense on keeping my job that I can get out of debt quickly. 我这么努力地工作就是为了快点还清债务。
0537 improvement [ɪmˈpruːvmənt]
n. 改善,提高
例 Various studies have shown that increased spending on education has not led to measurable improvements in learning. 各种各样的研究结果都显示,增加教育的经济投入并没有让学习成绩显著提高。
0538 outcome [ˈaʊtkʌm]
n. 结果
例 “What makes a game game-like is that the player actually cares about the outcome,” Werbach says. 韦巴赫说:“能让比赛真正像比赛的是球员真正在意结果。”
0539 fault [fɔːlt]
n. 过失,过错
例 It’s my fault for not making your new job clearer. 没把你的新工作解释清楚是我的过错。
0540 logic [ˈlɒdʒɪk]
n. 1 逻辑 2 逻辑学
例 Statistics and logic are both challenging subjects. 统计学和逻辑学都是有挑战性的学科。
0541 violinist [ˌvaɪəˈlɪnɪst]
n. 小提琴手
例 As movie theatres grew in number and importance, a violinist, and perhaps a cellist, would be added to the pianist in certain cases, and in the larger movie theatres small orchestras were formed. 随着影剧院在数量与重要性上的不断增长,在一些场合中,除了钢琴师外,还会加上小提琴手,或许还有一位大提琴手。在较大的影剧院里还组建了小型的管弦乐队。
0542 recover [rɪˈkʌvə]
v. 恢复
例 Over 10,000 Americans are working with many nations to help the people of Haiti recover and rebuild. 有一万多美国人正与许多其他国家合作,共同帮助海地人民恢复与重建。
0543 recovery [rɪˈkʌvəri]
n. 复苏;康复
例 Experts believe that economic recovery will see a higher divorce rate. 专家认为,经济复苏将会促使离婚率上升。
0544 opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti]
n. 机会
例 Millennials want to save the world, but they sit and wait for that world-changing opportunity to be handed to them. 千禧一代的孩子们想要拯救世界,但他们不去行动,只是坐等改变世界的机遇被递到他们手上。
0545 background [ˈbækgraʊnd]
n. 背景
例 Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. 我们的家庭背景和成长环境可能影响了我们的现在,但是我们将来成为什么样的人却取决于自己。
0546 victim [ˈvɪktɪm]
n. 受害者
例 In fact, the same person could be both a victim and a witness in a particular theft. 事实上在特定的盗窃案例中,同一个人可以同时作为受害人和目击者。
0547 depart [dɪˈpɑːt]
v. 出发;离开
例 Passengers are able to transit and depart the U.S. with some additional inspections and security evaluations. 旅客在通过一些附加检查和安全评估后能够过境和离开美国。
0548 shadow [ˈʃædəʊ]
n. 阴影,影子;背光处
例 Leanna had to live in the shadow of her twin sister, who had already become a famous dancer.丽安娜不得不活在她双胞胎姐姐的阴影下,那时候姐姐已经是一名著名舞蹈演员了。
0549 judge [dʒʌdʒ]
v. 判断,评判
n. 评审;法官
例 While graduates from top universities are still likely to get a good job no matter what their major is, graduates from less-famous schools are going to be judged on what they know. 顶尖大学的毕业生仍然能找到好工作,不论是什么专业;而非名牌院校毕业的学生则会被评判学识,择优录取。
0550 judgment [ˈdʒʌdʒmənt]
n. 1 判断力 2 意见
例 Your decision reflects well upon your judgment. 你的决定说明你的判断很正确。
0551 disadvantage [ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ]
n. 劣势
例 Once unemployed, older workers are at a disadvantage in job-hunting because employers tend to hire younger workers. 一旦失业,年纪稍大一点的人们在找工作时就会处于劣势,因为雇主们通常更愿意雇用年轻一点的工人。
0552 patience [ˈpeɪʃns]
n. 耐心
例 It takes great physical endurance and patience to run a marathon. 跑马拉松需要强大的体能和耐力。
0553 indirect [ˌɪndɪˈrekt]
adj. 间接的
例 To compensate for the economy’s weakness, Turkey provides direct and indirect aid to tourism, education, industry, etc. 为弥补经济的弱点,土耳其政府向旅游业、教育业和工业提供很多直接和间接的帮助。
0554 remind [rɪˈmaɪnd]
v. 提醒
例 Your words remind me of this saying “honey is sweet but the bee stings”. 你的话让我想起一句谚语——蜂蜜是甜的,但蜜蜂会蜇人。
0555 reminder [rɪˈmaɪndə]
n. 唤起记忆的事物
例 The drop in stock prices serves as a reminder that investing is a form of gambling. 股票价格的下跌提醒人们,投资是一种赌博。
0556 conference [ˈkɒnfrəns]
n. 会议,大会
例 Representatives from over 100 countries attended the International Peace Conference in Geneva. 来自一百多个国家的代表出席了在日内瓦举行的国际和平大会。
0557 chapter [ˈtʃæptə]
n. 篇章,章节
例 They don’t have time to read a chapter three or four times. 他们没有时间把一个章节读三四遍。
0558 aboard [əˈbɔːd]
adv. 在 (船、飞机等) 上
例 The Deans had not chosen to be aboard the Titanic, but because of a coal strike they were transferred to the ship and boarded it as third-class passengers at Southampton. 迪安一家原本没有选择乘坐泰坦尼克号,但是因为一次煤矿罢工,他们被转移到了船上,在南安普顿作为三等乘客上了船。
0559 beneficial [ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl]
adj. 有益的
例 Cycling is highly beneficial to health and the environment. 骑自行车出行对于健康和环境都大有裨益。
0560 rely [rɪˈlaɪ]
v. 依赖
例 There are many young adults today who are relying on credit cards to make ends meet. 如今有很多年轻人依赖信用卡才能维持生计。
0561 reliable [rɪˈlaɪəbl]
adj. 1 可靠的 2 真实可信的
例 I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television. 我一直认为印刷媒体比电视传播更准确、更可靠。
0562 heal [hiːl]
v. 治愈,痊愈
例 Ankle injuries heal quickly if you stop regular activities for a while. 脚踝受伤很快就会痊愈,只要你暂时停止常规活动一段时间。
0563 palm [pɑːm]
n. 手掌
例 I’ll never buy a product because of how ergonomically the bottle fits into the palm of my hand. 我绝不会因为瓶子符合人体工程学贴合掌心这样的理由去购买一件商品。
0564 escape [ɪˈskeɪp]
v. / n. 逃脱,逃避
例 Teenagers love computer games because they help users to escape reality. 青少年热爱电脑游戏,因为游戏能帮助他们逃避现实。
0565 evidence [ˈevɪdəns]
n. 证据
例 Physical activity does the body good, and there’s growing evidence that it helps the brain too.体育锻炼对身体有好处,并且有越来越多的证据表明它对大脑也有好处。
0566 billboard [ˈbɪlbɔːd]
n. 广告牌
例 As the number of eyeballs glued to tiny screens multiplies, so too does the mobile phone’s value as a pocket billboard. 随着长时间使用小、微屏幕人数的大幅增长,手机作为袖珍广告牌的价值也与日俱增。
0567 exist [ɪgˈzɪst]
v. 存在
例 Given the sheer number of stars that exist it’s a mathematical certainty that there is life on other planets. 鉴于有大量星球存在,从数学的理论上来说,也肯定会有其他行星上面存在生命。
0568 existence [ɪgˈzɪstəns]
n. 存在
例 All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence. 当与自身努力生存相冲突时,大国之间的所有条约就不再具有约束力。
0569 advertise [ˈædvətaɪz]
v. (为…)做广告;公布,征聘
例 It is forbidden to advertise alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events. 禁止在体育赛事上做烟酒广告。
0570 advertiser [ˈædvətaɪzə]
n. 广告商
例 Newspapers provide a way for advertisers to communicate a longer, more detailed message to their audience than they can through television. 与电视相比,报纸这种途径能让广告商向其受众传达更长、更详细的信息。
0571 advertisement [ædˈvɜːtɪsmənt]
n. 广告,启事
例 They put an advertisement in the Morning News, offering a high salary for the right person.他们在《新闻晨报》上刊登了一则启事,出高薪聘请合适的人选。
0572 physically [ˈfɪzɪkli]
adv. 身体上
例 Shopping requires that you physically move from one place to another, be able to handle money, make decisions, etc. 购物需要你有足够的体力到处跑,有能力处理金钱和做出决定,等等。
0573 congratulate [kənˈgrætʃʊleɪt]
v. 1 祝贺 2 (为成就)感到高兴
例 Why does the author congratulate his male readers at the beginning of the passage? 为什么作者在段落的开头祝贺他的男性读者们?
0574 update [ʌpˈdeɪt]/
v. 更新
n. 新进展
例 The report provides a brief update on the progress of the project. 这份报告对项目的最新进展做了简要汇报。
0575 diet [ˈdaɪət]
v. 节食
n. 日常饮食
例 Proactive people tend to focus their attention on things over which they have some degree of influence, such as their job, their diet, and exercise. 积极主动的人倾向于将他们的注意力放在他们可以影响的事情上,比如他们的工作、他们的饮食和锻炼。
0576 dietary [ˈdaɪətri]
adj. 饮食的
n. 规定的食物
例 The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen. 那名医生严格执行一套饮食养生制度。
0577 billion [ˈbɪljən]
n. 十亿
例 The world’s population is estimated to grow from six to nine billion by 2050. 预计到2050年,世界人口将从60亿增长到90亿。
0578 apology [əˈpɒlədʒi]
n. 道歉
例 You can use your apology to show you understand the effect of your actions. 你可以通过道歉来表明你明白自己的行为给别人带来了影响。
0579 grateful [ˈɡreɪtfʊl]
adj. 感激的,感恩的
例 Grateful people do not deny or ignore the negative aspects of life. 感恩的人并不会否认或者忽略生活的消极方面。