Lesson 11
Answers to the Questions
V. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A
1.They encourage too many breakups and have bad effects on the financial conditions of divorced women and their children.
2.Because such contracts would require men and women to assume responsibilities for the main terms of their marriage and its breakup, and make a long-term commitment to each other more secure. People won't have to worry that their relationship would be easily abrogated when they have financial or health problems, or when one of them tires of the other, or meets someone else.
3.Because even couples who want to allow easy access to divorce would be better off if they agreed on custody of children and other terms of a breakup before, rather than after, they get involved in an acrimonious divorce battle. The desirable next big step would be to allow couples to adjust the conditions of marriage and divorce to meet their own circumstances and desires.
4.Marriage contracts would not simply be additions to divorce laws, for they would essentially replace those laws.
5.Marriage contracts would not prevent couples from falling out of love and might not greatly cut the divorce rate. However, they would allow spouses to make a greater commitment to each other than under present no-fault divorce laws, and they would force all couples to address the consequences of a breakup before rather than afterwards.
I. Issue of marriage contracts (Paragraphs 1-2)
(1) Social conservatives' suggestion: substitution of compul-sory marriage contracts for no-fault divorce laws
(2) Benefits of compulsory marriage contracts
II. Problem with the marriage contract and the solution (Para-graph 3)
Problems: Creating the impression that the couple are not in love or contemplate a short-term relation
Solutions to the problem: Signing the contract before marriage and making it compulsory
III. Argument for marriage contracts (Paragraphs 4-10)
(1) Grim reality about prospect of marriages
High divorce rate
(2) Contracts'benefits
Making divorce a difficult option and a long-term commitment more secure
(3) Louisiana's example
a. Covenant marriage law
b. Effects of the law: making divorce more difficult and making divorced couple feel better
(4) Nature of marriage contracts
a. Replacement of divorce law; Cutting back the govern-ment's role
b. Confining legislation's role
c. Allowing the couple to make allegations of the terms when circumstances and attitudes change
IV. Conclusion
The best legal arrangement (Paragraph 11)