Gathering Kudzu
Oh, the kudzu vines are long and green,
And th’ king’s hate and sorrow are deep and keen.
He tastes th’ gall bladder, taking pain for joy;
At his word we gather hemp for decoy.
We weavers keep working hard day and night;
Of hunger and fatigue we all make light.
E’en thin gauze our kudzu cloth does outshine;
Nam’d “chisu”, as a gift it’s nice and fine.
Our captive king the cloth does greatly please,
And an amnesty th’ Wu’s monarch decrees.
Th’ scepter regain’d, Yue’s restor’d as a state;
The lief enlarg’d , Yue’s subjects feel elate.
Our king will surely sweep th’ trouble away,
For up hill and down dale we’ll with him stay!