Lessen Seventeen
Key phrases & Expressions 关键短语和表达方式:
fall down 跌倒,摔倒在地,掉下来
familiar with 熟悉,通晓,与人亲密
far from 完全相反,远非如此
feed(常用befed)up with 极度厌恶,吃得过饱
Can I put my bag in the overhead compartment?
——Well,it's too big.I'm afraid,it might fall down and hurt somebody.Could you place it under the seat in front of you,please?
Stop mopping the floor,my contact lenses fell down from my hand.I don't know if I can find it.
——Don't worry.Let's look for it together.
Sophia stepped on a piece of soap in the washroom and fell down this morning.
——Jesus!She's pregnant.Was she hurt?
My family and I will be travelling to America,and since health care is so expensive there,we don't want to leave anything to risk.
——That's very wise of you.Are you familiar with our different medical insurance policies?Which one would you like to choose?
I arrived here the day before yesterday,so I'm not familiar with the city.My friends suggested me taking bus for a city tour,but I worried about traffic jam,that's why I decided to take the subway.
——Be easy,there's not so much traffic jam in London.You may choose the bus to go out next time.
I have been very familiar with the supermarket.But when it comes to do shopping on line.I feel it's unbelievable.
——In fact,just as its name implies,shopping on line is to buy things in the E-supermarket.
We're arriving at the tollgate in a moment.
——That's to say,we'll also arrive at our destination.I'm told,it's not far from the tollgate.
But how about the prices drop?
——According to the law of value,the price won't be far from the good's actual value,even the prices drop,it will bounce back later.
I have already have four,very promising,prospects being explored.The samples from two of them have shown very high grades.
——That's good news.Are they very far from here?
Because I'm so fed up with the campus travel office right now,I'll try anything else.
——When I buy airline tickets,I always just do it on line.That’ s very easy.
I tell you,I'm really fed up with the people in my bank.They are such a suspicious lot.
——Come on,that's their job,isn't it?As saying goes,better safe than sorry.
Sorry,it's just that the other guys in the dorm are really fed up with all your smoke and they're also worried about the effects of passive smoking.
——Tell you what;if you cut down on your visitors,then I'll cut down on my smoking.Is it a deal?
Notes to the text 课文注释:
overhead compartment头顶上的行李舱;to hurt打伤;contact lens隐形眼镜片;to step on踩到;soap肥皂;pregnant怀孕;healthcare保健;to leave anything to risk不能冒险;medical insurance policy医保险种;city tour市内游;be easy放心吧;just as its name implies顾名思义;to imply暗示,隐含;E-supermarket网上超市;tollgate收费站;destination目的地;price drop价格下跌;according to the law of value按照价值规侓;the price won't be far from the good's actual value价格不会比商品的实际价值相差太远;to bounce back弹回来;I already have four very promising prospects being explored我已经探测出四块很有希望的矿藏;prospect有希望,勘探;to explore探测;high grade高品位;campus travel office校园旅行社;they are such a suspicious lot他们是一帮疑心病很重的家伙(这里的lot指一帮人或物);as saying goes俗话说;better safe than sorry小心不出大错;dorm学生宿舍;effects of passive smoking吸二手烟产生的效应(危害在);tell you what这么说吧;if you cut down on your visitors如果你的访客减少一点的话
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
我昨天才到达这个城市。我对它一点也不熟悉,我的朋友建议我搭乘公共汽车游览,但是我担心交通堵塞,我选择搭乘地铁。这个城市具有完善的地铁网,你可以乘地铁到达城市的所有旅游景点(hot spots)。我的朋友告诉我,搭地铁你无法欣赏沿路的景色(scenery)。他说,“这城市有许多绿道(green way),你可以骑自行车游览,那样,你才能够真正了解这座城市。”对呀,今天我会试一试。
我的办公室里有一位经理喜欢在办公室抽烟,所有的同事对他抽烟都很烦(to be fed up with)。许多女孩子担心这种被动吸烟的副作用(side effects)。当他抽烟的时候,她们都躲(to hide to)到会议室去喝咖啡。那天,老板找那位老兄谈话,要求他不要在办公室抽烟。老板说,“你一抽烟,大家都不愿意在办公室工作。”那位经理最后说,如果大家减少(to cut down on)喝咖啡,他就减少抽烟。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
Taxis play an important role in(起重要作用)public transportation systems in most cities in the world.This kind of service does not have regular schedule(固定的时间安排)so as to meet the needs of some individuals.In some cities,you get a taxi by hailing(招手)it in the street or at a cabstand(出租车站).In other cities,a taxi is ordered by phone.If you are not familiar with a city,taxis are an extremely convenient way for you to get around.There are also limousines(出租交通车),they are privately owned(私人拥有)and are often hired for special occasions or for business purposes.Fees can be calculated(计算)in the hour or by the distance traveled.
I started my blog(博客)when I came to UK to study here,because when I left China there were so many people asking me to write to them all about life and study in UK.So this way everyone gets to hear all of the stories and I only have to tell them once.There isn't an special theme(主题),I just post(公布,贴出)when I have something to say that I think is interesting or funny.So I've posted about what life in UK is like,or stories from the times when I've traveled to different places.I posted much more often when I first got here,but now I've been in UK for almost a year,being here doesn't feel like some crazy adventure(冒险,奇遇,经历),it just feels like my life.