Buster's got a popper gun,
A reg'lar one that shoots,
And Teddy's got an engine
With a whistler that toots.
But I've got something finer yet —
A pair of rubber boots.
Oh, it's boots, boots, boots,
A pair of rubber boots!
I could walk from here to China
In a pair of rubber boots.

[NOTES] This rhyme is about the toys that boys have.Every child wants to be number one. In other words, they want to be the best. Children will say their toy is better than other toys so they can be the best. Buster thinks his gun is best. Teddy thinks his train engine is best. The boy in the rhyme has not got a toy so he says that his boots are better than any toy. He says they are best because he can walk to China in them.
popper gun—toy gun
engine—front of a train
wh istler—someone who makes a sound with air between their teeth
toots—sound that the train makes