Animal documentary has become one of the most popular genres among all kinds of documentaries. The values on ecology and life it contains play active and significant roles in the living and development of human beings. Based on the theories of film studies, communication studies and audio-visual aesthetics, and by applying the methods of cultural philosophy, anthropology, social biology and ethics, the present report focuses on exploring human beings' views on animals in animal documentary, and the history, development and construction of morals in animal documentary so as to analyze the rules and characteristics in regard to its originality and transmission. This research consists of the following parts: 1. the changes of views on animals in Modern Philosophy; 2. the images of animals in documentary; 3. the ethics in animal documentary; 4. the analysis of the manufacturing mode of animal documentary; 5. in the fifth and the sixth parts, the present writer chooses BBC Wild China and Old Partner as case studies to summarize the experiences gained from the processes of originality, production and transmission of animal documentary.
Keywords: Animal Theme; Documentary; Ethics; Originality;Transmission