第2章 缩略语与参考文献
EFI 《经济自由与干预主义文集》(Economic Freedom and Interventi-onism:An Anthology of Articles and Essays)
Ed. Bettina Bien-Greaves.Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.:The Foundation for Economic Education,1990.
EP 《经济政策:思想》(Economic Policy:Thought for Today and Tomorrow)
South Bend, Ind.:Regnery/Gateway,1979.
EPE 《经济学的认识论问题》(Epistemological Problems of Economics)
Princeton:Van Nostrand,1960.
HA 《人的行动》(Human Action:A Treatise on Economics)
New Haven:Yale University Press,1949.
HASS 《奥地利学派经济学的历史背景》(The Historical Setting of the Austrian School of Economics)
New Rochelle, N. Y.:Arlington House,1969.
LCT 《古典传统中的自由主义》(Liberalism in the Classical Tradition)
San Francisco:Foundation for Economic Eduction and Cobden Press,1985.
NR 《笔记和回忆》(Notes and Recollections)
South HollandIII.:Liber-tarian Press,1978.
MMC 《论货币与信用的操控》(On the Manipulation of Money and Credit)
N. Y.:Free Market Books,1978.
MMMP 《货币、方法与市场过程》(Money, Method and the Market Process:Essays by Ludwig von Mises)
Auburn, Ala.:Praxeology Press of the Ludwig von Mises Institute;Norwell, Mass.:Kluwer Academic Publisher,1990.
MYWM 《我与米塞斯在一起的岁月》(My Years with Ludwig von Mises)
New Rochelle, N. Y.:Arlington House,1976.
S 《社会主义:经济与社会学分析》(Socialism:An Economic and Sociological Analysis)
London:Jonathan Cape,1936.
TH 《理论与历史:对社会与经济演变的解释》(Theory and History:An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution)
New Haven:Yale University Press,1957.
TMC 《货币与信用理论》(The Theory of Money and Credit)
London:Jonathan Cape,1934.
UFES 《经济科学的最终基础:一篇关于方法的论文》(Ultimate Foun-dation of Economic Science, The Essay on Method)
Princeton:Van Nostrand,1962.