
In China, a Writer Finds a Deep Well

By Tom Shone 译/ 刘志良


2012年10月11日,莫言成为第一个获诺贝尔文学奖的中国作家。在近三十年的写作生涯中,莫言出版了十多部长篇小说、一百多部中短篇小说,近五百万字的内容涉及中国的各种社会形态,塑造出了形态各异的各类人物。他通过一个个匪夷所思的黑色幽默故事,近乎赤裸地展现了乡村生活风貌和残酷的现实世界。对于人类社会以及人性当中的丑陋与残酷, 莫言在作品中从不避讳和粉饰,正如他自己所说:“只有正视人类之恶,只有认识到自我之丑,只有描写了人类不可克服的弱点和病态人格导致的悲惨命运,才是真正的悲剧,才可能具有‘拷问灵魂’的深度和力度,才是真正的大悲悯。”

In his brilliantly realistic and darkly funny short story Shifu, You'11 Do Anything for a Laugh, Mo Yan, the winner of this year's Nobel Prize for Literature, portrays a model worker, a shifu, or craftsman, from northeast China who is laid off at the factory where he has one month to go before his retirement. After using up all of his money getting medical treatment, the devastated man, Ding Shikou, or Ten Mouth Ding, discovers the shell of an abandoned bus near a cemetery at the edge of a lake.

Ding had just before noted that you have to pay to enter the public toilets in his city, which, a friend tells him, is all right since otherwise "lower-class people like us would never have the privilege of relieving ourselves in such a high-class place," and this gives him the brilliant idea of transforming the abandoned bus into a little love nest, charging young couples in heat and no place to go hourly rates for its use.

The story, like most of Mr. Mo's work, is reminiscent reminiscent [ˌremɪˈnɪs(ə)nt] adj. 使人想起……的 of a comment once made by the Soviet writer Vladimir Voinovich Vladimir Voinovich:弗拉基米尔·弗因诺维奇(1932~),讽刺作家,苏联最具颠覆性的作家之一 that in his country "reality and satire are the same." In his half dozen or so novels and story collections, the prolific prolific [prəˈlɪfɪk] adj. 多产的;众多的, fanciful, unrestrained, sometimes outrageous Mr. Mo has created a universe full of earthy and craggy craggy [ˈkræɡi] adj. 粗犷的 characters all of whom are battered batter [ˈbætə(r)] vt. 重创;连续打击, bruised bruise [bruːz] vt. 挫伤;伤害(感情等); almost crushed by the undignified outrages of ordinary life.

Or, as Mr. Mo himself succinctly succinctly [səkˈsɪŋktli] adv. 简洁地 described his Buddhist-like frame of reference, speaking at a Sino-American cultural conference in Berkeley, Calif., last year, "As long as humans live, there is pain." But, describing his literary philosophy, he added, "I think most readers would prefer to read humorous sentences about a painful life."


Humorous is one way to describe Mo Yan's sentences, and no doubt a certain amused amused [əˈmjuːzd] adj. 被逗笑的;愉快的 distance makes it easier to take in take in:接受;理解;了解 his mostly rural Chinese universe, its unfairness, its casual violence, its stench stench [stentʃ] n. 臭气;恶臭, its tragedies, its Kafkaesque Kafkaesque [ˌkæfkəˈesk] adj. 卡夫卡风格的。弗兰兹·卡夫卡(Franz Kafka, 1883~1924),奥地利小说家,其作品大都用变形荒诞的形象和象征直觉的手法表现被充满敌意的社会环境所包围的孤立、绝望的个人,代表作为《变形记》(Metamorphosis)。 frustrations. But one senses, as with Mr. Voinovich, a caustic fury lurking just beneath the surface of his stories of ordinary Chinese lives. Most of them lived where Mr. Mo himself grew up, in northern Shandong Province, where, as he put it in a preface to one collection, "the people struggled to keep death from the door, with little to eat and rags for clothes."

Mr. Mo, daring as he is and devastating devastating [ˈdevəˌsteɪtɪŋ] adj. 辛辣的;犀利的 as his close, concrete examination of real conditions may be, is not a dissident. And yet Mr. Mo doesn't hold back hold back:隐瞒;犹豫不决 when it comes to the Chinese bureaucracy, its petty privileges and his characters’ confrontations with it.

In Shifu, You'11 Do Anything for a Laugh (the title story of its collection), the city's vice mayor for industry shows up at the gate of Ding's factory driving a black Audi. When, in a gesture of false sympathy, he holds out his hand, Ding, who gets around in "a 1960s black and obstinate, clunky Grand Defense bicycle," notes its "softness ... like dough." When Ding goes to the municipal office, responding to the vice mayor's invitation to come see him any time, he is thrown into the street by a nasty guard at the gate.

But this battle between little people and capricious capricious [kəˈprɪʃəs] adj. 变化无常的;(态度或行为)反复无常的 authority does not fully capture Mr. Mo's books—not his first novel, Red Sorghum (made into a movie by Zhang Yimou), nor his more recent Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out:《生死疲劳》,莫言写于2005年的一部长篇小说。在小说中,一个被冤杀的地主经历了六道轮回,变成驴、牛、猪、狗、猴,最后终于又转生为一个带着先天性不可治愈疾病的大头婴儿,这个大头婴儿滔滔不绝地讲述着他之前经历的种种悲欢离合。, which a New York Times reviewer called "wildly visionary and creative."


These novels are very different. As Mr. Mo's adroit translator Howard Goldblatt Howard Goldblatt:霍华德·戈德布拉特(1939~),中文名为葛浩文,美国著名的翻译家,现今英文世界地位最高的中国文学翻译家,已将莫言的十多部作品译成英文。 put it in an e-mail: "If you like Poe Poe:指埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe, 1809~1849),美国诗人,侦探小说的鼻祖,科幻小说先驱之一,恐怖小说大师, you'11 love the forthcoming Sandalwood Death Sandalwood Death:《檀香刑》,莫言用五年时间完成的一部长篇小说。在这部小说中,莫言以1900年德国人在山东修建胶济铁路、八国联军攻陷北京以及慈禧仓皇出逃为历史背景,讲述了发生在“高密东北乡”的一场兵荒马乱的运动、一桩骇人听闻的酷刑和一段惊心动魄的爱情。; if you're more Rabelaisian Rabelaisian:拉伯雷式文风的,拉伯雷式粗野幽默和尖刻讽刺的。弗朗索瓦·拉伯雷(Francois Rabelais, 1493?~1553)是欧洲文艺复兴时期重要的人文主义作家之一,代表作为长篇小说《巨人传》(Gargantua and Pantagruel)。, The Republic of Wine The Republic of Wine:《酒国》,莫言写于1989~1992年的一部讽刺小说。小说借助“酒”这种饮料描绘了中国的官场百态,抨击了官场的腐败。 will appeal, and if you're fond of a fabulist fabulist [ˈfæbjulist] n. 寓言家的, I recommend Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out."

But at the center of all of Mr. Mo's work to date are the characters themselves, the very flavorful, raunchy raunchy [ˈrɔːntʃi] adj. 邋遢的, violence-prone, cruel, obstinately individualistic, all-too-human people who, in the end, get a bit of consolation, even some tattered remnants of victory, in the ingenious facts of their survival. Contrary to the title of the story of Ten Mouth Ding, they won't do anything for a laugh, but a little laughter is just about all they expect.









