Abstract: With the successful convening of the 18 thCPC National Congress,China has entered into New Normal,and the world economy continues in in-depth adjustment. How to build up a well-off society in a comprehensive way and to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has become a major historical task that our party is facing with in the new period. Base on Xi's deep insight into the world development trend and the laws and current situation of China's economic and social development,President Xi Jinping puts forward“the Belt and Road”strategy in a timely manner,which received a positive response and support at home and abroad,especially in neighboring countries. Considering the fact that the essence of“the Belt and Road”is just only one kind of international connectivity,and the effective implementation of any connectivity must meet the development needs of domestic connectivity. Therefore,carrying out strategic research of domestic connectivity is particularly necessary. Hence,this pa per,following the logic order of starting from outside to inside and from theory to practice,presents innovative research on the characteristics of external relations,internal structure,basic aspects of our development practices and other aspects. In addition,this paper proposes a set of new research ideas. In terms of the characteristics of external relations,this paper mainly analyzes their similarity and differences with the international connectivity,the historical background and influence factors. In terms of the basic interior structure,this paper mainly conducts research on the risks of its implementation,the motivation for implementation,approaches for implementation,subject,attitudes and strategies of implementation,and makes the appropriate illustrations based on the facts of China's development. In the aspect of China's development practices,this paper divides China's economic development model into three basic types through review the development process since the establishment of People's Republic of China.This paper also summarizes the main features of the implementation subject in six aspects,and proposes countermeasure policy-making suggestions in eight aspects which seriously lack studies. The suggestions include how to make domestic connectivity strategies and its implementation plan,how to improve domestic connectivity of infrastructures and how to build up evaluation system for domestic connectivity at different levels.
随着2013年9月7日习近平总书记出访哈萨克斯坦时提出“丝绸之路经济带”重大倡议和2013年10月3日出访印度尼西亚时提出“海上丝绸之路”重大倡议,“一带一路”重大战略构想特别是其主要特征“互联互通”,作为新时期中国对外发展战略开始逐渐被国内外所熟知。2014年11月8日,习总书记在京主持召开了“加强互联互通伙伴关系”东道主伙伴对话会,并发表了《联通引领发展 伙伴聚焦合作》的主题演讲。但是,由于互联互通主要起源于1951年4月18日的法德煤钢联营和2010年10月28日的《东盟互联互通总体规划》等经济外交领域,所以人们不可避免会存在不同程度的认识误区,以为互联互通只存在于不同国家(或地区)之间,殊不知它还存在于一个国家(或地区)内部,并且占据非常重要的主导地位。为了全面准确把握中国和周边国家之间互联互通,并继续抓紧分步推进和落实,也为了及时、客观、有效地正确看待和继续推进国内互联互通,现根据本课题要求和主要安排,仅对中国国内互联互通问题进行初步研究,以期引起有关专家、学者和政府部门等必要重视。