第13章 Lesson 12 The King of the Jungle
One day, a fox was walking in the jungle. Suddenly, a tiger jumped on the fox. The fox cried out "I am the King of the Jungle. How dare you try to hurt me!"
The tiger looked at him. He was very surprised. "You are not the King of the Jungle. You are just a fox."
"I am the King," said the fox. "All the animals are afraid of me! Come with me and I'll show you."
The tiger followed the fox. They came upon a herd of deer. When the deer saw the tiger behind the fox, they ran away in fright. Then the fox and the tiger came to some monkeys. The monkeys saw the tiger behind the fox, and they also ran away.
The fox turned to the tiger. "You see how the animals run away when they see me?"
"You are truly the King of the Jungle," said the tiger. He bowed low and let the fox run proudly away.
I. Word List
afraid: scared
herd: a large group of animals
bow: to lower one's head as a show of respect
II. Answer the following questions with a partner.
1. Do you think the fox is really King of the Jungle? Why or why not?
2. How did the fox trick the tiger?
3. Would you rather be a fox or a tiger? Why?
4. Which animal is King of the Jungle? Why?
5. What is your favourite animal? Why?
III. Who did it? Tell which animal(s) did the following things.
1. _________: jumped on the fox
2. _________: said "I am the King of the Jungle."
3. _________: ran away in fright
4. _________: ran proudly away
IV. True or False—Write T (true) or F (false) for these sentences.
___ 1. The deer chased the fox.
___ 2. The tiger was surprised by the fox.
___ 3. Monkeys are King of the Jungle.
___ 4. The fox bowed to the tiger.
___ 5. The tiger hurt the fox.