第4章 Lesson 4 The Impact of the Roman Arch
An arch is a curved, symmetrical structure that usually spans an opening and is usually made of stone, brick, or concrete. They are usually made of wedge-shaped blocks and a wood frame supports them during construction. In architecture, the arch is usually associated with the Romans, but actually it was started by the Egyptians and Greeks. What the Romans did, however, was figure out how it could support a lot of weight.
The important Roman innovation was actually the invention of concrete. They mixed lime and volcanic sand to make a strong, durable material that dries into a solid and is capable of supporting a tremendous amount of weight. Using this technology, the Romans were able to build massive structures like temples and aqueducts. Other cultures soon began adopting this method, and many examples of the arch can be seen in ancient buildings in both Eastern and Western Europe. Later, the Romans combined arches to create new kinds of ceilings called vaults and domes.
Today Rome's contribution to world architecture can be seen in many places — Chartres in France, the Taj Mahal in India, and the Capitol Building in Washington DC, for example.
I. Word List
symmetrical: the same on both sides
innovation: an important discovery
durable: lasting for a long time
II. What's the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the reading.
1. After the invention of c _ _ _ _ _ _ _, arches could support a lot of weight.
2. Concrete was partly made of volcanic s _ _ _.
3. There are examples of arches in many a _ _ _ _ _ buildings.
4. After arches, the Romans invented vaults and d _ _ _ _.
5. The Taj Mahal is a famous building in I _ _ _ _.
III. True or False—Read these sentences carefully. Write T (true) or F (false) for each one.
___ 1. The first people to build arches were the Romans.
___ 2. The Greeks invented concrete.
___ 3. The Roman arch has been copied in many countries.
___ 4. The original Roman arch could support a lot of weight.
___ 5. Most arches are made of wood.
IV. Wrong Sentences—each sentence contains a mistake. Correct each mistake.
1. A glass frame supports arches during construction.__________
2. Chartres is a building in Italy.__________
3. The Egyptians invented concrete.__________
4. The dome was invented before the arch.__________
5. Concrete is weak and durable.__________