美国经典语文课本:McGuffey Readers:Book2(英文原版+同步导学版)



nine mousie fro frolic

bit slipped spied crow

teeth pearl used

1. Once there was a little kitty,

White as the snow;

In a barn he used to frolic,

Long time ago.

2. In the barn a little mousie

Ran to and fro;

For she heard the little kitty,

Long time ago.

3. Two black eyes had little kitty,

Black as a crow;

And they spied the little mousie,

Long time ago.

4. Four soft paws had little kitty,

Paws soft as snow;

And they caught the little mousie,

Long time ago.

5. Nine pearl teeth had little kitty,

All in a row;

And they bit the little mousie,

Long time ago.

6. When the teeth bit little mousie,

Mousie cried out “Oh! ”

But she slipped away from kitty,

Long time ago.


A. Sound Work—Unscramble the words into one of your list words.

plipeds _ _ _ _ _ _ _

lerpa _ _ _ _ _

depis _ _ _ _ _

cilofr _ _ _ _ _ _

orf _ _ _

tbi _ _ _

siemou _ _ _ _ _ _ _

B. Word Work—Find the rhyming word from your poem that match your list words and write them on the line.

fro ____________

crow ____________

spied ____________

C. Sentence Work—Find the list word that:

1. is 7 letters and has double “p” in it _____________________

2. begins with “f” and rhymes with ago _____________________

3. is 5 letters and has double “e” in it _____________________

4. begins with “b” and has 3 letters _____________________

5. begins with “m” _____________________

D. Slate work—Copy the stanzas from the poem onto the lines provided. Underline the list words.

1. Once there was a little kitty, White as the snow;

In a barn he used to frolic, Long time ago.


2. In the barn a little mousie Ran to and fro;

For she heard the little kitty, Long time ago.


3. Two black eyes had little kitty, Black as a crow;

And they spied the little mousie, Long time ago.


4. Four soft paws had little kitty, Paws soft as snow;

And they caught the little mousie, Long time ago.


5. Nine pearl teeth had little kitty, All in a row;

And they bit the little mousie, Long time ago.


6. When the teeth bit little mousie, Mousie cried out “Oh! ”

But she slipped away from kitty, Long time ago.
