"No,miss.I will be with you in a moment."
I wish I could say that he went back to calm his pulses,which the dangerous music of Miss Mayfield's voice had set to throbbing,by a few moments'calm and dispassionate reflection.But he only returned to brush his curls out of his eyes and ears,and to button over his blue flannel shirt a white linen collar,which he thought might better harmonize with Miss Mayfield's attire.
She was sitting on the staircase,poking her parasol through the balusters."You need not have taken that trouble,Mr.Jeff,"she said pleasantly."YOU are a part of this mountain picture at all times;but I am obliged to think of dress.""It was no trouble,miss."
Something in the tone of his voice made her look in his face as she rose.It was a trifle paler,and a little older.The result,doubtless,thought Miss Mayfield,of his yesterday's experience with the deputy-sheriff.
Such was her rapid deduction.Nevertheless,after the fashion of her sex,she immediately began to argue from quite another hypothesis.
"You are angry with me,Mr.Jeff."
"What,I--Miss Mayfield?"
"Miss Mayfield!"
"Oh yes,you are.Don't deny it?"
"Upon my soul--"
"Yes!You give me punishments and--penances!"Jeff opened his blue eyes on his tormentor.Could Aunt Sally have been saying anything?
"If anybody,Miss Mayfield--"he began.
"Nobody but you.Look here!"
She extended her little hand with a smile.In the centre of her palm lay four shining double B SHOT.
"There!I found those in my slipper this morning!"Jeff was speechless.
"Of course YOU did it!Of course it was YOU who found my slipper!"said Miss Mayfield,laughing."But why did you put shot in it,Mr.
Jeff?In some Catholic countries,when people have done wrong,the priests make them do penance by walking with peas in their shoes!
What have I ever done to you?And why SHOT?They're ever so much harder than peas."Seeing only the mischievous,laughing face before him,and the open palm containing the damning evidence of the broken Eley's cartridge,Jeff stammered out the truth.
"I found the slipper in the bear-skin,Miss Mayfield.I put it in my trunk to keep,thinking yer wouldn't miss it,and it's being a kind of remembrance after you're gone away--of--of the night you came here.Somebody moved the trunk in my room,"and he hung his head here."The things inside all got mixed up.""And that made you change your mind about keeping it?"said Miss Mayfield,still smiling.
"What was it,then?"
"I gave it back to you,Miss Mayfield,because I was going away.""Indeed!Where?"
"I'm going to find another location.Maybe you've noticed,"he continued,falling back into his old apologetic manner in spite of his pride of resolution--"maybe you've noticed that this place here has no advantages for a hotel.""I had not,indeed.I have been very comfortable.""Thank you,miss."
"When do you go?"
For all his pride and fixed purpose he could not help looking eagerly in her face.Miss Mayfield's eyes met his pleasantly and quietly.
"I'm sorry to part with you so soon,"she said,as she stepped back a pace or two with folded hands."Of course every moment of your time now is occupied.You must not think of wasting it on me."But Jeff had recovered his sad composure."I'd like to go with you,Miss Mayfield.It's the last time,you know,"he added simply.
Miss Mayfield did not reply.It was a tacit assent,however,although she moved somewhat stiffly at his side as they walked towards the door.Quite convinced that Jeff's resolution came from his pecuniary troubles,Miss Mayfield was wondering if she had not better assure him of his security from further annoyance from Dodd.
Wonderful complexity of female intellect!she was a little hurt at his ingratitude to her for a kindness he could not possibly have known.Miss Mayfield felt that in some way she was unjustly treated.How many of our miserable sex,incapable of divination,have been crushed under that unreasonable feminine reproof,"You ought to have known!"The afternoon sun was indeed shining brightly as they stepped out before the bleak angle of the "Half-way House";but it failed to mitigate the habitually practical austerity of the mountain breeze--a fact which Miss Mayfield had never before noticed.The house was certainly bleak and exposed;the site by no means a poetical one.She wondered if she had not put a romance into it,and perhaps even into the man beside her,which did not belong to either.It was a moment of dangerous doubt.
"I don't know but that you're right,Mr.Jeff,"she said finally,as they faced the hill,and began the ascent together."This place is a little queer,and bleak,and--unattractive.""Yes,miss,"said Jeff,with direct simplicity,"I've always wondered what you saw in it to make you content to stay,when it would be so much prettier,and more suitable for you at the 'Summit.'"Miss Mayfield bit her lip,and was silent.After a few moments'climbing she said,almost pettishly,"Where is this famous 'Summit'?"Jeff stopped.They had reached the top of the hill.He pointed across an olive-green chasm to a higher level,where,basking in the declining sun,clustered the long rambling outbuildings around the white blinking facade of the "Summit House."Framed in pines and hemlocks,tender with soft gray shadows,and nestling beyond a foreground of cultivated slope,it was a charming rustic picture.
Miss Mayfield's quick eye took in its details.Her quick intellect took in something else.She had seated herself on the road-bank,and,clasping her knees between her locked fingers,she suddenly looked up at Jeff."What possessed you to come half-way up a mountain,instead of going on to the top?""Poverty,miss!"