AFTER the fight was ended Sir Henry and Good were carried into Twala's hut,where I joined them.They were both utterly exhausted by exertion and loss of blood,and,indeed,my own condition was little better.I am very wiry,and can stand more fatigue than most men,probably on account of my light weight and long training;but that night I was fairly done up,and,as is always the case with me when exhausted,that old wound the lion gave me began to pain me.Also my.head was aching violently from the blow I had received in the morning,when I was knocked senseless.Altogether,a more miserable trio than we were that evening it would have been difficult to discover;and our only comfort lay in the reflection that we were exceedingly fortunate to be there to feel miserable,instead of being stretched dead upon the plain,as so many thousands of brave men were that night,who had risen well and strong in the morning.Somehow,with the assistance of the beautiful Foulata,who,since we had been the means of saving her life,had constituted herself our handmaiden,and especially Good's,we managed to get off the chain shirts,which had certainly saved the lives of two of us that day,when we found that the flesh underneath was terribly bruised,for though the steel links had prevented the weapons from entering,they had not prevented them from bruising.Both Sir Henry and Good were a mass of bruises,and I was by no means free.As a remedy Foulata brought us some pounded green leaves with an aromatic odor,which,when applied as a plaster,gave us considerable relief.But though the bruises were painful,they did not give us such anxiety as Sir Henry's and Good's wounds.
Good had a hole right through the fleshy part of his "beautiful white leg,"from which he had lost a great deal of blood;and Sir Henry had a deep cut over the jaw,inflicted by Twala's battle-axe.Luckily Good was a very decent surgeon,and as soon as his small box of medicines was forthcoming,he,having thoroughly cleansed the wounds,managed to stitch up first Sir Henry's and then his own pretty satisfactorily,considering the imperfect light given by the primitive Kukuana lamp in the hut.Afterwards he plentifully smeared the wounds with some antiseptic ointment,of which there was a pot in the little box,and we covered them with the remains of a pocket-handkerchief which we possessed.
Meanwhile Foulata had prepared us some strong broth,for we were too weary to eat.This we swallowed,and then threw ourselves down on the piles of magnificent karosses,or fur rags,which were scattered about the dead king's great hut.By a very strange instance of the irony of fate,it was on Twala's own couch,and wrapped in Twala's own particular kaross,that Sir Henry,the man who had slain him,slept that night.
I say slept;but after that day's work sleep was indeed difficult.
To begin with,in very truth the air was full "Of farewells to the dying And mournings for the dead."From every direction came the sound of the wailing of women whose husbands,sons,and brothers had perished in the fight.No wonder that they wailed,for over twenty thousand men,or nearly a third of the Kukuana army,had been destroyed in that awful struggle.It was heart-rending to lie and listen to their cries for those who would never return;and it made one realize the full horror of the work done that day to further man's ambition.
Towards midnight,however,the ceaseless crying of the women grew less frequent,till at length the silence was only broken at intervals of a few minutes by a long,piercing howl that came from a hut in our immediate rear,and which I afterwards discovered proceeded from Gagool wailing for the dead king,Twala.
After that I got a little fitful sleep,only to awake from time to time with a start,thinking that I was once more an actor in the terrible events of the last twenty-four hours.Now I seemed to see that warrior,whom my hand had sent to his last account,charging at me on the mountain-top;now I was once more in that glorious ring of Grays,which made its immortal stand against all Twala's regiments,upon the little mound;and now again I saw Twala's plumed and gory head roll past my feet with gnashing teeth and glaring eye.At last,somehow or other,the night passed away;but when dawn broke I found that my companions had slept no better than myself.
Good,indeed,was in a high fever,and very soon afterwards began to grow light-headed,and also,to my alarm,to spit blood,the result,no doubt,of some internal injury inflicted by the desperate efforts made by the Kukuana warrior on the previous day to get his big spear through the chain armor.Sir Henry,however,seemed pretty fresh,notwithstanding the wound on his face,which made eating difficult and laughter an impossibility,though he was so sore and stiff that he could scarcely stir.
About eight o'clock we had a visit from Infadoos,who seemed but little the worse -tough old warrior that he was for his exertions on the previous day,though he informed us he had been up all night.He was delighted to see us,though much grieved at Good's condition,and shook hands cordially;but I noticed that he addressed Sir Henry with a kind of reverence,as though he were something more than man;and indeed,as we afterwards found out,the great Englishman was looked on throughout Kukuanaland as a supernatural being.No man,the soldiers said,could have fought as he fought,or could,at the end of a day of such toil and bloodshed,have slain Twala,who,in addition to being the king,was supposed to be the strongest warrior in Kukuanaland,in single combat,sheering through his bull-neck at a stroke.