第18章 BOOK I(14)
Then spake Igraine and said,I am a woman and I may not fight,but rather than I should be dishonoured,there would some good man take my quarrel.More,she said,Merlin knoweth well,and ye Sir Ulfius,how King Uther came to me in the Castle of Tintagil in the likeness of my lord,that was dead three hours to-fore,and thereby gat a child that night upon me.And after the thirteenth day King Uther wedded me,and by his commandment when the child was born it was delivered unto Merlin and nourished by him,and so I saw the child never after,nor wot not what is his name,for I knew him never yet.And there,Ulfius said to the queen,Merlin is more to blame than ye.Well I wot,said the queen,I bare a child by my lord King Uther,but I wot not where he is become.Then Merlin took the king by the hand,saying,This is your mother.And therewith Sir Ector bare witness how he nourished him by Uther's commandment.And therewith King Arthur took his mother,Queen Igraine,in his arms and kissed her,and either wept upon other.And then the king let make a feast that lasted eight days.
Then on a day there came in the court a squire on horseback,leading a knight before him wounded to the death,and told him how there was a knight in the forest had reared up a pavilion by a well,and hath slain my master,a good knight,his name was Miles;wherefore I beseech you that my master may be buried,and that some knight may revenge my master's death.Then the noise was great of that knight's death in the court,and every man said his advice.Then came Griflet that was but a squire,and he was but young,of the age of the king Arthur,so he besought the king for all his service that he had done him to give the order of knighthood.
How Griflet was made knight,and jousted with a knight THOU art full young and tender of age,said Arthur,for to take so high an order on thee.Sir,said Griflet,I beseech you make me knight.Sir,said Merlin,it were great pity to lose Griflet,for he will be a passing good man when he is of age,abiding with you the term of his life.And if he adventure his body with yonder knight at the fountain,it is in great peril if ever he come again,for he is one of the best knights of the world,and the strongest man of arms.Well,said Arthur.So at the desire of Griflet the king made him knight.Now,said Arthur unto Sir Griflet,sith I have made you knight thou must give me a gift.
What ye will,said Griflet.Thou shalt promise me by the faith of thy body,when thou hast jousted with the knight at the fountain,whether it fall ye be on foot or on horseback,that right so ye shall come again unto me without making any more debate.I will promise you,said Griflet,as you desire.Then took Griflet his horse in great haste,and dressed his shield and took a spear in his hand,and so he rode a great wallop till he came to the fountain,and thereby he saw a rich pavilion,and thereby under a cloth stood a fair horse well saddled and bridled,and on a tree a shield of divers colours and a great spear.Then Griflet smote on the shield with the butt of his spear,that the shield fell down to the ground.With that the knight came out of the pavilion,and said,Fair knight,why smote ye down my shield?For I will joust with you,said Griflet.It is better ye do not,said the knight,for ye are but young,and late made knight,and your might is nothing to mine.As for that,said Griflet,I will joust with you.That is me loath,said the knight,but sith I must needs,I will dress me thereto.
Of whence be ye?said the knight.Sir,I am of Arthur's court.
So the two knights ran together that Griflet's spear all to-shivered;and there withal he smote Griflet through the shield and the left side,and brake the spear that the truncheon stuck in his body,that horse and knight fell down.
How twelve knights came from Rome and asked truage for this land of Arthur,and how Arthur fought with a knight.
WHEN the knight saw him lie so on the ground,he alighted,and was passing heavy,for he weened he had slain him,and then he unlaced his helm and gat him wind,and so with the truncheon he set him on his horse,and so betook him to God,and said he had a mighty heart,and if he might live he would prove a passing good knight.And so Sir Griflet rode to the court,where great dole was made for him.But through good leeches he was healed and saved.Right so came into the court twelve knights,and were aged men,and they came from the Emperor of Rome,and they asked of Arthur truage for this realm,other else the emperor would destroy him and his land.Well,said King Arthur,ye are messengers,therefore ye may say what ye will,other else ye should die therefore.But this is mine answer:I owe the emperor no truage,nor none will I hold him,but on a fair field I shall give him my truage that shall be with a sharp spear,or else with a sharp sword,and that shall not be long,by my father's soul,Uther Pendragon.And therewith the messengers departed passingly wroth,and King Arthur as wroth,for in evil time came they then;for the king was passingly wroth for the hurt of Sir Griflet.
And so he commanded a privy man of his chamber that or it be day his best horse and armour,with all that longeth unto his person,be without the city or to-morrow day.Right so or to-morrow day he met with his man and his horse,and so mounted up and dressed his shield and took his spear,and bade his chamberlain tarry there till he came again.And so Arthur rode a soft pace till it was day,and then was he ware of three churls chasing Merlin,and would have slain him.Then the king rode unto them,and bade them:Flee,churls!then were they afeard when they saw a knight,and fled.O Merlin,said Arthur,here hadst thou been slain for all thy crafts had I not been.Nay,said Merlin,not so,for I could save myself an I would;and thou art more near thy death than I am,for thou goest to the deathward,an God be not thy friend.