Dedicated to our Spouses
Barbara L. Swanson
“You and me babe!”
Danielle Michael
“Whatcha doin’ later?”
List of Figures
1.1 General Method of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
2.1 Alternative Paradigms for Research in Organizations
3.1 General Method of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
3.2 Growth Cycle of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
4.1 Conceptualize Phase of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
4.2 Four Processes for Conceptual Development
4.3 Tools for Starting a Theory-Building Project
4.5 Steps in the Conceptualize Phase of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
5.1 Operationalize Phase of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
5.2 Theoretical Foundations of Performance Improvement
5.3 Steps in the Operationalize Phase of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
6.1 Confirm Phase of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
6.4 Mixed Methods Concurrent Research Design
6.5 Steps in the Confirm Phase of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
7.1 Apply Phase of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines.
7.2 Steps in the Apply Phase of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
8.1 Refine Phase of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
8.2 Steps in the Refine Phase of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines
8.3 Steps Within All Phases of the Theory Building in Applied Disciplines Method
9.1 Watkins and Marsick’s Dimensions of the Learning Organization
9.2 Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire Studies
9.3 Frequency of Dimensions of the Learning Organization and Related Variables
10.1 Inquiry Studies Examining Chermack’s Theory of Scenario Planning
11.1 Theory in Applied Disciplines Status Assessment Tool
11.2 Learning Organization Theory Status Assessment
11.3 Scenario-Planning Theory Status Assessment
12.1 General Method of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines