Yang Zongyou was born in June 5th, 1961, Now, he is working as a chief reporter journaIist. He joined the army on December 30th, 1978. In the march of 1981, he engaged in reporting news in the army. In 1984, transferred to civiIian work in the coIIective, he became a news secretary in the department of pubIicity of China RaiIway 18th Bureau. Later, in May of 1997, he was transferred to Xinhua News Agency Tianjin branch, becoming a press-photographer. On ApriI 30th, 2010 he became a press-photographer in Xinhua News Agency Yunnan branch. In more than 30- year news report, Yang Zongyou has won many prizes, incIuding the second prize of China News Award and GoIden Lens Award of China Press Photo.