Section 14 Discussing 商量
在《小鬼当家4》(Home Alone 4)中,凯文的爸爸和妈妈离婚了,爸爸和一位新女友搬到了新家。下面是圣诞夜凯文和妈妈的对话。
discuss with 与……谈论/商量
Can' t we? 行吗?
not sure 不是很确定
terribly sorry 非常抱歉
How does tomorrow sound? 明天怎么样?
Why not do it now? 为什么不现在就做呢?
Will Friday do? 周五行吗?
Would four o' clock be all right? 4点钟行吗?
Wouldn' t it be easier if we just took a taxi? 我们要是乘出租车会不会更顺利些?
How about the whole week? 整整一周怎样?
If I were you, I' d apply for that position. 如果我是你的话,我就申请那个职位。
Let' s go to watch the fireworks tonight. 今晚我们去看焰火吧。
talk over something with somebody 和某人商量某事
confer with somebody on something 和某人商谈某事
have a conference with 与……协商
discuss something with 与……讨论……
consult with somebody 与……商议
I have something to confess. 我有事要坦白。
Task 1 Now watch a video for the first time and answer questions 1~2.
1. Why does the little boy feel Christmas will not be any fun?
A) Because his mother will not spend the Christmas with him.
B) Because it is boring to be with his friends on Christmas.
C) Because his father does not spend the Christmas with him.
D) Because he can' t put cookies and milk out for Santa.
2. Which of the following statements is true?
A) The boy feels sad because his father doesn' t love him any more.
B) The boy feels sad because he can' t sing Christmas carols with his family.
C) The father has left the home because of the boy.
D) The boy hopes that his father and mother can get back together.
Task 2 Now watch the video twice and complete the sentences with the words or phrases you have just heard.
1. Of course it will. Honey, we' re gonna do____________________we' ve always done.
2. Why can' t you just____________________together?
3. Honey, we' re just gonna have to____________________.
4. It means some things are just____________________. I know you miss your dad.
5. That' s not easy to explain. But, uh, sometimes when…people are married for a long time, they____________________kind of a rut. You know what a rut is?
Mother: Last Christmas, huh?
Son: Yeah. This Christmas isn' t gonna be any fun.
Mother: Of course, it will. Honey, we' re gonna do all the same things we' ve always done. Sing Christmas carols; be with family and friends… Put cookies and milk out for Santa. It' s gonna be just the same.
Son: Except this year… no Dad.
Mother: Right. That' s the one thing that' s different.
Son: Why can' t you just get back together?
Mother: Honey, we' re just gonna have to let that go.
Son: That' s a no, right?
Mother: It means some things are just out of our control. I know you miss your dad.
Son: And he loves me very much. You both do, and it has nothing to do with me.
Mother: Did he tell you that?
Son: I' m nine years old. I watch a lot of TV. Did he leave because of me?
Mother: No. Of course not.
Son: I knew it. It was Buzz and Megan.
Mother: Oh, it wasn' t anyone… or any one thing.
Son: Then what was it?
Mother: That' s not easy to explain. But, uh, sometimes when…people are married for a long time, they get into kind of a rut. You know what a rut is?
Son: Yeah. Like, when people aren' t having any fun…and they' re really bored.
Mother: Kind of like that. Now, will you come downstairs? When you' re ready.
Task 1 1. C 2. D
Task 2 1. all the same things
2. get back
3. let that go
4. out of our control
5. get into