"It is gallantly said,my noble friend,"said Montrose,grasping his hand,"and I were worse than a coward did I not do justice to such followers,by entertaining the most indubitable hopes of success.We will turn back on this M'Callum More,who follows us like a raven to devour the relics of our army,should we meet braver men who may be able to break its strength!Let the Chiefs and leaders be called together as quickly as possible;and you,who have brought us the first news of this joyful event,--for such it shall be,--you,M'Ilduy,shall bring it to a joyful issue,by guiding us the best and nearest road against our enemy."
"That will I willingly do,"said M'Ilduy;"if I have shown you paths by which to retreat through these dusky wilds,with far more readiness will I teach you how to advance against your foe."
A general bustle now prevailed,and the leaders were everywhere startled from the rude couches on which they had sought temporary repose.
"I never thought,"said Major Dalgetty,when summoned up from a handful of rugged heather roots,"to have parted from a bed as hard as a stable-broom with such bad will;but,indubitably,having but one man of military experience in his army,his Excellency the Marquis may be vindicated in putting him upon hard duty."
So saying,he repaired to the council,where,notwithstanding his pedantry,Montrose seemed always to listen to him with considerable attention;partly because the Major really possessed military knowledge and experience,and often made suggestions which were found of advantage,and partly because it relieved the General from the necessity of deferring entirely to the opinion of the Highland Chiefs,and gave him additional ground for disputing it when it was not agreeable to his own.On the present occasion,Dalgetty joyfully acquiesced in the proposal of marching back and confronting Argyle,which he compared to the valiant resolution of the great Gustavus,who moved against the Duke of Bavaria,and enriched his troops by the plunder of that fertile country,although menaced from the northward by the large army which Wallenstein had assembled in Bohemia.
The Chiefs of Glengarry,Keppoch,and Lochiel,whose clans,equal in courage and military fame to any in the Highlands,lay within the neighbourhood of the scene of action,dispatched the fiery cross through their vassals,to summon every one who could bear arms to meet the King's lieutenant,and to join the standards of their respective Chiefs,as they marched towards Inverlochy.As the order was emphatically given,it was speedily and willingly obeyed.Their natural love of war,their zeal for the royal cause,--for they viewed the King in the light of a chief whom his clansmen had deserted,--as well as their implicit obedience to their own patriarch,drew in to Montrose's army not only all in the neighbourhood who were able to bear arms,but some who,in age at least,might have been esteemed past the use of them.
During the next day's march,which,being directed straight through the mountains of Lochaber,was unsuspected by the enemy,his forces were augmented by handfuls of men issuing from each glen,and ranging themselves under the banners of their respective Chiefs.This was a circumstance highly inspiriting to the rest of the army,who,by the time they approached the enemy,found their strength increased considerably more than one-fourth,as had been prophesied by the valiant leader of the Camerons.
While Montrose executed this counter-march,Argyle had,at the head of his gallant army,advanced up the southern side of Loch-Eil,and reached the river Lochy,which combines that lake with Loch-Lochy.The ancient Castle of Inverlochy,once,as it is said,a royal fortress,and still,although dismantled,a place of some strength and consideration,offered convenient head-quarters,and there was ample room for Argyle's army to encamp around him in the valley,where the Lochy joins Loch-Eil.
Several barges had attended,loaded with provisions,so that they were in every respect as well accommodated as such an army wished or expected to be.Argyle,in council with Auchenbreck and Ardenvohr,expressed his full confidence that Montrose was now on the brink of destruction;that his troops must gradually diminish as he moved eastward through such uncouth paths;that if he went westward,he must encounter Urrie and Baillie;if northward,fall into the hands of Seaforth;or should he choose any halting-place,he would expose himself to be attacked by three armies at once.
"I cannot rejoice in the prospect,my lord,"said Auchebreck,"that James Grahame will be crushed with little assistance of ours.He has left a heavy account in Argyleshire against him,and I long to reckon with him drop of blood for drop of blood.I love not the payment of such debts by third hands."
"You are too scrupulous,"said Argyle;"what signifies it by whose hands the blood of the Grahames is spilt?It is time that of the sons of Diarmid should cease to flow.--What say you,Ardenvohr?"
"I say,my lord,"replied Sir Duncan,"that I think Auchenbreck will be gratified,and will himself have a personal opportunity of settling accounts with Montrose for his depredations.Reports have reached our outposts that the Camerons are assembling their full strength on the skirts of Ben-Nevis;this must be to join the advance of Montrose,and not to cover his retreat."
"It must be some scheme of harassing and depredation,"said Argyle,"devised by the inveterate malignity of M'Ilduy,which he terms loyalty.They can intend no more than an attack on our outposts,or some annoyance to to-morrow's march."
"I have sent out scouts,"said Sir Duncan,"in every direction,to procure intelligence;and we must soon hear whether they really do assemble any force,upon what point,or with what purpose."