"Well, sir, that galoot just turns his back and walks off stiff, without a word, after all my trying to be agreeable! I didn't know what to make of it.That night I finds a note from Summers, who'd been away from town, giving the address of his camp.I goes up to his house and has a good, old-time talk with his folks.And I tells Summers about the actions of this coyote in the caffy, and desires interpretation.
"'Oh,' says Summers, 'he wasn't intending to strike up a conversation with you.That's just the New York style.He'd seen you was a regular customer and he spoke a word or two just to show you he appreciated your custom.You oughtn't to have followed it up.That's about as far as we care to go with a stranger.A word or so about the weather may be ventured, but we don't generally make it the basis of an acquaintance.'
"'Billy,' says I, 'the weather and its ramifications is a solemn subject with me.Meteorology is one of my sore points.No man can open up the question of temperature or humidity or the glad sunshine with me, and then turn tail on it without its leading to a falling barometer.I'm going down to see that man again and give him a lesson in the art of continuous conversation.You say New York etiquette allows him two words and no answer.Well, he's going to turn himself into a weather bureau and finish what he begun with me, besides indulging in neighbourly remarks on other subjects.'
"Summers talked agin it, but I was irritated some and I went on the street car back to that caffy.
"The same fellow was there yet, walking round in a sort of back corral where there was tables and chairs.A few people was sitting around having drinks and sneering at one another.
"I called that man to one side and herded him into a corner.I unbuttoned enough to show him a thirty-eight I carried stuck under my vest.
"'Pardner,' I says, 'a brief space ago I was in here and you seized the opportunity to say it was a nice day.When I attempted to corroborate your weather signal, you turned your back and walked off.Now,' says I, 'you frog-hearted, language-shy, stiff-necked cross between a Spitzbergen sea cook and a muzzled oyster, you resume where you left off in your discourse on the weather.'
"The fellow looks at me and tries to grin, but he sees I don't and he comes around serious.
"'Well,' says he, eyeing the handle of my gun, 'it was rather a nice day;some warmish, though.'
"'Particulars, you mealy-mouthed snoozer,' I says -- 'let's have the specifications -- expatiate -- fill in the outlines.When you start anything with me in short-hand it's bound to turn out a storm signal.'
"'Looked like rain yesterday,' says the man, 'but it cleared off fine in the forenoon.I hear the farmers are needing rain right badly up-State.'
"'That's the kind of a canter,' says I.'Shake the New York dust off your hoofs and be a real agreeable kind of a centaur.You broke the ice, you know, and we're getting better acquainted every minute.Seems to me Iasked you about your family?'
"'They're all well, thanks,' says he.'We -- we have a new piano.'
"'Now you're coming it,' I says.'This cold reserve is breaking up at last.That little touch about the piano almost makes us brothers.What's the youngest kid's name?' I asks him.
"'Thomas,' says he.'He's just getting well from the measles.'
"'I feel like I'd known you always,' says I.'Now there was just one more -- are you doing right well with the caffy, now?'
"'Pretty well,' he says.'I'm putting away a little money.'
"'Glad to hear it,' says I.'Now go back to your work and get civilized.
Keep your hands off the weather unless you're ready to follow it up in a personal manner, It's a subject that naturally belongs to sociability and the forming of new ties, and I hate to see it handed out in small change in a town like this.'
"So the next day I rolls up my blankets and hits the trail away from New York City."For many minutes after Bud ceased talking we lingered around the fire, and then all hands began to disperse for bed.
As I was unrolling my bedding I heard the pinkish-haired young man saying to Bud, with something like anxiety in his voice:
"As I say, Mr.Kingsbury, there is something really beautiful about this night.The delightful breeze and the bright stars and the clear air unite in making it wonderfully attractive.""Yes," said Bud, "it's a nice night."