"The _Afyo Maie_ has sent me to watch over you till she summons you," he announced clearly."There is to be a--feast.You, _Larree_, you Goodwin, are to come.I remain here with--Olaf.""No harm to him!" broke in O'Keefe sharply.Rador touched his heart, his eyes.
"By the Ancient Ones, and by my love for you, and by what you twain did before the Shining One--I swear it!" he whispered.
Rador clapped palms; a soldier came round the path, in his grip a long flat box of polished wood.The green dwarf took it, dismissed him, threw open the lid.
"Here is your apparel for the feast, _Larree_," he said, point-ing to the contents.
O'Keefe stared, reached down and drew out a white, shim-mering, softly metallic, long-sleeved tunic, a broad, silvery girdle, leg swathings of the same argent material, and san-dals that seemed to be cut out from silver.He made a quick gesture of angry dissent.
"Nay, _Larree_!" muttered the dwarf."Wear them--I coun-sel it--I pray it--ask me not why," he went on swiftly, look-ing again at the globe.
O'Keefe, as I, was impressed by his earnestness.The dwarf made a curiously expressive pleading gesture.O'Keefe abruptly took the garments; passed into the room of the foun-tain.
"The Shining One dances not again?" I asked.
"No," he said."No"--he hesitate--"it is the usual feast that follows the sacrament! Lugur--and Double Tongue, who came with you, will be there," he added slowly.
"Lugur--" I gasped in astonishment."After what hap-pened--he will be there?"
"Perhaps because of what happened, Goodwin, my friend," he answered--his eyes again full of malice; "and there will be others--friends of Yolara--friends of Lugur--and perhaps another"--his voice was almost inaudible--"one whom they have not called--" He halted, half-fear-fully, glancing at the globe; put finger to lips and spread himself out upon one of the couches.
"Strike up the band"--came O'Keefe's voice--"here comes the hero!"He strode into the room.I am bound to say that the ad-miration in Rador's eyes was reflected in my own, and even, if involuntarily, in Olaf's.
"A son of Siyana!" whispered Rador.
He knelt, took from his girdle-pouch a silk-wrapped something, unwound it--and, still kneeling, drew out a slen-der poniard of gleaming white metal, hilted with the blue stones; he thrust it into O'Keefe's girdle; then gave him again the rare salute.
"Come," he ordered and took us to the head of the path-way.
"Now," he said grimly, "let the Silent Ones show their power--if they still have it!"And with this strange benediction, be turned back.
"For God's sake, Larry," I urged as we approached the house of the priestess, "you'll be careful!"He nodded--but I saw with a little deadly pang of ap-prehension in my heart a puzzled, lurking doubt within his eyes.
As we ascended the serpent steps Marakinoff appeared.
He gave a signal to our guards--and I wondered what in-fluence the Russian had attained, for promptly, without question, they drew aside.At me he smiled amiably.
"Have you found your friends yet?" he went on--and now I sensed something deeply sinister in him."No! It is too bad! Well, don't give up hope." He turned to O'Keefe.
"Lieutenant, I would like to speak to you--alone!""I've no secrets from Goodwin," answered O'Keefe.
"So?" queried Marakinoff, suavely.He bent, whispered to Larry.
The Irishman started, eyed him with a certain shocked in-credulity, then turned to me.
"Just a minute, Doc!" he said, and I caught the suspicion of a wink.They drew aside, out of ear-shot.The Russian talked rapidly.Larry was all attention.Marakinoff's earnest-ness became intense; O'Keefe interrupted--appeared to question.Marakinoff glanced at me and as his gaze shifted from O'Keefe, I saw a flame of rage and horror blaze up in the latter's eyes.At last the Irishman appeared to consider gravely; nodded as though he had arrived at some decision, and Marakinoff thrust his hand to him.
And only I could have noticed Larry's shrinking, his microscopic hesitation before he took it, and his involuntary movement, as though to shake off something unclean, when the clasp had ended.
Marakinoff, without another look at me, turned and went quickly within.The guards took their places.I looked at Larry inquiringly.
"Don't ask a thing now, Doc!" he said tensely."Wait till we get home.But we've got to get damned busy and quick --I'll tell you that now--"