In any grave crisis of mental or physical affairs, wherein nations, and not individuals, are concerned, the tablets may be used as a celestial scheme of the heavens, thus: Cast a figure of the heavens for the Sun's first entry into the sign Aries at the vernal equinox, calculated for the meridian of the capital city of the country under consideration.Degrees and minutes are not wanted.Then place the twelve tablets in place of signs, exactly as they would occur in an astrological figure.Then place the rulers of the Sun, Moon and planets therein (each having its own tablet), as they are found to be situated in an ephemeris for the time of the figure.This done, study the whole from a spiritual standpoint as the causes and ultimates of the crisis, according to astro laws.
The foregoing simple directions will, I think, be sufficiently plain for all purposes, never forgetting that this holy study is not a system of divination, as commonly understood, but of Divine revelation, in itshighest and most holy religious sense.Long study and most reverent meditation will be required to master this mystery, and many errors of judgment will occur to the beginner.
The interpretative reflections are added for the purpose of guiding and guarding the spiritually untrained seer from possible error in fundamental conceptions only.They must not by any means be taken as a complete revelation of the tablets, but only as a series of skeleton keys by means of which all things may be revealed to the earnest seeker thereof.To have added more than is given would only be to defeat the object of this work.Each seeker for the truth must excavate the mines of knowledge, and dig further into this universal well of truth for himself.
Remember that all interpretation will be personal to each student.Of no one can it be affirmed, "thou hast said," and so endeth the matter.Not so.To each, according to his talent, shall the mysteries of the kingdom be revealed, to every one according to his humility, spiritual light, and merit.But from the arrogant, the selfish, and spiritually proud, shall all things be taken away, and truth shroud herself in the veil of delusion.In simplicity of mind, then, and purity of soul, approach the Holy of Holies."Suffer little children to come unto Me," saith a messenger of the Most High, "for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Verily, therefore, I say unto you, that not until you can look upon all the works of Nature--beauty in her nakedness or vice and crime in their repulsiveness, with pure thought and holy feeling, can you inherit eternal life.
Here endeth the introduction to the book which is called "The Tablets of Aeth."PART I
Here beginneth Chapter I of the Book which is called "The Tablets of Aeth," wherein is transcribed the First Quadrant of the Twelve Mansions.
"I sent my soul through the invisible, Some lesson of that after life to spell; And by and by my soul returned to me And answered, 'I, myself, am Heaven and Hell.' ""The moving finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on; nor all your piety nor wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a line , Nor all your tearswash out a word of it." TABLET THE FIRST
A deep blue Sky, a blaze, as if something were about to rise.IREFLECTION TABLET THE FIRST
The blush of dawn of a new life, all nature quivering with the sense of coming, conscious life; Isis, vibrant with love of the coming child, her bosom flushed in expectation of the little son soon to breathe on her yearning breast.
In this we trace the great lesson of preparation, of sending the light before the form, of the prophecy before the fulfillment.Dawn must precede sunrise.What you expect will be your destiny.
It is the longing of centuries that incarnates a god, a real Sun-God, whose vibrant love-life can thrill other lives into prayer--aspiration, the struggle for eternal life.The dawn represents the expectant maternity of Nature--God.
O child of Adam! See that thou expecteth much, and that thy aspirations are reflected in thy outward life.
A red sun on the horizon of an inky sea.IIREFLECTION
Nature has shown forth her glory, as brought forth by young Horus, but her creative force is still unreflected.The sea is black and inky.The Son of God is born, but the sea of human life still remains unconscious, in primeval darkness.
The angles of the Sun and the sea are not yet in right relation to each other.A few, standing on the watch-towers of life, seeing the red glow ofthe risen sun, call "Look!" But the unfortunate ones in the outer darkness cry, as they beat their breasts; "No! There is no light! You do but dream!" And yet the Sun of Life has risen--the Divine light glows.
O child of Adam! Remember that "In Him was life, and life was the light of man, and the light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not."TABLET THE THIRD
Two stars are rising at angles to each other and to the Polar star, while eight stars shine faintly in the black space of background.
The Divine symbol of soul-matehood is here signified in the two stars rising in the foreground; not only the soul-affinities of humanity, but the eternal father-mother forces manifested in the biune spirit of universal life and nature, the two great creative powers, Life and Light, whose harmony creates love, attraction and repulsion, and the straight lines of law and justice, which blend in the spiral of mercy.