A Forgotten Empire-Vijayanagar


How the Ydallcao came against Rachol,and did not dare to await the King,and fled.

At this time the Ydallcao collected his army and formed afresh his forces of cavalry and elephants,and marched upon Rachol which remained under the king of Bisnaga.Hearing this news,Crisnarao,without even telling any one,ordered to saddle a horse,and he rode at full speed in the direction of Rachol where already the Ydallcao was;but as soon as his enemy was aware of the coming of the King he fled.On the road King Crisnarao bought six hundred horses from the Portuguese at the rate of 43/4for 1000pardaos.[578]And from Rachol he sent a message to the Ydallcao saying that he had already twice broken his oath and his word,and that as he had not fulfilled the promise he had made he would make war on him in such fashion as that by force he should become his vassal,and that he would not let him alone till he had taken from him Billgao.[579]

As the winter had now begun the King could not then go forward,and so he went to Bisnaga to make ready for this war;and he commanded to prepare a large force of artillery,and sent an ambassador to Goa to ask for the help of the Governor.He promised him that after taking Billgao he would give him the mainland;for this city of Billgao is fifteen leagues from Goa,and its captain is lord of the mainland of Goa.Goa is the frontier or boundary of his city of Billgao,and there is one of his captains at a fortress called Pomda which is three leagues from Goa by the mainland,who also receives the revenues and has command over several villages;and in like manner these and others have captains appointed by the Ydalcao,who is lord of the whole land.[580]

While Crisnarao was thus making ready he presently fell sick of the same illness of which all his ancestors had died,with pains in the groin,of which die all the kings of Bisnaga.